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Generic Name: Rimegepant for Migraine Prevention (rimegepant)

Rimegepant for Migraine Prevention Reviews

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "Nurtec was a lifesaver for me initially. Not only did it help treat my migraines, but it also decreased the overall number I experienced. The effectiveness appears to have declined over time. I have continued to take it because it has decreased the severity of the headaches I experience on a daily basis, which has allowed me to work on most days. Unfortunately, I have noticed that my stomach was giving me more and more problems over the course of several months. Earlier today, I looked up potential side effects and realized that I experience all the G.I. problems described. As such, I will now discontinue this medication."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "After about a month on Nurtec, I developed an initial allergic reaction resulting in chronic dermatographic urticaria, esophagitis and difficulty swallowing. The esophagitis and difficulty swallowing began to occur before the hives appeared and are still an issue. It's been over a month since I have been off the medication and it seems some of the side effects may be more permanent than I had hoped. I am being seen by an allergist, gastroenterologist and my neurologist to get me back to normal. Please be careful with this medication, it seems the effects on immune system and healing are not entirely clear yet. The medication did work very well for my migraines, but I would rather have migraines than what I'm dealing with now."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "It is 5am and as I’m writing this I’m lying in my bathroom floor in fetal position. Ridiculous that I’m writing this now, I know, but I don’t want anyone else to experience this! I took my first dose of Nurtec at around 7pm. I felt fine for the first few hours and then the debilitating abdominal pain started. For the last 8 hours I have been doubled over with excruciating abdominal pain. So bad that I have almost called 911 multiple times! Please, please be careful taking this stuff!"

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "After 2 doses started passing bright red blood in stool and gobs of muscus with stool. It has been 1 month and still dealing with reaction. Condition just now starting to get some better. Took Nurtec odt 75 mg every 48 hours. Took 4 doses then quit because of reaction."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have been taking Nurtec every other day for 1 month. It works fairly well, headache is mild. My issue is, I have no energy, depression has worsened, stomach pain, indigestion, and diarrhea, and joint pain. I am going back to using it only after I get the migraine. I may as well get the headache and feel better overall."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have had migraines since I can remember from age 4 or 5 to now at almost 63. I have tried almost every migraine drug known and all the other things like acupuncture, massage, diet, etc. I still have PTSD from receiving ergotamine infusions back in the early 90's and several other ridiculous drugs. The triptans are the only drugs that have ever helped but they are not preventative nor are they great as you age. Out of desperation, I decided to try Nurtec ODT as a preventative. First dose gave me a screamer of a headache. I though I was having an aneurysm..seriously. Second dose and I realized my incredible and painful joint pain (Have arthritis to begin with) and my black stool with mucous in it had to be from Nurtec. Needless to say, they are in the trash where 99% of the supposed "miracle" drugs for migraine have ended up! What a horrible drug. Thankful I refused the Aimovig shots a prior neurologist tried to give me. Who knows how long they would stay in your system?? UGH!"

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "Originally, upon reading reviews here, I was hesitant to try this new medication. After years of triptan use, and a continued increase in migraines per month, I ultimately decided that I had nothing to lose at this point. So, I took my first Nurtec two weeks ago and , it turned out really well for me. I take it as a preventative every other day. I’ve not had a single migraine since the first dose. It feels like a miracle. I’m pleasantly surprised by the outcome. That being said, I did have stomach pain for the first few days. It eventually subsided as my body adjusted. Thankfully, I’ve yet to experience any further side effects….and I’m sensitive to medications. This whole experience has been positively surprising. I will convey that triptans caused numerous awful side effects for me; chest pain, muscle tightness, restlessness, anxiety, difficulty breathing, and eventually, rebound migraines. I couldn’t take them anymore. Nurtec is far better!"

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have chronic atypical/complex migraine. I used to be on Ajovy and Emgality, which both helped until my body learned to attack the monoclonal antibodies. Since those both work on CGRP, I was hopeful when I heard that Nurtec did, too. The first dose was nothing short of magical. I felt better than I had in years. The second dose actually made me feel worse, strangely enough. By then, though, I realized that I was horribly allergic to it. (A week later, I still have a rash.) Three days after stopping it, I got hit with the worst rebound migraine of my life. It felt like my body had sharp pains from head to toe, and my fever spiked to 102.3. Holy cow. So, word of warning: this might have a heck of a rebound for you."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I’ve been taking Nurtec for a little more than a year and I’ll never go back to sumatriptan. I’ve been able to cut back on several medications and also happy that this one doesn’t cause rebound like my other meds did. I’m so thankful for this medication and how it has changed my life! I’m also thankful that my insurance covers it and it’s FREE!!!"

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "Have had migraines with aura for 20 years, about 4-5/month. For the last 5 years, I have been taking topiramate daily to prevent the pain, but I still get the auras. My doctor added Nurtec last month, and it has been amazing for me. I take it every other day, preventively. Since I started taking it a month ago, ZERO auras for the first time in 20 years."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have had cluster migraine with aura for years. Nothing I was given helped. I tried triptans, Ubrelvy, and a list of other medications. I started taking Nurtec for prevention. I have had nothing but positive effects, very few migraines in a year. I actually recently asked to try Ubrelvy, and the side effects were horrible. My neurologist put me back on Nurtec."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I can find finally live my life now! I have suffered with migraines as long as I can remember. Debilitating migraines 2-3 times a week that can last for days. I cancelled so many plans over the years and missed out with family and friends since the only relief was to try to sleep it off in a dark quiet room. A large chunk of my PTO went to sleeping it off and having to miss work. It's impossible to work or function when your brain feels like it's exploding. I've tried so many things that didn't work or made it worse: topiramate, amitriptyline, migranol, IV treatments, allergic to triptans, bad reaction to Aimovig, etc. I've taken Nurtec for 6 months now as a preventative and it is the only medication that has worked for me and in a major way. Went from 2-3 migraines a week to now maybe 1 a month. And the few are so much more milder and aren't stopping me like they used to. No side effects. Thankful for the $0 copay but I'm terrified once that is over. I can't afford 2k/ month."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "At first , I thought this was a miracle drug, I had zero problems and interactions. I have terrible migraines and this made them go away immediately and kept them away. However, after about three weeks of taking it every other day I started having horrible heartburn. Or at least I think it was heartburn. My chest was tight and I felt just generally awful. I thought maybe I got a cold or something so I stopped taking it for a week just to make sure that wasn't what was causing it. I got better. And then I started taking it again a few days later and I have the same symptoms again. Again I'm not sure if it's just pain or indigestion so I'm going to go talk to my doctor next week. I'm just testing this here to see if anyone else is having that sort of chest pain. It feels somewhat similar to imitrex."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "Within a few doses (was taking it every other day) caused brain fog, dizziness, nausea and felt a tightness in my head. While it did stop a migraine with about 1 1/2 hours, I only started it on 7/20/2022. At doctors suggestion I tried again and on Monday 8/01/2022 had worse of the same symptoms. Have not and will not take another dose but it is now Wednesday 8/03/2022 and I still feel not just the brain fog but the tightness in my head and feel like I'm on sleeping pills. Left another message for doctor. I WILL NOT take this medication again. Causing more health issues than just having migraines."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "HORRIBLE! Prescribed as prevention and doctor told me this was sublingual so I thought it would work faster. It took 6 hours to even feel any relief with my first dose and that was only after 3 excedrin! Migraine came back worse the next morning and I had to wait to take my next dose! Read the fine print and it is not sublingual….it’s orally dissolving and is not the same. The taste and texture are the worst when you’re sensitised having a migraine. Plus it has sucralose- a known migraine trigger….why would the company add that?? Never taking this again, and wouldn’t trust anyone I loved to take it either. Doesn’t work for getting rid of my migraines. Tried to take it w/o day for a month and didn’t do anything in preventing them. Still dealing with 2-3 a week. 0 stars if I could!!!"

