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Generic Name: Prozac for Depression (fluoxetine)

Prozac for Depression Reviews

"Even though I always said I was never going to post anything on this webpage because I was 'not depressive', I kinda feel that I have to give back and I really really hope that someone gets to read this and gives a try. Not to the pill itself, but to your own person and finally start living and not just surviving. It's not such a big deal, I promise. Diabetics get insulin from other sources outside the body, it is kinda the same for you, you just need a little more of your serotonin and voilà. My only regret is having wasted and missed so many things because of my pride against antidepressants and self-pity attitude. Hang in there, you got this. ONE YEAR AGO I WAS YOU READING THIS COMMENT THINKING IT WOULD NEVER GET BETTER. WELL, IT GOT PRETTY DAMN BETTER. God bless whoever is reading this."

"I am 34 and I have experienced severe anxiety and depression since I was about 12 years old. I started off with Prozac 10mg for the first 6 weeks and then went up to 20mg. I've been on it for a little over 2 months now and I feel amazing. I'm sleeping better, not emotional eating. I'm happier, I haven't cried except tears of joy because of how ALIVE I finally feel again. I feel like for the longest time I've been in this dark hole just seeing the sun occasionally but now I can feel the warmth of the sun kissing my skin. I smile when I see the sun. I smile when I feel the rain or a breeze. The little things that matter most. I feel everything again. I'm also doing things I used to love, that I eventually stopped doing when I was in my dark place. My kids are happy to have their mom back! I highly recommend this. Prozac saved my life."

"This drug was a game changer. After 2 weeks, significant improvement in mood and general feeling of starting to get back up. By week 6, back on form, back at work. 3 years I have been on it and don’t intend coming off it. Have stuck at 20mg and never felt as calm and content. Side effects, none, benefits a new life."

"20mg to 40mg. What a change! I've been on 20mg Prozac for 2 months and I must say it made me feel worse than before. I had high anxiety, I couldn't leave my house, and most of the days I have spent in bed. On weeks 7-8, I literally thought I would come off this medication, but I waited and saw my doctor. We have increased the dose to 40mg (2 tablets a day). It has been 2 weeks now, and I must say I feel such a change. I am able to think again, I go to bed smiling, and did not spend a single day in bed. I feel more comfortable doing the house chores, it doesn't seem impossible anymore. Not sure if it works for everyone, but it's worth the wait. Seems like the 20mg just wasn't enough for me, 40mg changed my life so far. I PRAY TO GOD IT WILL STAY LIKE THIS. If it does, I know I will be getting my life back. Ps. I was diagnosed with severe depression and post-traumatic disorder/amnesia."

"Man, what a journey I went on with medicines before Prozac :/. Before I was on Seroquel XR, and that was terrible because that made me feel so strange all the time. I finally got off of that and tried Prozac because I’ve always dealt with OCD and Intrusive thoughts. I cannot express how true every review is about the first couple of weeks, 3-4 weeks and you won’t feel anything really. To be honest, my anxiety was a little stronger, but trust me when I tell you it is all well worth it. I honestly feel amazing now. I can just think better and more clearly, and now I understand my intrusive thoughts are only thoughts, they aren’t my actions. Man, I used to fight with my thoughts all the time and ask why did I think that, why did I think this. Now, I understand so much more about myself and who I am and who I want to be. I was running out of hope because I just couldn’t shake my OCD tendencies and intrusive thoughts, but just give the medication time to work, your body is adjusting to it."

"After just a week on this drug Prozac, I feel so much better! I've been able to get up out of bed and start living my life again. It's been SO good. Tons of energy, so much so that I had to take it in the morning. It's improved my appetite but I don't overeat. I'm so grateful for this drug! My side effects have been super minimal. I hope it continues working as well as it has! I came here to read the comments because it's working almost too well. Heh. I hope it holds out."

"I've suffered with mental health issues since I was a teenager, and I am now nearly 30. I've tried different medications, such as sertraline and venlafaxine, and couldn't stand the side effects, so I gave up. This medication, Prozac, has been so helpful. Apart from yawning, I've had no other side effects. I have more energy, feel more productive, calmer, and a little more confident. I've only been on it for a month, and after the first week, I felt so much better. Hoping it will stay like this! BPD traits, anxiety, depression."

"This medication is great for people who worry excessively. It softens the blows in life. I am thankful that this medicine is available to treat depression and anxiety. I have taken 40 mg per day for years. I remember what my life was like before this drug was prescribed to me. I am much better now. If you are reluctant to try this drug, please know that it has helped many people. I hope you are one of them."

"I'm 30 and was battling clinical depression. I was initially prescribed 10 mg of Prozac 2 months ago. The first day I took it was almost like I had taken a sleeping pill. I FINALLY could sleep, but it didn't make me 'sleepy'. I actually had way more energy. My anxiety slowly stopped. I slowly had happier thoughts. After a month, my dosage was increased to 20 mg and the first week of that, I actually started feeling a little depressed again, but after a week and a half, my mood elevated. I started getting involved in activities again. I started hanging out with my family and friends again. I make an effort to do my hair and makeup, work out, work on goals... I'm back to me. I'm truly happy. Prozac saved my life... for real. I feel a part of this world again when at one point in time I didn't want to be a part of this world. It works, it just takes time. You will feel like nothing is happening for a while, but one day you'll just be happy and you'll actually notice it."

"Just started on it tonight for depression and anxiety. Wellbutrin didn't really work that well for me and I've read a lot of positive reviews with only very few bad ones. I have Klonopin for any of the side effects I have. Thanks, guys, for the great reviews. Whoever is reading this, never ever give up. It will get better, I promise, and pray to the good Lord above. He is the only reason I'm still here. He can work miracles better than any medicine ever can. God bless you all."

"I’ve suffered from depression since a teen and now in my 30s. I’ve taken Prozac a couple of times with success. The problem being, as soon as I feel good again, I feel like maybe I wasn’t bad off to begin with and stop. I would think I was in a good spot. Decent marriage, good kids, great job - and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t be happy and grateful. I got to the point where I had no feelings and wanted to hurt myself. Outside of reading inspiring books and literally peeling myself from the bed in the darkest of moments, Prozac really helped me. It took weeks, very painful weeks. Once it kicked in, I became interested in my life again. I’m in a good spot right now and I believe it’s because I listened to other success stories and kicked myself out of bed every day regardless of how much I wanted to crawl under my covers. And I decided to take medication that did not work instantly, but eventually. I hope this helps someone to make their life better like I did."

"I can't say enough about how much this medicine has helped me with depression. I spent years in and out of deep depression. I was finally diagnosed with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and started Prozac at 20 mg, then went up to 40 mg. I knew it was helping, but I didn't fully realize how much until I forgot to take it for about 5 days. Then I started to feel the hopeless feeling I get with depression, and I haven't missed a dose since. I'm one of the lucky ones with no negative side effects. My libido is better than ever, and I've actually lost a few pounds. I sleep great and wake up every morning feeling rested and more positive about life than I ever have before."

"I feared going on antidepressants for years. Like 20 years. I did not want to be someone who had to take a pill every day. Finally, I gave in after having a breakdown and I wish I could talk to the 35-year-old me and say, hey, dummy, you will feel like yourself again so just hush and take it! I have had an incredible experience with this drug. I've been on it for four months and feel like the Gwen I was years ago. If you are stopping yourself from trying this medication for similar reasons, I hope you will reconsider. Initially, it was difficult as my body adjusted to the medication but I expected that as my doctor told me the first few weeks can be challenging. I almost gave up but something deep inside me told me to push through. After 3 weeks, I really felt the benefits and now that my body is used to it, I am myself again. I highly recommend."

"I’ve only been on Prozac for two months. In that period of time, I have made a drastic increase in my mood, my ability to deal with daily stresses, and my ability to cope with my long-standing trauma. I was on Prozac originally when I was in high school, and due to my mother wanting me to stop, I stopped in high school. After being on Zoloft for a few months, more like close to a year, I wasn’t feeling anything. After not being on any medicine for a while, I’ve reached out to my primary care and told them Prozac was what worked for me in the past. I have been on Prozac since then, and I have nothing but positive things to say. I am 24, semi-underweight. I am also dealing with a lot of parental trauma and a great deal of issues with my work and parents. I am unsure if that last part is helping anybody, but I want to be as far as possible."

"I avoided going on medication for far too long, and now that I've been on Prozac for 8 weeks, I am amazed at the wonderful changes it has brought to my life. My depression is pretty much gone, and I feel so much more even-keeled. So thankful I finally chose better living through chemistry. I'm 57 - should have done this 25 years ago. :)"

"Incredible. To think a simple pill would be so life-changing. 21-year-old married mother of two. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety, especially social anxiety, my entire life. I was at the end of my rope, starting to think depression wasn't even a real thing, it was just normal to feel like crap. Literally the first day I felt okay. A month later, here I am exercising every day in my spotless house and playing with my kids. No more emotional eating. I've lost fifteen pounds! I have the energy and focus to do EVERYTHING. I only wish I would have tried it sooner. I thought it would make me feel like a numb robot, but I still feel like me, just a better me. Really looking forward to my future on Prozac."

"I'm on week 6 of Prozac and it saved my life. I went through a semester of major life changes (engagement, graduation, moving across country, major weight gain from stress, living with fiancée's parents, and stopped being able to see my friends) which resulted in me becoming severely depressed. I've NEVER been depressed in my life. I'm the most bubbly person ever. Well, when I started to get into a deep black hole and also having suicidal ideation (never had before), I decided to go to the doctor. She started me on 10mg for 4 weeks and with some change (75% better), we decided to try 20mg for 100%. I'm only on week 6 of being on Prozac all together, and it saved my life, my relationship, and my joy. PLEASE give it time. I'm praying for you all!"

"My 16-year-old daughter became extremely anxious over the summer. She received counseling and continued getting more anxious and depressed, and then she didn’t want to live anymore. This was a complete change from her normal, positive, and active life. She was prescribed Lexapro, which at first we thought was helping her anxiety. After a couple of weeks, it made her extremely depressed and incredibly sleepy. Her psychiatrist changed her medication to 40 mg of Prozac, and within 5 days, we saw a huge change in her mood. She’s got energy and is active once again. She feels happy and is talkative and zany like she used to be. We still have a long way to go with therapy and dealing with life’s anxiety, but she is now able to function and has hope. I want to encourage anyone who feels defeated. Hold on, be patient, and keep trying different medications. Also, we were looking into TMS therapy, which is another encouraging therapy to help mental illness."

"I never really believed it would work. I started it in the past but never gave it a chance to really work. Now that I finally have... HOLY MOLY, This is what normal feels like. I was so used to living in fear that I started believing that it was just normal and would never change. I am so thankful for Prozac. I can't even believe it. Oddly enough though, 20MG 1x daily made me feel nothing (possibly even worse than before). Within days of upping my dose to 40MG x1 daily, my life changed dramatically. I am no longer an anti-medicine advocate. I put up with so much suffering for so long. I regret not taking it sooner."

"I started with a very low dose to treat depression - 10 mg. I also had become quite the 'alcoholic,' binge drinking right down to the last drop. Had no motivation and lots of self-pity. Prozac helped me recover my lost personality, gave me hope, and curbed the drinking to full-time sobriety. I take 20 mg a day - I would suggest that folks give it two months before giving up. I'm glad I did. Nine months of no drinking and I work full time."

"After a few months on Prozac, I no longer the depressed version of myself that I was before Prozac. Happiness was something I rarely felt, and now feel daily - and I was never excited by anything ever, and now am so positive and excited for my future plans and goals! I do feel almost ‘cured’ of major depression. The first couple of weeks were a struggle, and I did feel worse before I felt better - I felt more dark and depressed than I ever have - so it’s very important you have a plan in place if this does happen, a friend/counsellor/doctor you can talk to for example. I then felt very numbed out and had very low libido, which lasted a couple weeks but did also stop for me. My libido is still less than it used to be now, but for me it’s not an issue as I was annoyed with how high it was before. Side-effects included, Prozac has been life-changing for me and I am now excited to move country and start a new job, something I was absolutely terrified about before. I wish I’d tried it years ago!"

"I'm an 18-year-old girl who got diagnosed with depression and anxiety early this year. Started on Prozac in around July even though my mum wasn't too keen, I made my choice. Side effects were horrible, let me tell you! I was nauseous all day for a week and a half and ate very little - lost 4kgs. But after that, it was fine. And 3 months later, I started feeling amazing, literally. Thinking about how depressed I was made me feel sick to my stomach, shows how much I have achieved happiness. I now don't feel so low, and it's a pretty good feeling. I do wish I had tried natural methods a bit longer, but I had no time to waste being depressed, so I don't regret taking it. It's helped me quite a lot, but hey, it works differently for everyone :)"

"I started Prozac for depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. While on 20mg (my starting dose), it did little to nothing for me. I immediately felt a decrease in my anxiety symptoms, and after being bumped up to 60mg, all of my illnesses felt either nonexistent or manageable. I was able to go out again and live a normal life that I wasn't for so long without Prozac."

"Just started Prozac 20mg 2 weeks ago. I was not sleeping, not eating, crying at almost everything. Little things would make me go off. Now that I’ve been on it for 2 weeks, my sleeping has improved, I’m eating more, and leaving the house with my husband now. Although I am still irritable, I feel it is getting better. The only thing I noticed is you cannot drink at all with this drug, or you get yourself in this weird funk that’s hard to get out. I spent 3 days in bed after a few drinks with my friends. My fault though. You really shouldn’t be drinking on any medications. Won’t be doing that again. Excited to see if Prozac can help me get to the gym again and start doing the things I enjoy."

"I'm on 80mg of Prozac, and it has been a lifesaver for me. I went off it at one time, but my depression and anxiety came back with a vengeance. I just started taking it again last week at the 80mg dose, and I already am starting to feel like myself. The only side effect I don't like is the heartburn, so you have to drink a big glass of water when you take it, otherwise, you feel like your esophagus is on fire. I've had no other negative side effects. It also helped me quit smoking and my craving for sweets. I'm sticking to this med forever."

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  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
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Patient resources

  • Prozac drug information
  • Prozac (Fluoxetine Capsules and Tablets)
  • Prozac (Fluoxetine Solution)

Other brands

Sarafem, Prozac Weekly, Rapiflux, Selfemra

Professional resources

  • Prozac Capsules prescribing information
  • FLUoxetine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Sarafem, Prozac Weekly

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Bulimia
  • Depression