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Generic Name: Propranolol for Benign Essential Tremor (propranolol)

Propranolol for Benign Essential Tremor Reviews

Inderal (propranolol) "I started experiencing severe tremors as a side effect of other meds. At first, I could not brush my teeth, then I had problems typing, next I could not feed myself or even hold a cup of coffee, finally I had bouts of tremors so bad that I could not even walk. I finally ended up seeing a neurologist who, once he saw the problem and the severity, immediately prescribed Inderal. Within a week, virtually all of my tremors had stopped and I was immensely relieved. I experienced no side effects at all. I have been on them for 7 years now and I only slightly shake if I get really tired or drink too much coffee. All in all, I would highly recommend this medication for anyone with severe tremors."

"I have been taking propranolol for 15 years as a beta blocker for my blood pressure. Then I found out they are also good for my tremors and my anxiety. I take anywhere from 40-80 mg a day. They are the best. I will never go off of them, and I had no side effects at all. Right now I am out of them, and I am going crazy since my meds are shipped, and they are running a month behind. I am 79 years young and I definitely know when I don't have them. I can't hold a bottle of water or go out to dinner."

"This is a miracle for my essential tremor. It effectively mitigates the tremors in all parts of the body. It used to be debilitating to face stressful situations at work or socially, as my 'shakes' would rear their ugly head in my voice and in any movement. Afterwards, the nervousness is still there, but the tremor is gone. 40mg 2x daily."

Inderal (propranolol) "My tremors were getting worse and worse so I went to my doctor. She thought I had Parkinson's and referred me to a neurologist. The appointment came through about 4 months later. The neurologist diagnosed essential tremor and prescribed half Inderal 80g once a day. After taking the meds, I felt so much better. I still get the shakes, but nowhere near as bad. My muscles are stiff though, and it's causing me problems walking far, and my neck and shoulders hurt too. I'll have to ask whether Inderal is the cause at my next appointment. All in all, it's been great. I especially notice the difference when cooking or eating a meal or drinking from a glass. I don't spill as much now, and it's less embarrassing when in a restaurant."

"Been dealing with Essential Tremor for several years, and finally talked to my doctor about it. Started propranolol a week ago and within a day or so, the tremors were all but gone, and I've noticed no side effects at all. I could barely write my name before, now I'm rock steady. No more embarrassing tremors!"

"Have been taking Inderal LA for years for Essential Tremor. Originally started on immediate-release tablets (40mg, Twice Daily) and switched to long-acting (120mg, Once Daily). Stops tremor of hands, voice, neck. Without taking medication, tremor can be felt through abdomen and into legs."

"I have taken Propranolol to treat Benign Essential Tremors for over 20 years now. I finally saw my PCP when not only my hands would shake but, under stressful situations, my head began shaking. He prescribed 40mg once daily. Twenty-some years later, I am still on the same dose - though I am just beginning to realize I need to increase the dose as the tremors are rearing their ugly heads again on occasion. The only side effect I am aware of is that I had less energy and, in the beginning, I recall a weight gain of about 20 lbs. If memory is affected adversely, I don't recall. Haha!"

Inderal (propranolol) "I have benign tremors and hypertension. I was taking one Inderal LA 60mg daily for the hypertension. I went to a neurologist about the tremors, and he asked my cardiologist to change me to one in the morning and two at night. That was about 5 years ago. It has been a great help for the tremors, and my blood pressure is awesome! For example, 120/75. Now, after so long, I have developed a tolerance. My doctors think more per day will make my blood pressure too low. If I am really diligent about taking it, the tremors are minimal."

"My son takes 20 mg per day to help with the tremor in his hands. It really works well for him. Doesn’t go a day without it. Also, my husband uses 40-60 mg for speaking in public, it helps tremendously for his anxiety when giving speeches. Highly recommend."

"Been taking propranolol for a week for essential tremors. I have found that the shaking in my head, hand, and leg has gotten worse. I'm taking 40 mg 3 times a day. I have been cold, feeling dizzy, really tired, sick. I have had pain in my leg and lower back. I didn't feel this bad before I started taking them. Can anyone help?"

"My tremors in my right hand were getting so bad I could hardly write my name. Stress would make the tremors even worse. Within 1 day of starting 80mg Propranolol, the tremors had disappeared. It has been a huge benefit to my quality of life. I have been taking it daily for 6 months now, and the tremors are now very minor in the worst case, such as extreme stress."

"I'm a 30-year-old nurse who shakes. It's a benign familial essential tremor, my Gram (grandmother) has the same shaking of her hands. We both take propranolol. I take 60 mg ER (extended release). I've been on this for approximately six months and worked up to this dose from 10 mg twice daily. Works great. No side effects (and I'm only 125 pounds), no more shaking."

Inderal (propranolol) "I had struggled with Benign Essential Tremor for about 7 years (post-trauma), with shaky hands, stuttered speech, etc. For years, I was given Valium or Xanax to treat it. In an effort to make a career change, I asked my doctor to find a non-narcotic solution. In short, after seeing a neurologist, I was prescribed propranolol and I'm free of almost all symptoms with fewer side effects and the negative stigma of being prescribed a benzo."

Inderal (propranolol) "I have had good luck with this medicine, but as I age, it appears to be less effective. Or it may be that my tremors are getting worse and the dosage needs to be increased. I have tried an increase in the medication and have become very sluggish. All in all, it is working rather well, and the cost is low."

"Propranolol is a miracle for me. Not only does it stop my tremor, which had made writing almost impossible, but it also is the medicine of choice for my Premature Atrial Contraction which caused heart palpitations. I'm only on 80 mg, but it's enough to allow me to do my work and write neat enough to be read. My dad who is 75 is on a higher dose and his tremor is quite noticeable even with the medicine. I'm not looking forward to getting older with this tremor."

"I have been taking 80 mg of propranolol once a day and 250 mg of Primidone 3 times a day for 6 months now, for my tremors (benign essential tremor). I can write my name and drink a cup of coffee successfully now."

Inderal (propranolol) "Inderal LA is very effective. I have bad tremors and have seen a neurologist and family physician. Starting dosage is low then works up. I take Inderal LA 160 mg once daily. Sometimes during the day I must also take a Xanax once or twice to help. But by far, the Inderal was the most effective drug I have ever taken for tremors."

"After 3 months of hell with my doctor thinking I needed SSRIs to stop anxiety tremors... Neurologist diagnosed Benign Essential Tremor (BET). If one has BET, SSRIs only make tremors much worse! It is telling your brain to do two different things with serotonin. I began 40 mg/twice a day of propranolol, and the tremors stopped. I have taken the same dosage for 3 years now and will never give it up. I do have breakthrough tremors of hands at times, in which I take 0.25 mg of Xanax when needed. I also take two BP meds (never at the same time as propranolol). I watch for the dizziness and BP dropping. My BP is always low now."

Inderal (propranolol) "It worked great in the beginning, but within a few months lost its effectiveness, and I needed more and more to get the same effect. I also felt like I was addicted to it. It was the first thing I went for in the morning."

Inderal (propranolol) "Have had a tremor most of my life. Was diagnosed in my late teens and put on 60 mg Inderal LA. Immediate improvement, only real side effect has been a bit of drowsiness, so I always take it at night. I have tried the generics because Inderal has gotten so expensive, especially. The generics just don't work as well, it has to do with the bioavailability, which is part of what sets a brand-name drug apart from generics, even though they might share the same chemical name. Regardless, I have started buying from Canada. Only downside is that you have to buy a 90-day supply, but it costs the same as generic with a discount coupon. I turned 50 this past year, and it just doesn't work quite as well, but I knew it would happen. Considering whether or not to try Neurontin..."

Inderal (propranolol) "My doctor had me on a regular dose of Inderal, and Valium as a backup if needed. This was working fine. When I went in for my annual visit and said everything was as usual, no better but no worse, she changed me to primidone. I am on my 3rd month of this and feel like a basket case. Vertigo, stomach problems, vision problems, memory problems."

"I have been using propranolol for a few years for essential tremor (right hand), taking 20 mg twice a day, however, shortness of breath and fatigue are now an issue, and I am wondering if the shakes are worth dealing with versus shortness of breath and fatigue. I have read that taking the pills at different times of the day makes some changes, which is something I may try. I do quite a bit of presentation work, and I find it does help with anxiety and the stress of getting in front of people, but I am now questioning the side effects as well as weight gain. I walk three miles a day, and believe me, it is hard breathing, but I am on the fence about which is the more questionable condition: shaking or difficulty breathing with fatigue. What to do?"

Inderal (propranolol) "March 22, 2017 - I took Inderal from October to December 2016 for hand tremors (never helped). I was prescribed 40 mg, but one month later, I complained of side effects and was prescribed 10 mg. While I was on it, I experienced major fatigue (especially with the higher dosage), I was constantly freezing, I just was not myself. I don't know when the short-term memory loss started, but it is horrible, and while taking Inderal on the lower dosage, I experienced an episode of what I think was acute psychosis. I read that acute psychosis and short-term memory loss could be temporary or forever. I'm very scared. I want my memory back, and I'm afraid for my life and others' lives."

Inderal (propranolol) "Propranolol has given me the best tremor control with the least amount of side effects. I tried 4 other medications before my new neurologist suggested this. It's changed my life. No need to increase after 6 months. Some orthostatic hypotension has been a problem, but it seems to be due to mixing this with other medications required for my other health issues."

"This medicine has completely changed my life. I am basically tremor-free and have been on the medicine for over six years now. My shaking was completely uncontrollable prior to the medicine, and I can definitely tell within half a day if I forget to take it. Lately, I am noticing dizziness and lightheadedness. I normally have low blood pressure and am wondering if it has dropped too low now."

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  • Drug class: group II antiarrhythmics
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Patient resources

  • Propranolol drug information
  • Propranolol (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Propranolol Injection
  • Propranolol Sustained-Release Capsules
  • Propranolol Tablets

Other brands

Inderal, Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL

Professional resources

  • Propranolol monograph
  • Propranolol (FDA)
  • Propranolol Injection (FDA)
  • Propranolol Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Propranolol Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Inderal, Inderal LA, Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Akathisia
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Angina