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Generic Name: Symlin (pramlintide)

Symlin Reviews

For Diabetes, Type 1 "My endocrinologist put me on this to lose weight. Note: I am extremely sensitive to insulin and can only use regular as the NPH analogues make me very ill except levemir, which I developed an immunity to, and every week in have to go up another ten. Anyways now the after-meal-spikes are a thing of the past, I can say that. Anyone with dawn phenomenon NEEDS this. I barely even need to use my R at all anymore unless I eat something like a big chinese meal. This stuff has changed me so much, I no longer crave candy every night, now if I eat candy once every 2 weeks I'm lucky. The weight loss associated with this is slow, but it really works. Like a diet pill without the speedy effects. I HIGHLY recommend this to all type 1 diabetics"

For Diabetes, Type 1 "Symlin, for me, has allowed proper digestion and has eliminated loose stools... which I experienced for 48 years and thought of as a 'normal' condition... and has brought signifigant comfort to my personal life. I am careful to delay injection until the meal is in front of me ready to eat to head off any negative nausea effect."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Helps to maintain lower blood sugar after meals and also helps to curb my appetite."

For Diabetes, Type 1 "Blood glucose levels do not bounce around as much since I began using this."

More about Symlin (pramlintide)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: amylin analogs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Symlin drug information

Other brands

SymlinPen 60, SymlinPen 120

Professional resources

  • Symlin prescribing information
  • Pramlintide (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • SymlinPen

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 1
  • Diabetes, Type 2