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Generic Name: Olanzapine and fluoxetine

Brand Name: Symbyax

Symbyax Drug and Medication User Reviews

Slow but steady...This combination is an oldschool approach to stability. For myself improving sleep, and reducing the risk of crashes are the biggest indicators of continuing stability.

The Zoloft part of this medication gave me a skin crawling and itchy sensation. I had taken Prozac (other part of this med.) without incident. Together I felt extremely itchy, irritated, agitated and listless. I wound up going to a psych. triage and was told I had an allergic reaction and to stop immediately. The NP that prescribed it neglected to read my chart on Zoloft reactions.

so far, so good!!! The first night I took it, I was VERY groggy the following day. But, fine after that.

This med helped even out my moods, not so much depression now. It does make you sleepy, so I take it at night. Overall symbyax has been a godsend for me.

I was very tired and dizzy when i first started on this medication. After about a month my body has adjusted and i feel wonderful,like a whole new person. My anxiety has decreased significantly so that I don't have to take any anxiety medication during the day, only at night. The only side effect that I have is some hand trembling. Hopefully that will not get any worse. I absolutely love this medicine. It has changed my life and lifted my mood so that I no longer have severe depression.

sleeping better and helps with daytime somewhat.still alot of depression and anger issues at times.wish could just feel normal for a change-not always nauseaous and nervous feeling,always worried about something.life is rough at times.


I don't know.

i have been having panic attacks every night for almost a month now. dr prescribed me this for anxiety which i dont understand because its a bipolar depression medication. i took it 2 hours before bed, usually have sleep problems but fell asleep fast. i was a zombie the whole next day though and could not function. i do not have problems with depression but i was extremely depressed the next day. i stopped using it after one day bc i have small children and cant be laying around like a zombie every day. i wish i could find a medication that will cure these panic attacks without all these added side effects!

Very tired while taking this medicine, but other than that effective for mood disorder

I was prescribed this meds in the fall of last year and was on them for about a period of 6 month. It did help me feel better then i had in a long time gave me energy back i felt happy. But it made me hungry ALL the time I wanted to eat constantly. And with in 6 months went from weight 125lbs to about 160 lbs. My family and friends were asking me if i was prego. I have stopped this med. about 3 months ago and have been having trouble losing the weight. ( I have never had a weight issue before this med.) So if weight gain in not a huge issue for you this med will help and do good. But honestly if i would have know this was going to happen before I started taking it that i would gain so much weight I would have found something first that didnt have this side effect.

My boyfriend was put on this med a week ago at 3/25mg. He is to finish his supply then up the dosage. Just wondering if anyone suffered severe headaches from it. I see a slight difference in his mood swings but NOTHING significant,how long will it take??

I am taking it for atypical treatment resistant clinical depression. I, like so many others report, am very happy with how I feel on the medication but am already seeing a weight gain. That bugs me but I can't take the chance of going off it as I have taken almost every medication out there and this is the first one that has worked this well for me. I am feeling happier than I have felt in many years, am sleeping well, am active, my fibromyalgia is much better and I am feeling creative again for the first time in a long, long time. My depression had gotten so bad that I had ECT last year without any real benefits I could see and lots of trauma and difficulties getting over it. So I guess I'll have to deal with the weight gain but I am not happy about it. Other than that, I only have dry mouth and no other side effects that I can see. I love it. I'm just amazed. I had heard about experiences like mine before from others taking SSRI's but I had never experienced it before. My friends are amazed.