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Generic Name: Quetiapine Fumarate

Brand Name: Seroquel

Seroquel Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took 300 mg and will never use this medication again in my life. I was a total zombie and could not stay awake through the day. No one should ever drive on this medication. It made me voraciously hungry, all I could think about was food and sleep. It drastically slowed my speech and my body movements. I slurred my words, sounded drunk every time I spoke and moved like a sloth. I could barely lift my arms and legs, there is no way aid be able to work or do anything while taking this. It also made my heart race. Stay far, far away from this medication. It’s evil.

Prescribed by Best Suboxone Recovery Mental Health Provide A. Coriolan 10 mg to start 7 days. Communicating in a follow up reaction to medication Excellent results Raising to 100mg after consultation reaction and toxicology status…Q: no relapses, right? Monitor all avenues of levels Top notch manufacturing Inventor of Honor

I have been taking 12.5 mg nightly for insomnia. It has been the only drug that has worked for me.

I have always been very skinny. I have always had a fast metabolism and have been very active and energized. I have only been on this med for about a year and had gained over 25lbs. I feel tired and groggy daily. I never have any drive to do anything and now have a LOAD of weight on me. Do NOT recommend.

I was on Seroquel for about three months. It did a great job at treating my mood swings associated with depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder; however, this medication made me extremely tired. I was started on a 50 mg dose taken at night that got reduced to 25 mg and then 12.5 mg and the side effects never went away. In addition to extreme drowsiness, this also made me feel foggy which made it hard for me to get through an entire day without needing to take a break / nap.

I was out in this for anxiety and it made my symptoms much worse. It made me restless and I wasn’t able to sleep at all. I was only in this for 8 days and when my psychiatrist took me off I crashed and ended up in the hospital with withdrawal symptoms.. tremors,confusion,sweating, rapid heartbeat and much worse anxiety.

I’ve suffer from extreme panic attacks, some lasting weeks at a time. I started taking 100mg daily with my normal anxiety meds and I haven’t felt this good in years! ( only down fall is it gives me the munchies )

it did help with my psychosis but made me feel really foggy, made me mentally slower, and i would not stop gaining weight i stopped it and the realistic feeling i have is overwhelming my moodswings are crazy i go from extremely hypomanic to uncontrollable sobbing very fast

Diagnosed with depression. Take it at night to help me sleep otherwise I don’t. Down side, my mom has to give me aderall in the morning or I can’t get up until after 12. Only medication I can say has actually worked though.

For Chronic Migraines-this med has basically stopped my chronic migraines at just 50mg! I got the idea to try it after my neurologist wanted to put me on Zyprexa temporarily to end a vicious migraine cycle I was in due to a HORRID reaction from Emgality (Seroquel is very similar to Zyprexa but generally considered to be safer). Yeah it's an antipsychotic and can have serious side effects but usually only at MUCH higher doses for psychoses (150-800mg). I tried topiramate, amitriptyline and propranolol and had some success but seroquel is a miracle pill for me. Studies have shown it to be effective for migraine prevention at low doses (25-75mg). It is profoundly sedating at any dose so it must be taken at night and can also cause some weight gain. Exercise, eat right and you'll be fine. Most neurologists won't think of trying this drug (mine didn't) so I hope this helps someone and best of luck to all my fellow migraneurs!

I am BiPolar II, have been on Lamictal and stable for years. Started the lowest dose of Seroquel to help with some minor anxiety affecting my sleep. Took a whole pill the first night, was a zombie the next day. Took half a pill for four more days. I slept better each night, but was groggy the next day. The scary thing was my moods. I went from stable, even tempered and patient to irritable, argumentative, easily enraged and had a brief thought of suicide. Stopped the Seroquel immediately, and started feeling better the next day. Was back to normal within two days of stopping. Our 15yo daughter is also on Lamictal for mood disorders, and had been on Seroquel for anxiety/sleep for several months. She was moody in the mornings, and I had a hard time getting her up for school. We thought she was just a typical teenage girl being forced to get up at 5:30am for school. Her dose was quadruple mine. When we realized what had happened to me, we started weaning her off, with her doctor's okay, over the course of a week. Wow. The change was immediate. She was happier, easier to get up and going for school, mentally and emotionally in a much better place. I have a feeling we are the exception to the efficiency of this particular drug. Maybe it was just us. Maybe it was the Seroquel in conjunction with the Lamictal. Who knows. I'm just glad we figured it out.

