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Generic Name: Qudexy XR (topiramate)

Qudexy XR Reviews

For Seizures "So I've been taking Topiramate for 3 yrs for seizures & migraines (both of which have disappeared.) Yes, the side effects are terrible, especially the word searching & insomnia. But my seizures were debilitating, & I was having migraines 3x a month, so I can deal with the side effects. My biggest problem is the lack of appetite. Because of my insomnia, my doc switched me to Qudexy, which is topiramate in a time release capsule. When I was taking regular Topiramate I did lose weight, approx 60lbs in 2 yrs & then the weight loss stopped. I went from 200 lbs-140 lbs. & I very happy with that. Since I switched to Qudexy 2 months ago, I've lost close to 20 lbs & have no desire to eat. I feel like I'm force feeding myself. I dont know what to do."

For Migraine Prevention "This sucked I was on it for my migraines but I lost a lot of weight from no appetite. I had fainted all the time and it had caused me to have more headaches. I have tons of pressure behind my eyes and it caused me to get headaches so I feel like the medication just didn’t help."

For Migraine Prevention "I was placed on this for Miragine prevention. The weight loss was cool, but the resulting High Blood Pressure not cool. So much so that I was not able to be put on birth control medication. I am no longer on this medication and still am suffering from HBP. I do not smoke or drink and my blood pressure was perfect before starting this medication."

For Seizures "This med side effects outweigh the benefits of it those of us with a fast metabolism have a hard time just trying not to lose any weight have no energy or ability to even remember what you were about to do I only wonder how bad it's gonna get only been on it a year 200mg xr combined with 200mg dilantin twice daily got to be a better way"

For Seizure Prevention "I hate this med. it is super cruel and I don't recommend it to ANYONE. I have been taking it for a few months, and it hasn't helped much with my headaches. The side effects are brutal. I have no appetite, and I am basically forcing myself to eat. I've almost passed out 5 times this week from not eating enough, and lost 30 pounds thanks to it. It also causes severe gum irritation which SUCKS with braces, and it makes you really foggy and hard to concentrate. I will say Qudexy helps with seizures, but nothing else."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Qudexy XR Sprinkle drug information
  • Qudexy XR (Advanced Reading)
  • Qudexy XR

Other brands

Topamax, Trokendi XR, Eprontia, Topiragen

Professional resources

  • Qudexy XR Capsules prescribing information
  • Topiramate (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Topamax, Trokendi XR, Eprontia

Related treatment guides

  • Epilepsy
  • Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
  • Migraine Prevention
  • Seizure Prevention
  • Seizures