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Generic Name: Cardizem CD (diltiazem)

Cardizem CD Reviews

For Atrial Fibrillation "I was happy with the medication, as I did not have as many side effects, but on day 17 of taking it, I developed a rash on my stomach. Next day chest and lower back, third day neck and face. It was the only thing I was doing differently, so I looked up its side effects. Rash was listed and could occur within 10 to 20 days. It is a Saturday, so as advised online I stopped the medication. I hope this is a temporary condition, and I can begin again, or an alternative can be found."

For High Blood Pressure "I developed white spots and sores in my mouth just a few days after starting this medication. I thought it was my partial plate doing it, made five trips to the dentist for adjustments, nothing worked, it just got worse. On an impulse, I researched the side effects of this med, and there you go - white spots and sores in the mouth. The dentist started treating me for thrush, so now I am on steroids and a mouthwash for that. Needless to say, I am no longer taking the med. I was also experiencing fatigue and dizziness."

For High Blood Pressure "Hypertension due to uncontrolled intractable pain. Enlarged heart with small mitral valve leak. 30 mg x 2 per day. Worked well for about a month, then extreme GI and eye dryness occurred to the point it changed my vision and affected my receding gum lines. Every one of these hypertension drugs has GI side effects and dryness that will affect your vision. Why can't I have what I really need: pain control? Then I wouldn't need a hypertension drug."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I am on 240 mg once a day. Been taking meds since Feb 2011. Works GREAT for treating the heart problem, only I have side effects. A week after starting the medication at the lowest dosage, I developed sinus congestion. Increased my medication after six months, and the congestion continued and now developed sinus drainage down my throat that caused a cough. Medicine was increased again and now the congestion, cough, and wheezing are getting unbearable. I took myself off the medicines, and within 4 days all my symptoms were GONE!"

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I have been on this medication a couple of years for supraventricular tachycardia and hypertension and have not had one episode of SVT since being on it. I used to get SVT once or twice a month, so this medicine has truly made my life better. The problem I now face is with my insurance company since they are hiking up non-generic co-pays to four times as much as before. Since there is no generic until 2011, I must either forego this medicine and try something else or pay something I can't afford. This is frustrating when I know the medicine works."

For Atrial Flutter "I have been diagnosed for 3 years with tachycardia, and the doctor does not know why I have such a high heart rate. Was put on this medicine. Still, at rest, my heart rate is over 100. Yesterday, he upped the dosage from 180 to 240 mg. I'm so tired of having this problem and taking this medicine."

For High Blood Pressure "I was on a beta blocker for high blood pressure. After chemo, I developed Right Ventricular Outflow Tachycardia. After heart ablation, they switched me to 240mg Cardizem ext rel. I have been on it since 2015. I was not overweight, in decent shape, 50ish. Went for a hike and my ankles swelled. The last few years on it I have developed lots of spider veins in my legs. It seems to work decently keeping my blood pressure down and heart arrhythmia in check but I am concerned with what this is doing to me long term. I would like to get off it."

For Atrial Fibrillation "I have been on this medicine for two months. I have had one attack since I started. I do feel a little tired and weak, but no other side effects."

For Atrial Fibrillation "Been on this for over 1 month. AF still happening nearly every day. May last for 36 hours. I don't think it does any good. I'll see the doctor in 12 days. Hope he has something else to try."

More about Cardizem CD (diltiazem)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: calcium channel blockers
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cardizem CD patient information

Other brands

Cartia XT, Dilt-XR, Tiazac, Matzim LA, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Cardizem CD prescribing information
  • Diltiazem Hydrochloride (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Cartia XT, Dilt-XR, Tiazac, Tiadylt ER, ... +3 more

Other formulations

  • Cardizem
  • Cardizem LA

Related treatment guides

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Failure
  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis