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Generic Name: Rexulti for Schizophrenia (brexpiprazole)

Rexulti for Schizophrenia Reviews

"I have had the opposite experience than others on this site. I was on Abilify for about 10 years after trying every 2nd generation antipsychotic. I also have trauma PTSD. Anyway, at some point Abilify stopped working well, and I became extremely manic and aggressive. I completely stopped sleeping. Honestly, I just stayed up all night sitting in a chair being weird and catatonic with racing thoughts. When I rarely fell asleep, it would only be for a couple of hours. The doctor switched me to Rexulti because of studies showing it helps with PTSD, and within 3 days, I felt so, so much better. I was less paranoid, less agitated, no voices, no paralysis, no EPS. Way better than Abilify ever was. I also started to sleep 6-8 hours straight every night. It is like it just reset something in my brain, and I began to sleep again. I guess it either really works for you or really doesn't."

"I was taking this for ADD. Right now, I had to stop taking it. The doc was giving me samples and I ran out, waiting for my insurance company to give the okay. This medication has changed my life. My thinking is very scattered, like there's a radio on in my head. It's like the Rexulti shut the radio off, I can think so clearly. My thinking is not jumping around when I am on it. I look forward to things, not bored. I want to try new things. Organizing comes so easy."

"My daughter was taking Abilify for 6 years, and they switched her to this drug, Rexulti, because they said it had fewer weight gain issues. At first, it worked great for about 8 weeks, then just stopped working. She developed hiccups on and off with this medication, and her body temperature was going hot and cold. She then became very confused and could not focus, then extremely depressed, and I took her to the emergency room where, 16 hours later, she had a grand mal seizure. Don’t take this medication, I don’t think they’ve done enough research on it, and it is still too new. My daughter was in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks and still is unable to think properly or focus on anything and is still experiencing hiccups on and off now. I hope and pray she recovers. She was in college getting straight A’s before this."

"This drug has almost completely halted all hallucinations (I have schizoaffective disorder). To my knowledge, I am not delusional, and I seem to be able to follow conversations better. I have tried five other antipsychotics, and none were even half as effective. Also, I have no side effects! Six months in, and I will never go off. Four mg daily."

"Go ahead and take this medicine if you want to mentally feel better, but be prepared to gain 30 pounds and never be able to lose it. Honestly, I don't recommend it at all because the weight gain has ruined my life. Good luck in whatever you decide to do."

"Since starting Rexulti a week and a half ago, I've been feeling more motivated, I have more energy, and I feel less irritable. I'm studying more productively. I haven't been experiencing intrusive thoughts - obviously, I can remember what they were, therefore they still enter my mind, but they're not distressing, and they don't linger. So, ultimately, I feel 'normal' again, i.e., without illness or side effects. (I'm still overweight, and I still procrastinate, but since beginning this new treatment, I have the motivation and energy to transform to the person I want to be.)"

"Rexulti is the first antipsychotic I've been on with no apparent side effects. It has my schizophrenia under control and has completely gotten rid of my voices. It also helps control my paranoia, psychosis, and helps with my gut-wrenching anxiety so I can get out of my apartment and lead a normal life. I have nothing but good things to say about Rexulti."

"This medication worked well for reducing my general anxiety and making me feel much better and have a clearer mind and less moody, I take it for Bipolar w/ differential diagnosis PTSD. My only complaint is I have minor auditory hallucinations. They don't bother me enough to change medication as I've tried Seroquel, Geodon, Wellbutrin, Abilify, lithium, Prozac, Lexapro, Latuda, and have been on Lamictal for years. The Latuda worked best but insurance won't cover it. The auditory hallucinations are things like my cat meowing, my phone alarm going off, and my name being said. It's a good medication, I still have anxiety that is so bad I have considered ordering groceries and other things exclusively online because I still get extremely anxious around people."

"Rexulti has helped my bipolar mania in so many ways. From previous experience with antipsychotics, I was expecting side effects like increased appetite, excessive sleepiness, etc. I did get akathisia when I first began, but I did begin at 3 mg (a high dose). I reduced back down to 0.5 and gradually increased to 1 mg. So far (1.5 months), I have seen extreme improvement in my mood and sleep schedule. I feel more motivated and am getting more of my responsibilities done. My social anxiety is pretty much gone, as is my GAD. The only issue I have is periodically having trouble falling asleep, but this is not significant. Overall, I think Rexulti has really helped me in many ways, and I attribute the positive results in my recent life to Rexulti."

"I am not sure how many months I have been on this medication, but while I have been on it, I have managed to gain almost 10 pounds. I do not feel like I overeat either. The weight just seems to pile on. I feel incredibly sleepy during the day. So much so that on most days, I take a long nap. I have very little energy. My stomach seems to bloat out more. Otherwise, I seem to be doing just fine, both mentally and physically. So if you don't mind being fat, lazy, and lifeless, but not crazy, this might just be the drug for you!"

"This was a game-changing medication for me. I was diagnosed schizoaffective, later changed to bipolar 1. I was a zombie from the medication combination I used to be on, Zyprexa and Depakote. Changing the Zyprexa to Rexulti gave me my life back. At first, it gave me side effects of dizziness and anxiety, but after stopping and trying again, it's given me energy, concentration, and the mood swings and psychosis stopped. I'm very happy with this medication. I just upped the dosage from 2 mg to 3 mg after being on it for a year and a half."

"Rexulti helps me keep my head on straight. It's hands down the best antipsychotic I've ever been on and I've been on quite a few. I'm not tired all the time or a zombie, like I was on so many other APs. It keeps my hallucinations at bay and helps my depression levels stay at a decent level. It doesn't get rid of all my hallucinations and I still have some depression but all in all it keeps things calm and quiet and I couldn't ask for much more. The main side effects that I don't like are: it makes it very hard for me to lose weight and it makes me dizzy. I take 4 mg."

