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Generic Name: Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel)

Reese's Pinworm Medicine Reviews

For Pinworm Infection "I have had this infection along with my 2-year-old for 4 months now, this medicine does not work. We have taken several doses and have had no relief. They have since migrated to the vaginal area. I'm afraid I will die with this infection. Nothing helps."

For Pinworm Infection "Apparently, the Rx drug Emverm is the preferred pinworm treatment. Despite having excellent health insurance, I was going to have to pay 100% of the cost, which amounted to $2,000 for six pills in April 2022. Instead, I decided to take five doses of Reese's pinworm medicine over 15 days, but it had no effect. Throughout the following year, I tried various alternative remedies daily, but none proved successful. Curious if the price of Emverm had decreased, I checked with the pharmacy and discovered that the drug now costs $4,000. Frustrated by this exorbitant price, I purchased another family pack of Reese's for just $20 and took five doses over ten days. However, the only result I experienced was my brain starting to buzz. The FDA should take action to remove Reese's from the market, and they should provide an explanation as to why the generic drug mebendazole is not being produced by multiple companies. It is concerning that only one company is producing it under the name Emverm and charging such high prices for it."

For Pinworm Infection "I have used this since April 23, 2021, and it is now July 28, 2021, and I still have pinworms!!!! It does not work and should be taken off the market!!! Now the Rx drug Mebendazole is $500 for 1 tablet!!! I have ordered it from India but it takes 3-4 wks. I am suffering as are millions of others!!!!"

For Pinworm Infection "My family has used this for many months throughout this past year and it has given us no relief. I have the infection as well as my 5-year-old and neither of us have gotten relief from using several doses of this medicine."

For Pinworm Infection "Does not work. You need another type of medicine on prescription "

More about Reese's Pinworm Medicine (pyrantel)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: anthelmintics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Reese's Pinworm Medicine (Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension) patient information
  • Reese's Pinworm Medicine (Pyrantel Pamoate Tablets)

Other brands

Pinworm Medicine, Ascarel, Pin-X, Pin-Away

Professional resources

  • Pyrantel monograph

Related treatment guides

  • Pinworm Infection
  • Trichostrongylosis
  • Moniliformis Infection
  • Ascariasis
  • Enterobiasis
  • Hookworm Infection