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "This medicine has been AMAZING. Stopped the pain within 30 min every time....I will say I take it early on, so I'm not sure how it works if you wait til your in the throws of a massive migraine before you take it. The taste is actually pleasant, like a mint. A down side is how UNBELIEVABLY expensive it is. Insurance is difficult to cover it unless you have a valid and documented reason for not taking the much cheaper Triptans (Imitrex, etc). Fortunately I've been seeing a cardiologists and have had tons of tests proving the Triptans are a bit dangerous for me, so my insurance pays 100%. Last week the pharmacist told me current out of pocket for 8 Nurtec pills was $1036.00. It's insane, but it DOES work. Also, I had zero side effects and amazing relief."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I had terrible nausea with this medication. It lasted all day everyday and I was unable to do anything due to the extremely nausea. I rarely went to work. Nothing helped. Without medications, I have migraines everyday. This medication did not take the migraines away. I did not try it during a migraine through. But it is definitely not a preventative medication for people with chronic everyday migraines. When I took the pill within an hour, I was afraid that I was having a heart attack. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest for about one hour. I continued to take this medication for about 10 days hoping that these reactions would go away after I got used the medication. I finally had to stop taking it. It took about one month for the side effects to go away. It was miserable! And unfortunately, it never helped with my migraines. However, we all know that as a migraine sufferer, one will try anything to make the pain stop."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "Just started taking (approx. 1 week) for migraine prevention. One dose every two days. No side effects but woke up with a migraine. Took my scheduled dose, however it did not ease my migraine. So far it has not prevented nor helped my migraines."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I started taking Nurtec ODT the beginning of September 2021 for weekly migraines that showed up twice or three times a month. After using sumatriptan for a few month with dwindling results I decided to give Cove a try in helping with a better prescription. From my choices I decided to try Nurtec and, after its short term usage, I could tell the difference between with it and without it. My migraines dropped in number (from 14-21 days to 4-7 days) and those that I would have were rather short, only lasting for hours instead of days. The only reason I was able to receive Nurtec is because I was still on an insurance plan with my mom but after she lost her job and I found my own insurance I have been denied access to it due to its high price. After doing research I found out that one 8 pack costs over $2,000! Not being able to afford it I’m currently in the middle of deciding with new medication to take without so many side effects. There is no reason for this medicine to cost so much."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have been taking Nurtec for about 9 weeks, and it has helped significantly with eliminating my migraines. By taking Nurtec every other day, I am able to have a better quality of life. I had been taking Imitrex half to a full tablet every day for the past 5 years, which has made my diverticulitis, ulcers, and inflammation in my stomach and bowels worse. Nurtec has improved my gastrointestinal health overall compared to sumatriptan. I am now fasting, eating light meals and salads every day, and both migraines and stomach problems are disappearing. Inflammation in my body is reduced. I also take 200 mg of CoQ10 and have eliminated taking my 10 mg of atorvastatin. I also take vitamins A, D3, B12, B6, and Lutein."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "This is the only thing that has slowed down and stopped many of my migraines. Have had them for 25yrs following 7 mths of birth control pills. Take it once every other day, dissolve under my tongue. Since I had serious allergic reactions to ibuprofen, Zomig, Imatrex, Ajovy shots and botox, I was scared to try this, but couldn't handle the side effects of the botox anymore. Chronic fatigue is no way to live with your head still hurting. Been on it since Sept, 2021. With my IBS, tummy issues were expected, so I always take it with food. Have had no side effects that noticeably pointed to Nurtec. Getting better, was able to start walking this summer, up to 3 miles. Migraines have changed, so can have painless ones, but they still stop. No complaints after going over a year with a non stop migraine. Still have the menstrual migraines ones periodically that don't stop and last for days, but in my early 50's so hormones are going to be crazy."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have had chronic migraines for over 40 years and have been to numerous neurologists and taken many different medications and treatments, conventional and alternative, to prevent my migraines. Nothing worked UNTIL Nurtec! It's a godsend for me! It has nearly eliminated my migraines. The price of Nurtec needs to come down so it is affordable for everyone in need of the medication."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I was suffering from recurring migraines. Some migraines are random, others are induced by smells or repetitive sounds. I would get vertigo as my first signal that a migraine was coming on. My doctor suggested I try Nurtec ODT and see how it works for me. He said that many of his patients have responded well to it. I had a migraine start coming on while at work. I immediately reached for the Nurtec ODT sample and placed it under my tongue. Within fifteen minutes the symptoms started to subside and within 30 they were almost fully gone. I still had that feeling of head pressure but in one hour all symptoms were gone and I could get back to my day. Thank you Nurtec ODT."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I’ve been on Nurtec for a month. I’m new to migraine medication and didn’t know my daily headaches were migraines until hemiplegic attack led me to hospital for what I thought was a stroke. I’m 43, have a high pain tolerance, and have idiopathic intracranial hypertension. I didn’t know what “silent migraines” were until a neurologist explained them, and the auras, numbness, etc. are what drove me to get treatment. Now that I’ve been on Nurtec, I notice the migraines because I’ve felt what life is like without them. Occasionally, one slips through at about the 36 hour mark though, and since I’m prescribed Nurtec as a routine every other day medication, I don’t want to take another one earlier and risk running out before my refill. There aren’t studies past 17 doses/month, so I’m not migraine free just yet. My only side effect has been bloating, and for me, considering my IBS, that’s impressive and tolerable."

Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) "I have had a great experience with Nurtec ODT. I went from waking up with a migraine every day to having maybe 3-4 a month and they are controlled with Imitrex. I have been on it every other day for 3 months and have noticed in the last couple of weeks an increase in my migraines. Not sure what this is about. Otherwise, Nurtec gave me my life back."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: CGRP inhibitors
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  • En español

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Nurtec ODT

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  • Rimegepant monograph

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Nurtec ODT

Related treatment guides

  • Migraine Prevention
  • Chronic Migraine
  • Migraine
  • Headache