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Generic Name: Rectiv (nitroglycerin)

Rectiv Reviews

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "Dealt with anal fissures for multiple years. Lived in 24/7 anxiety. Spent countless hours researching the internet for solutions. Felt like I was becoming as knowledgeable as a colorectal surgeon. The first couple of times I tried Rectiv, the headaches were insane. Very intense. To the point I quit taking it. I started up again and dealt with it, and after a couple of days, the headaches went away—as did my symptoms. The 0.4% nitro solution can be made into a 0.2% compound at a specialty pharmacy—which will ease the headaches. (And only cost $17!) Bottom line is: the stuff works."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "Suffered excruciating butt pain on and off over the last year. The anticipation of another bowel movement caused great anxiety. Tried diet change and fiber supplements. Started applying Rectiv three days ago. On my fourth day. All pain has subsided. Very slight “tingle” in my head when initially used each time. Wouldn’t consider it a headache, but more of an indication the medication was taking effect. Dr. prescribed the day before I was leaving for vacation to the Keys. Writing this on the beach - pain free."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I struggled with intense pain and bleeding due to a fissure for several months. Assuming it was hemorrhoids, I tried multiple over-the-counter medicines, but nothing worked. My OB/GYN was the one who realized it was a fissure and prescribed Rectiv. The headaches were rough at first, and I almost quit using the ointment because of them. I'm so glad I didn't, though. Within one week, the headaches were gone, and my fissure symptoms were calming down. By week two, I was totally back to normal-no pain, no bleeding. I continued using it for another week, just to be sure I was completely healed. I've been off it for two weeks now, and I'm still symptom-free. I can't sing the praises of this medicine enough!!"

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I have been struggling with an anal fissure for about 3 months. Tried prescription strength lidocaine which didn’t help at all. Today my Doctor prescribed Rectiv and I have to say it really really works to alleviate the pain in my butt. That’s the good news. The bad news is within literally 5 minutes of applying an inch of Rectiv, I am experiencing one of the worst headaches I have ever had. It is excruciating to even look at this screen. Took over the counter headache meds but after three hours still no relief from the headache. It’s almost worse than the pain from the fissure. Almost but not quite. The other problem with this medication is my insurance will only cover 20% of the cost, that means I paid $499.00 out of pocket for one tube of this ointment!! This is unacceptable, drug manufacturers and insurance companies have got to get together and work this out so average people can afford this care. If I was on a fixed income there would be no way to get access."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "This medicine sat on my shelf for over 6 months - I was so afraid of the 'worst headache ever' described in many posts. I finally became desperate enough to use it, and am on 5th day now. Please don't be afraid to try this. It has absolutely helped the fissure. No pain or blood the last 3 days (after over 1 year of pain and bleeding). Every application I do get an unpleasant pressure sensation in my head immediately (which is creepy), but it does go away in an hour. Only once was it a full on headache and I think I used too much of the product. But not even so bad of headache that I took tylenol or advil for it. Be very careful to only apply the 1 inch amount. The product does burn my skin a bit - I suspect the PEG or lanolin ingredients. If I ever need it again I would ask about a compounding pharmacy preparing a hypo-allergenic version. I am F, 5'7 weight 120. I am usually very sensitive to medicines and often choose pediatric dosed of products."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I suffered for over a year with a anal fissure that was so painful I’d lay in the bath 3-4 times a day to get relief. It was also infected and was leaking a horrible smelly clear discharge. I finally went to the doctor and had it checked out. He prescribed this to see if it would work and within a couple weeks I was healed and had 0 pain. The headaches only last a week or less from the first use. This stuff is amazing and I can’t praise it enough. I thought I was gonna have to deal with the excruciating pain for forever."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "Worst headache ever instantly after application of Rectiv. It does alleviate the rectal hell I've experienced. I am miserable and I'm just praying this heals. I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN DO THE FISSURE OR THIS MEDICATION."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I developed anal fissures after using Invokamet and Invokana. My GI Dr. prescribed Rectiv to heal them. It worked! However, I got an instant migraine each time. You cannot take aspirin, so I took my migraine medicine - Fiorcet. It took about two weeks to heal. A real godsend! Only downfall was the cost - $525.00 per tube. Insurance covered it, thankfully!"

