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Generic Name: Septocaine (articaine-epinephrine)

Septocaine Reviews

For Local Anesthesia "From My experience, is not a safe product/drug. I have had after affects of this medication where I feel anxiety, nervousness, dizziness, dry mouth, and wobbliness. I feel challenge to drive on the highway at times, where I feel impaired to go beyond 60mph. You simply do not feel like yourself. The DMD mentioned no side affects. I believe most dental offices/medical staff are partially informed of the severe side affects; and have very little knowledge on Septocaine better known as Epinephrine Bitartrate. Most patients who are introduced to this medicine are not aware of post side affects. It should be off the market. The sustainability of the drug is unknown-Please be advise, use old fashion Novicaine-(the shortest acting anesthetic at a minimal)."

For Local Anesthesia "I have been lightheaded and dizzy on and off since I had 3 fillings on one side of my mouth filled. It is mostly when I stand up. It has been a week and I am still experiencing these symptoms. Does anyone know how long these side effects will last?"

For Local Anesthesia "I am not pleased with this medication. As an elderly person who is sensitive to many medications and who takes many medications for illnesses it has had moderately severe and long lasting side effects. It lasted for 5-6 hrs (tooth extraction only took 1 hr). Much too long with no control over 1/2 my face. In addition I had allergic/anaphylactic responses: severe headache, muscle weakness, low blood pressure, blurry vision, difficulty breathing, itching, coughing and runny nose, dizziness and imbalance. I am still experiencing most of these issues 4 days later. I will ask for novacaine in the future. I never had these issues with novacaine."

For Local Anesthesia "Without this articaine/epinephrine I do not get numb. This usually is worn off within 30 minutes after getting a filling. My life with any dental work before discovering had been terrorizing as I have always had this problem of the anesthesia not working but as a little kid no one believed me and I felt every thing. I am 51 years old and I recently cried because it was the 1st time in my life I did not cry at the dentist. This would not be possible without septocaine."

For Local Anesthesia "I have recently had the long acting version of this used during a simple cavity filling. I have EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) and Lidocaine wears off in minutes after the injection, I am not joking. Septocaine lasts about 30 minutes before it completely wears off and that is more than enough time for the dentist to fill my cavity. If Lidocaine wears off fast for you I suggest asking your Doctor to try this. Time on Medication = I have been using it @ the dentist for the past 3 years for cavity fillings."

More about Septocaine (articaine / epinephrine)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: local injectable anesthetics
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Septocaine drug information

Other brands

Orabloc, Articadent, Ultacan, Ultacan Forte, Zorcaine

Professional resources

  • Septocaine prescribing information
  • Articaine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Orabloc, Articadent, Ultacan, Zorcaine

Related treatment guides

  • Anesthesia
  • Local Anesthesia