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Generic Name: Serophene ()

Serophene Reviews

For Female Infertility "I have been trying to conceive for 7+ years and was diagnosed with PCOS. I took an HSG (Hysterosalpingography)in December and was told my tubes are clear. My last cycle ended in Jan. No menses since. My doctor just prescribed me Provera for 10 days and Clomid this morning. I'm crossing my fingers that this first round will work and have never been so ready for my cycle to begin. Baby dust to everyone!"

More about Serophene (clomiphene)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: synthetic ovulation stimulants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Serophene advanced reading

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Professional resources

  • Serophene prescribing information
  • ClomiPHENE (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Oligospermia
  • Female Infertility
  • Lactation Suppression
  • Ovulation Induction