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Generic Name: Ropinirole for Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (ropinirole)

Ropinirole for Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Reviews

Requip (ropinirole) "I am a 73-year-old male. I have suffered from periodic leg movement most of my life. Lately, it has been getting worse to the point that it could take me hours to fall asleep. In addition to that, I have been having nightmares in which I try to protect myself from some threat. My defense was to punch my wife on the arm. I have also experienced sleepwalking. I had been taking to sleeping in the spare bedroom so that my wife could get some sleep. This was not a solution that suited either one of us. When I began taking Requip, I experienced relief from the very first night. I now routinely sleep the whole night through without nightmares or restless legs/periodic limb movement."

"I had been a bad sleeper all of my life and never realized there was a reason. I was sick of being tired so finally went to a sleep specialist and had a sleep study. He told me I had 300+ leg movements in the night. After increasing my iron and doing stretches I was still waking up, though not as much. I started on Ropinrole a few days ago and am already sleeping better. The nights are not as long as they used to be. I feel more rested during the day. I used to feel like a zombie. The first night I had a ton of really vivid dreams which was odd. Since then I've had a few each night. Not scary just boring slightly annoying dreams. Like a dream where I lose my keys and go through a day trying to find them. I haven't had any other side effects."

Requip (ropinirole) "Was it Multiple Sclerosis fatigue? I thought I was stuck with awful 24/7 sleepiness and waking up as tired. Three months ago, I was relieved after 15 years by Ropinirole the very first dose after a new doc asked if anyone had ever mentioned me twitching at night. Try it. It might be your miracle too! I feel like me twenty years ago."

Requip XL (ropinirole) "The game changer for me is the slow release XL, much less side effects. I do sometimes top up with 1mg of normal Ropinarole before bed, and then feel the side affects. Would recommend 4mg XL slow release for RLS"

"For many years I had been experiencing jerky legs, arms and total body. It became painful when I had these bouts. Around the age of 45 they became daily, sometimes multiple times a day. On top of fibromyalgia these bouts became unbearable. A doctor diagnosed me and perceived generic result. Took awhile to get the dosage adjusted. I finally was adjusted to .05 in increments up to 6 tablets before bed time to be able to sleep. It worked out great. If I have bouts during the day I will take 1 tab. I will fall asleep within 30 minutes and sleep up to 2 hours. I have lost health and prescription ins. And don't know how this is going to play out. I can't go without this drug, the pain it relieves makes life tolerable."

"I've had Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) for years, occuring 4 nights out of every week. Was given Gabapentin first which didn't work, but 4 weeks ago I started using Ropinirole and it worked immediately, giving me a massively better sleeping experience. I have had no single PLM occurence since starting. My sleep still pretty fragmented, but somehow of a better quality, and more deep. Feel very pleased about it."

Requip (ropinirole) "requip takes away violent uncontrollable kicking, punching, sudden tightening of any muscle. Works like a miracle for me. My condition has become a nightmare over the years. In higher doses now, sound seems amplified. But as long as that torture stops...it's okay! I hear "rls" rls is nothing! Compared to whole body violently kerning. J.m.o."

"I can say that it helped me to sleep deeper but the drawback was that I started seeing a bug each time I fell asleep and then awoken to thinking it was crawling near me! Nothing there. It was an hallucination. It freaked me out! I also had a bout of vertigo! Also I felt like something was crawling on my skin. I know that it was the medication because I stopped taking it and about a week later the hallucinations disappeared. Then I tried taking the the med again and the hallucinations returned along with the crazy vivid dreams! Ropinirole is not for me, end of story."

Requip XL (ropinirole) "I have been taking Requip XL (ropinirole) for about 4 years now and it has helped me tremendously. I take it at night so that I can go to sleep, otherwise, the RLS tends to keep me wide awake for a long time. Once I do take the medication, I give it about 15 minutes and then it makes it where I can lay down and go on to sleep. If I did not have this, I would not be able to sleep at all. The only thing I am experiencing right now, is that I had to have total knee replacement, and with this surgery, I do seem to be having more spasms from the surgery, so it is taking longer to take effect, than normal, otherwise, I have not had any issues."

"I took my first 4 milligram Ropinirole tablet last night at about 8 p.m. my stomach was about Half & Half not full not empty about 45 min to an hour after I started to experience severe what I thought flu symptoms and I had projectile vomiting until my stomach was empty. I felt fine after my stomach was empty but I'm afraid to take another pill tonight. Does anybody have any ideas for terrible leg cramping almost crippling effects?"

Requip (ropinirole) "It did reduce my tremors the first day. However it made me a little nauseous. I would have to lay down because of the drowsiness. It put in a depressed mood. I will only take on occasion for disabiling tremor episodes. Because the side effects prevent me from being active I don't consider this treatment as successful."

Requip (ropinirole) "This medication actually worsened my symptoms and the MD kept raising the dose until I had symptoms during the day. Then she finally listened to me and took me off this medication."

Requip (ropinirole) "This medication caused me severe nausea and vomiting."

Requip (ropinirole) "I couldn't sleep at all when taking Requip!"

"This is the best medication I have ever been on for RLS/PLMD. It has really given my quality of life back to me. I never experienced any problems with nausea or vomiting "

Requip XL (ropinirole) "It did not work for me, it made me sleep worse."

Requip (ropinirole) "I was given this med for RLS/PLM. This medication kept me up most of the night with a bucket to vomit into. Hummm.... Which to chose, RLS/PLM vs Severe nausea/ Vomiting? "

Requip (ropinirole) "This drug ruined my life. I became a compulsive gambler. It screwed my brain over until I had little moral control over my life."

"The medication caused nausea and vomiting. I could not continue taking it although I tried for a few days."

"Worked for about 2 weeks. Upped it to 0.5 with no luck."

"I thank God for the invention of the Restless Legs Syndrome medicines I take. I actually sleep and my RLS is relieved. I am in pain without my medicines."

Requip (ropinirole) "I have been severely depressed since starting this medication. I’m stopping today as I just figured out the correlation."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Ropinirole drug information
  • Ropinirole Extended-Release Tablets
  • Ropinirole Tablets

Other brands

Requip, Requip XL

Professional resources

  • ROPINIRole monograph
  • Ropinirole Extended Release Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Requip, Requip XL

Related treatment guides

  • Restless Legs Syndrome
  • Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
  • Tardive Dyskinesia
  • Parkinson's Disease