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "After countless visits to the doctor, an emergency room physician figured out I had a fissure and not hemorrhoids. For the side effect of headache? Take some Advil and drink some water and it doesn’t even hurt anymore. This medication works. In the three days I’ve been using it, my pain has reduced substantially and my bleeding has stopped."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I've been using this ointment for three days now and just started noticing that bowel movements are less painful. The headache side-effect is a real thing but for me, isn't strong and only lasts for about 20-30 minutes. It does happen every single time though and it's almost instant. My insurance did cover this but I still paid $80.00 for one tube."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "This is a fantastic medication.I was trying everything over the counter and nothing really helped till my doctor put me on rectiv. I thank god for this medication and my doctor for prescribing it. Within 3 days of use the pain subsided and I felt a major difference. I'm back to my old self again "

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "My advice is to take 2 tylenol extra strength or, ibuprofen 15 min before applying nitroglycerin ointment to the anal area, this will help with the headache that you will get. Use a (small dab) -like on a cotton swab- and apply to the "outside" of the anus. Inside application and your asking for a "tear your head apart headache".... Do this at night when you are home for the day. I wouldn't advise using this before or during the work day. Because you can experience a back of the head migraine for around 1-2 hours. And you more than likely won't make it through the work day."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I'm on day 2 of this product and I "feel" a drastic difference. I am forever grateful to my doctor for prescribing this. 3 years ago I had the same issue and I suffered for 3 months with excruciating pain during my bowel movement to the point I added to my misery by holding it for up to a week at a time to suffer from as few painful bowel motions as possible all because I was to embarrassed to show this problem to my doctor. Never again and I really thank the pharmacist for the coupon to bring my cost down to 40 dollars. There is a mild side effect I didn't have a headache more so painless throbbing in my head for the first 1-2 after application. I was still able to function and get through my clinicals without feeling faint or ill."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I have never had such a severe headache in my life. Made the mistake of using before bed. Headache kept me up all night into the morning finally had to take caffeine pills to try to constrict the blood vessels in my head. I will NEVER use this again. Rather have pain my my butt the feel like my head is being ripped apart."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "Tried this cream (Rectiv) once and I had a severe headache. Not knowing it was the cause I tried the second dose and I had an excruciating headache that not even pain killers could take away. Didn’t take it again..."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I developed a fissure just before the pandemic and was only able to get a virtual appointment. I was prescribed Rectiv and it did provide relief. I experienced a dull, but unpleasant headache for a couple of weeks before I adjusted and the headaches improved and eventually went away. It did help with pain relief and some healing, but the fissure never healed and I ended up having a surgical procedure to repair it."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "My fissure was recently started this year. It's been nothing but hell. The first 2 days have been hell and restless nights of sleep, but I’m having faith in it. It's super itchy and painful, but I’m giving faith in it. It has a lot of effects and gives me anxiety, but I’m willing to do anything at this point. I’ll keep updating in 2 weeks to see how it goes."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I've been on Rectiv for 2 weeks alongside an initial 10-day course of Cipro for a fistula. The Rectiv does cause an immediate headache within minutes of use, but after a few days it goes away, or you get used to it. I did notice relief of pain and swelling for a while until a sudden return of the pain, fistula and swelling! For no apparent reason and after no sudden changes in diet! Seeing my doctor tomorrow to try and determine another angle."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I had a fistula that was extremely painful for over a year and I needed surgery. I was prescribed Rectiv until the surgery and it helped within 30 min of using. It does cause severe headaches. I took ibuprofen right before using the ointment and I didn't get the headache again. I’ve found that Rectiv has also helped with tenesmus and hemorrhoid pain, although it isn’t usually prescribed for that, but it should be because it gives so much relief from those issues too."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "$696 for a cream that you can have made for $35. Ripoff and investigations into price fixing are in order!!"

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "This is my first day of use...2nd application. I already have some relief where I got none from lidocaine and diltiazem."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "One application as prescribed and I had a headache worsening over 3 hours, dizziness, and severe nausea. Ended up projectile vomiting. Scared to try again after experiencing these side effects."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "The only thing I have found helpful in managing pain for severe hemorrhoids. Mild headache but tolerable given pain relief."

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "I was cold during the use, I had trembling and a light headache. I pray it works today is only day 1. $616.00 is alot of money as insurance did not cover which is horrible!"

For Anal Fissure and Fistula "Helped healing and did give me a headache but with repeated use the headaches went away soon. Overall Rectiv healed where nothing else helped, was worth the extra money."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: antianginal agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Rectiv drug information

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Professional resources

  • Rectiv Ointment prescribing information
  • Nitroglycerin (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Nitrostat, Nitro-Bid, Nitro-Dur, Nitrolingual Pumpspray, ... +4 more

Related treatment guides

  • Anal Fissure and Fistula