"Very effective med. There aren't many side-effects, besides insomnia. I recommend that you definitely ask your physiatrist for low-dose Mirtazapine or Doxepin (just in case) if you decide to try Rexulti. I have used many neuroleptics and I can highly recommend Rexulti for schizophrenia. Rexulti causes less insomnia than Abilify (Aripiprazole) or Vraylar/Reagila, and it doesn't cause restlessness at all."

"I've been taking Rexulti for a 3-4 weeks. I'm a bit cranky all the time, always moody. But the PTSD has gone, and I'm thinking clearer. I still have anxious thoughts but they have always been there. My paranoia is controlled by CBT and reiterating soothing thoughts. I feel more motivated to study and procrastinate less. I have more hours in a day because I can wake up at 5am."

"Rexulti seems too be a good medicine so far. After one week my paranoia is almost gone. I do notice a speedy effect which has caused me too be more active. This is actually good because rexulti is helping me too get out of the house and avoid some social phobia issues. I would definitely recommend this med if you have any kind of paranoia associated with bipolar depression. Tommorow the 7th day I will increase too one mg. Lets hope this med continues too work .Thanks and good luck. Ps I have been on many meds and hated most all atypical antipsychotics."

"I was on zyprexa for 9 years no issues them. I had Tardive dyskinesia . I was put on rexulti it worked for about a month got me out of the withdrawals of zyprexa but the rexulti gave me hot flashes every night so bad I had panic attacks on top of it I had extremely angry outburst for no reason I also had self harm behaviors during the outbursts. I stopped the medication as soon as I realized what it was doing to me. This is a scary medication"

"I was taking risperdal before this but that made me too lethargic and have loss of interest in everything. Rexulti has helped me with my bipolar and mild schizophrenia. I take 2mg/day. I only had minor side effects like headaches and upset stomach the first week which faded away. I also take Celexa 40mg a day which I have been on for a year. The first few months it worked great but these past few months it doesn't seem to be working. I'm considering cutting down to 20mg/day of celexa because I think the combination of these drugs is too strong for me."

"Rexulti/Brexpiprazole has been amazing for my lifestyle while dealing with Schizophrenia. When I was on Risperidone, I was having trouble getting up for work, and was getting to work late at 10-10.30am. I also had two episodes of acute Schizophrenia on a low dose Risperidone over 4 years. The side effects on a higher dose of risperidone made me feel lethargic and tired all day. However, on an equivalent dose of Rexulti, the voices are not there anymore. Intrusive thoughts are more controlled. And I get up early enough in the morning to get to work by 8.30-9! Has happened for two weeks now, and I'm pretty sure this will continue, because I don't feel the same lethargy as I did on risperidone. So in effect, I'm on a relatively high dose, but the side effects are much lower than risperidone. I am really happy with the results."

"Rexulti has stopped my delusions and obsessive ruminationing where Seroquel XR amongst others failed, and in the short period of time I have been on this drug, it has also mostly taken away my extreme paranoid anxiety, which was unrelenting. My brain is quiet and calm. A slight opiate like warmth and peace of mind. It is lifting a depressive episode, in a much smoother, mild way compared to my experience on Effexor XR. No akathisia. I am not sure if my sleep is affected because I have always had sleep issues regardless. I am prescribed a little Temazepam to sleep if needed. A slight headache for a few days upon starting, no nausea. No weight gain. Very pleased with how this is working so far."

"for the first week I took this, I had some nausea and very intense sleepiness that made me take one and even 2 naps during the day. But I changed the time of day I took it and that seemed to help. For the first month I was sooo happy, and a lot less delusional. I'm not quite sure where it all went wrong. Now, my delusions have worsened, I've developed an intense phobia of driving and being in a car in general. I have many intrusive thoughts and honestly I'm considering stopping it. Which sucks because it worked there for awhile. I wouldn't say don't take this medicine, but pay attention to your body and be wary of any anxiety you're experiencing and talk to your doctor to get a handle on it before it gets out of hand."

"I am on a dose of 4 mg. I feel very pleased about this medication. It is very quiet, no voices. I have been on the medication for 2 months. I was gradually introduced to a higher and higher dose. At 4 mg., I am finally not afraid from the thoughts I have that are delusions. I do have an increase in appetite, and a bit of restlessness. But the benefits of this medicine far outweigh any adverse effects. I am not anxious as bad as I was either. And I can get up and take care of housework better. I am liking this med very much."

"I have Schizotypal personality disorder and for the first time in my life I can see what's around me without feeling I'm looking at a picture. I don't melt down over scary things or feel the constant state of danger anymore. My mind is calm and I can focus on the present instead of being overwhelmed by traumas from long ago. I do have mild hunger all the time but I can live with that. I'm following a diabetic diet plan to prevent weight gain just in case. This medicine is a real blessing"

"I tapered off Haldol and took this medicine. By itself it does no good and sent me to the mental hospital. They gave me Haldol along with Rexulti and since then it has been very good. I don't even hardly think about a hallucination or delusion anymore much less experience them."

"Please do NOT take this medication Rexulti it will make you feel horrid and inhuman and it doesn't stop. I was given it for Schizoaffective disorder. Be ready to be in pain. It has been a solid week now of no rexulti and I still feel like I'm on it and can't escape this nightmare."

"Very good med. It works really well. Basically, it's better version of Abilify that doesn't cause restlessness. The biggest down side of Rexulti is that it's expensive. I hope a generic version will be available soon!"

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  • Drug class: atypical antipsychotics
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  • Rexulti prescribing information
  • Brexpiprazole (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Agitation Associated with Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia