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Generic Name: Synthroid for Hashimoto's disease (levothyroxine)

Synthroid for Hashimoto's disease Reviews

"This stuff is just awful! I’ve had my TSH go as high as 52.0 (wasn’t aware it was that out of control) and felt better than I do now on years of treatment on brand name Synthroid! Endocrinologist just doesn’t seem to agree? And now I have a whole new set of symptoms such as itchiness all over, horrible anxiety, headaches, weight gain, the list goes on and on, and nothing new has been added to my daily routine, I know it’s this medication, I hate it. Just throwing this out there for anyone else so that you know you're not crazy! Good luck!"

"Had my thyroid removed 2 years ago. Was put on Synthroid and have felt terrible ever since. Weight gain, joint and muscle pain, blurred vision, tremors, hair loss, constipation, irregular heartbeat, stomach problems, and the list goes on. Doctor tells me my numbers are fine, and I should be put on an antidepressant. Really. That's because they don't know enough about thyroid disease and keep pushing the drugs. This drug is next to poison, but no one listens to us. We are held hostage to these doctors that don't care. Where do we turn to because we are suffering. Help!"

"Synthroid is terrible, it gave me an exacerbation of mental health symptoms! Nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, fatigue, constant dark thoughts, and depression. My TSH dropped from 0.50 to 0.02, and still no symptoms of hyper, just the same symptoms of hypo: weight gain, tiredness, and depression. I thought I was losing my mind! Trying to adjust my psych meds, thinking that was the issue, didn't work because it was the levo causing the problem. It's difficult to separate symptoms of mental health problems from thyroid problems because they can be similar. I got a referral from my PCP to see an endocrinologist. They switched me to Armour. Significant improvement. Levothyroxine stinks! I'd rather take no thyroid medication and suffer the consequences than take Levothyroxine."

"I've been on Synthroid for over 15 years due to Hashimoto's Disease and also partial thyroidectomy due to a nodule. For anyone who is on the medication and says they are feeling depressed, tired, etc., check into the symptoms of hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's disease as it may be that your medication is not at the right dose. My doctor considers 'normal' TSH to be between 1 and 3, while the AMA lists it as between 1 and 5. When I am at a 4, I do not feel well and have all the symptoms. DON'T just STOP taking this medication on your own as you can have severe side effects. GO back to your doctor and discuss how you feel. I cannot take the generics as they do not work for me. Only SYNTHROID for me! (I'm on 225 a day!)"

"I was drinking Levoxyl, and I was living a normal life, but my doctor changed me to Synthroid, and it's been a living nightmare. My doctor doesn't want to change me back to Levoxyl because he thinks it's just my mind."

"So sorry some of you are having this experience with Synthroid. I have been on this medication for 8 years now. When I started out with it, I had many of the same symptoms as all of you for about nine months. During that time, I went through 5 medication adjustments. I started out at 25 mcg, then ended up at 100 mcg. Then I went to taking the 100 mcg 5 times a week and cutting the pill in half two days. What worked for me is the following: - Take exactly at the same time every morning - Do not eat or drink anything within the hour after that - Some medications and supplements interfere with the absorption of it. Take them 4 to 6 hours before or after. This is important because Synthroid is a narrow therapeutic dosing drug. In other words, if your dose isn't just right, you will experience all the negative side effects of both hypo and drug side effects. - If your doctor isn't willing to adjust the dose for you like my doctor has, find another doctor."

"If you are taking Synthroid and you are still depressed, overweight, or losing hair (all symptoms of hypothyroidism, which this drug treats) then your dose is still not high enough. If your doctor tells you that you are 'within the normal range,' switch doctors - if you are still having symptoms, then your dose should be higher. I have been on this medication for several years now and as long as I'm on the right dose, I feel fine. I know I need an adjustment when I start to get tired and depressed. Those are the two most obvious symptoms for me (as well as hair loss). I have used low-carb diets effectively (New Atkins for a New You is good - has a section for vegetarians) to lose the weight I had gained when my thyroid became inactive."

"I've been taking generic (levothyroxine) for 2.5 years. I took it for a little while about 4 years ago, but I didn't keep up with my health as I should have. My TSH was 58.8, and I started on 50 mcg. After seeing my GP and now an endocrinologist, I am now up to 150 mcg, and the last TSH was 0.99. I have had no side effects from either Synthroid or the generic. The medicine does what it's supposed to do. My hair grew back, the fog lifted, I got my energy back, severe muscle pain went away, joints no longer hurt, and my cholesterol went down from 280 to 200. I take it in the morning but don't follow any rules. The endo just said to take it. I usually take it with my vitamin D, prescription Pepcid, and vitamin C. I take it with coffee or milk. The endo said it really didn't matter, just take it because not taking it is not an option."

"6+ years on Synthroid, and this is what I have to show for it. Used to be a size 12, now a 28, no periods, pain all over, hypo symptoms still, mental and mood symptoms (anxiety, depression, mood swings). My growth hormone is only 40 and my FSH is 78. I can't have children. Finally switched to Cytomel, it broke me out and still had the same symptoms as above. My level was over 20 last they checked. Just got a prescription for Armour, hoping I finally get my life back."

"I was on this medication for about two weeks or so, and within the first couple of days, it made me feel extremely anxious and depressed. I felt as if I was not in control of my emotions. As if this was not bad enough, I also felt an uncomfortable sensation in my neck and experienced trouble sleeping."

"Synthroid is only one of the four hormones produced by the thyroid. So it produces about the expected mediocre result. For me, it was worse than mediocre, it was horrible, leaving me essentially bedridden for almost 3 years. This company has a bad record, and pressure is put on docs to use this stuff exclusively. Why aren't we offered other options at the start?"

"Was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 2 months ago. I would wake up feeling very fatigued, and I would have to take a power nap at work before I could drive home. I had seen the endocrinologist, and he put me on 50 mg of Synthroid once a day. After about two weeks, I felt great, I was back to my normal self minus the weight I gained (10 lbs in 2 weeks). Now, all of a sudden, I woke up this past Monday with a migraine and no appetite. Today is Friday, still battling the migraine and have lost 7 lbs. Every time I think of food, I want to vomit. Had labs done, and everything came back normal. Body feels very hot, and a lot of sweating. Doc lowered me to 25 mg on Wednesday, but still no changes in headache or appetite."

"I have been on Synthroid now for 4 years. I wasn't able to take the generic Levothyroxine because it caused me high blood pressure. I was shocked to find out I had thyroid disease. My dosage continues to go up, I'm on 125 mcg now, and just had my TSH checked, and it's again on the low end (which I can tell because of fatigue, weight gain, hair loss). I demand my thyroid to be tested every 4 months. When it's in the middle of the 'normal' range is the only time I feel good!"

"Suffering for years from all symptoms of hypothyroidism, and my mother has Hashimoto's. Finally, the doctor did thyroid tests. My thyroid peroxidase ASB level was 170, but Free T4 and T3 were within the normal range. The doctor prescribed 100 mg Synthroid to start. Wow! In three days, I could tell a difference. I rated Synthroid 8 out of 10. Time will tell if I have side effects, but for the time being, after one week on Synthroid, I feel like a new person."

"Synthroid has changed my life - from 16 hours/day in bed to being an active medical school student. The only side effect I have experienced is dry eye in the mornings, but that is fine with the use of artificial tears. I used Synthroid for my Hashimoto's and now continue to use it post-thyroidectomy. I only use the Synthroid name brand because generics could be made at different labs and will not be exactly the same every month. Talk to your doctor about using generics. My doctors only prescribe the name brand for me because it is important to have constant thyroid hormone levels."

"I was on this medicine for about 6 months, and in that time, I felt worse than when I wasn't taking it. It took the migraines away, but I still had muscle aches, fatigue, hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, and more. The huge symptom I had on this medicine that bothered me was the depression. I felt dread and doom every day. I couldn't take it anymore, so I stopped taking it, then I went to a different doctor who prescribed me Armour."

"My Hashimoto's with a benign nodule was found after losing my twins to early delivery. Endo believes this was a missed factor in my loss. My TSH was over 4. Started on levothyroxine 100 mcg was great for 2 months, but by the third month, my blood sugars dropped, heart was racing (palpitations), body itching like the burn you feel after a workout, my hair was falling out, severe anxiety, and I was losing 2 lbs every few days (that part I didn't mind). I was insistent to check my TSH and it was 0.27, adjusted down to 88 mcg with an extra half tab once a week. My TSH is now 2.2, but I feel the depression and fatigue. Adjusting back up to 100 since it's been 3 years. At least now I know what to watch for. I no longer experience PCOS or DM 2."

"I have been on Synthroid and the generic for eleven years. If you ever suffered from the effects of thyroid disease, you probably know the depression and fatigue that I felt 11 years ago. I only noticed two side effects. One was an interaction with birth control, the other was my hair wouldn't perm well anymore (small price to pay)."

"43-year-old female, 5'7", 76 kg. I used to be 56 kg, and in a matter of 2 years, I reached 80 kg after quitting smoking. I also had a plethora of other problems, among which were lethargy, extreme fatigue, and depression. My doc discovered by accident my TSH was 10, plus huge antibody values. Started me at 50 mcg Synthroid and I went up from there. I am now at 175 mcg, a huge dose, and feel fantastic. My blood values are low, TSH, upper limit T4. I kind of talked my doc into increasing the dose, as his choice was 125 mcg and I felt that was too low. I finally have the energy to go to the gym. I feel like my old self. I LOVE Synthroid and I hope he won't lower it for me."

"I've taken name brand Synthroid for 30 years now. At first, when I was on the lower dosages, the 25 and 50 mcg, it seemed to work fine. Then suddenly, my TSH went up and I was referred to a new endocrine doctor, and we raised my dosage to 75 mcg. This caused palpitations and severe anxiety, so we went down to 62.5 mcg (125 mcg cut in half). I've been on 62.5 for a while now, and I'm frustrated. After my dosage kept going up, I've gained 10 lbs over a few weeks. I've also developed a constantly bloated abdomen and face, heartburn, constant hunger which I manage by staying on 1200 calories a day and no snacking. I also work out daily. I've been tested for H. Pylori, SIBO, celiac, food intolerances, etc. and no answers. I think this medication causes all of these issues at higher dosages. My current TSH is 1.4, but I am going to see if I can try something else or try alternating with a lower dosage. I'm tired of waking up to my clothes not fitting and constantly looking pregnant."

"Like many I was doing amazing on Nature Throid until about 2017 and since then I have bounced from no medication and from tirosint and synthroid. Synthroid has been the worst decision of my life! I’m feel so sad and depressed, which probably has to do with a 40lb weight gain after switching to synthetic meds. I truly wished this worked for me!"

"Started Synthroid 50 mcgs on August 25th 2020. I was 6’3 at 266 lbs. It is now October 28th 2020 and I have lost 49 pounds. My weight is 217lb. If you have hashimotos disease. I highly recommend the paleo or AIP diet. All I did was diet and take my meds every day at 9 a.m on an empty stomach with water. I would then wait till 12 before I would eat lunch to make sure all of the meds absorbed. My antibody count is still unreadable so I have to up my dose to 75 mcgs now. Needless to say this medicine seems to do it’s job. But your diet is nearly as important."

"I have been on Synthroid for a while, and when I started having stomach issues, I could no longer tolerate pills. My endo doc changed me from Synthroid to Levoxyl, and I couldn't tolerate that either. Now I'm on injectable, what a relief to know I have options!"

"I have been taking Levoxyl for the past 10 years and doing well on it. Then all of a sudden I was having severe hyperthyroid symptoms after my dose was increased and I was switched to Synthroid. This stuff feels like poison. It caused heaviness in my chest, felt like it was more difficult to breathe, and caused me to feel very depressed. I took it for a month and said no more. I am back on Levoxyl now and all of those horrible symptoms went away almost immediately. I have tried several different levothyroxine brands and it’s so difficult to find the correct one. The batches seem to be inconsistent lately as well for both Synthroid and Levoxyl. But if you’re having horrible side effects from Synthroid please switch to a different brand. It really makes a difference."

"I was started on Synthroid after being diagnosed with major depression but I had had fainting spells before the depression. After about two years of antidepressants I kept passing out and my BP was 80/50 often so low that drug store blood pressure testing stations could not get a reading. I was okay until a local lab tested me at a TSH of 68 then the next day it was 34. As a laboratory specialist I knew that variation signified testing problems but the doctors didn’t believe me and kept increasing the dose . Now my TSH is at the bottom end of testing, there is no lower result. My hair is falling out, my skin is terribly dry, I can’t sleep and temperatures of 64 F still feel too hot. I am reducing my meds because I can’t stand feeling like this any longer. On the proper dose I feel fine but my doctor is very resistant to change so I am doing it myself and when my blood levels are tested again I will see if I am correct."

More about Synthroid (levothyroxine)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Synthroid drug information
  • Synthroid (Levothyroxine Injection) (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Tirosint, Unithroid, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Synthroid prescribing information
  • Levothyroxine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Tirosint, Unithroid, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • Underactive Thyroid
  • TSH Suppression
  • Thyroid Suppression Test
  • Myxedema Coma