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Generic Name: Supartz FX (sodium-hyaluronate)

Supartz FX Reviews

For Osteoarthritis "Yes, 3 scheduled injections, the 1. First injection was completed in both knees, left knee severe, right knee bone on bone. After first injection, left knee pain diminished within a few hours, right knee took a longer time but diminished some. Just completed 2. Second injection yesterday and left knee feels good, little pain after running, right knee getting better. Did not get the third (3) injection yet. However, since the first injections, I could feel the difference, and if it takes 3 to 4 weeks to see any progress after the last injection, this could be great!"

For Osteoarthritis "First injection I felt no relief afterward. 2nd injection still no pain relief. 3rd injection I could barely walk the next day. Note: first 2 injections and 4th injection the doc injected my knee with my leg straight out. No pain with injection. Another doc did the 3rd and 5th injections with my knee bent at 90 degrees. These 2 injections were very painful. 4th injection I was feeling good. Barely any discomfort/pain. 5th injection just like the 3rd I could barely walk the next day. A week after the 5th/last injection my knee pain is back to where it was before I started the injections. I feel it was a waste of time and money to only get 1 week of peace. Headache - Had a bad headache for a few hours after each injection."

For Osteoarthritis "I had Supartz injected in my knees for bone-on-bone osteoarthritis starting in 10/2016; as I recall, it was a series of three shots 2 weeks apart, starting with my left knee (my right knee was in worse condition); it brought good relief after the second injection; I felt similar relief after the second injection on my right knee. I've had little knee pain since, though I take a collagen supplement (MoveFree Ultra generic; I am allergic to seafood so cannot take the other glucosamine products on the market). This year alone, I've walked in excess of 425 miles as a part of a challenge; this does not count all the other walking I do on a daily basis. I like the product, and believe it will offer some relief to others with bone-on-bone knee issues."

For Osteoarthritis "I had gotten cortisone shots in both knees for a year. Then when it didn’t last three months did Zilretta for two series. Ortho recommended Supartz and it wasn’t fully covered by insurance and I paid $270 for left knee. Both knees alternated as the worst and the left has been the worst for a few weeks. They ordered three injections a week apart. Bottom line they caused more pain than I’ve ever experienced! I had horrible pain intermittently feeling like a knife was stabbing into my knee. I considered stopping but I figured it would hopefully improve. The second week it got worse and after the third one no improvement I’m not increasingly worse. The horrible side effect is that I have been limping so hard that my right knee has become just as bad as the left knee and my back, middle and lumbar, have been experiencing excruciating pain as well. It’s been about three weeks since and if I extent my knee it goes directly to pain level 10. I recommend NOT USING THIS MED!!!!"

For Osteoarthritis "I’ve been using this product and 3 others over the past decade. The best results with no adverse effects has been this product. My Dr tried Omnivisc, I had restless weeks due to adverse effects. Will remain loyal to this company regardless of what the Dr would like to use."

For Osteoarthritis "I was instructed by the Orthopedic doctor to get a cortisol injection first; in order to stabilize the Supartz FX, once it was approved by Medicare. Came in the next week to get the first Supartz injection. I had 1.5 days relief with the Cortisol injection. Then my osteoarthritis pain worsened. I had knelt down on my knee on a mattress and that's what caused it to begin. Took the Supartz injection and have had a constant low grade headache, some severe abdominal pain, and almost can't walk from the knee pain. Decided to discontinue the Supartz. Not worth it to me. My knee is worse now than when I started and I never have headaches, so giving up on it. Also I rode my bike on some hills for a half hour a few days after the first injection...I was not instructed by my doctor NOT to put pressure on the knee. That might have set it off. But what is causing the headaches and abdominal pain?"

For Osteoarthritis "5 injections in each knee over a period of 5 wks. 2/23. Sometimes it seems like it's working other times it's not. Haven't seen a big improvement. 77-year-old female. Administration of inject easy but had one that was painful. Still waiting for a better outcome."

For Osteoarthritis "Now I walk much better. Thanks."

More about Supartz FX (sodium hyaluronate)

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  • Reviews (8)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: viscosupplementation agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Supartz FX injection drug information
  • Supartz FX (Hyaluronate sodium Injection) (Advanced Reading)
  • Supartz FX

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  • Osteoarthritis