This is hard to rate as there are things that need to be discussed. I have been on Seroquel for about 10 years now. I often sleep too long, but I don't have any side effects other than not being able to jump out of bed. I recently took Seroquel from the Ascend manufacturer and found that I jump out of bed the next day and feel great and I get perfect sleep. Just when I figured that out, Walgreens stopped carrying it. It is the Ascend manufacturer. We need to really pay attention to this detail as does the pharmacist. Sometimes I was going there and they had filled the wrong manufacturer and I would have to take a different one, maybe the Ascend was very popular, but now Walgreens pharmacy did not renew their contract with Ascend. I am looking everywhere for it now.

I have been taking seriously since 2018 after such a long time of depression , I’m bipolar type 1 mixed also having anxiety and borderline disorders. I have been trying everything in the past 13years, I was on trittico for many years which I thought was helping but it just ruined my life in the end and was not helping at all. I’m so thankful for a random emergency doc who came to me when I had a panic attack and gave me 5 pills of seriously and said.. try it out and see and after I proposed it to my psychiatrist and I started with 50mg, then went up to 100 and stayed on it for years. I’m not cured because I’m always gonna be myself, but I have never ever been more productive, balanced and happy in my life as I am now. I now take 150mg at bedtime as I have a diagnosed chronic insomnia too - I fell asleep after an hour and sleep like a baby , can wake up after 6hours and be fine but sometimes can also sleep 12 , but I have no problem with that at all! After I wake up I’m a bit tired but it takes 2 coffees and 15-30 mins and I’m perfectly fine. I have actually lost weight on quetiapine but I worked out a lot in the beginning. Now I eat like crazy and still weight like always, 53kg. Best medicine for treating bipolar disorder for me. Lithium is killing people!

I have nothing bad to say about Seroquel. I have been taking Seroquel coming up to 14 years. Before that i was a was on a path of self destruction and feared the outside world. Since then I have a Bachelor degree in Bicultural Social Work. I am a registered social worker and facilitator. And work in the justice system. My fear is coming off Seroquel, when and if that happens.

After 20 years of battling major depression I was finally put on a medication regime that works. Part of my regime is Seroquel. My insomnia, depression, and apathy are gone. Completely gone! I do recommend taking this medication at night and getting a full 8 hours of sleep. I don’t use the extended release version because this medication does cause me to fall asleep.

Had very bad nightmares on it. I would be spaced out. Caused an overall hung over feeling the following day.

I can attest wholeheartedly to the effectiveness of this medication, once I got sober. Still have slight mania and depression, but they are not life threatening episodes as they have been in the past. There is no magic pill, but after searching for something, this has given me the ability to function “almost human-like.”

I was suffering from mild depression. Asked nurse-practitioner for Lexipro, which had helped my brother. She refused and insisted that I take Seroquel and gave me free samples. It made me sleep, but turned me into a zombie almost immediately. Lost all touch with reality, paced all day. Went back to dr.'s office, she saw that it wasn't working and insisted that I take increased dose. She had my husband administer more and more seroquel until she said it was the maximum dose. My condition continued to get worse. Seroquel ruined my life for 4-5 years. Worst medication I can imagine.

I began taking this for both MDD, anxiety, insomnia, and a few other symptoms such as issues with dissociative episodes and hallucinations, and difficulties with suicidal thoughts and self harm. Taking this medication in combination with therapy has turned my life around, and I genuinely believe I would still be struggling if I had not started taking it. I tried other antidepressants and antipsychotics but this is the only one that worked for me without major side effects. I am only on the 25mg due to being really sensitive to medications, but that has worked well for me.

Im sleeping and my anxiety is no longer a massive issue. It seems to have just disapeared thank god.