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Generic Name: Systane (ocular-lubricant-ophthalmic)

Systane Reviews

For Dry Eye Disease "Systane Side Effects. Possibly the preservative. I could not see to drive at night. - Blurred vision - Eye redness or discomfort or other irritation not present before use of this medicine - Increased sensitivity of eyes to light - Matting or stickiness of eyelashes - Swelling of eyelids - Watering of eyes"

For Dry Eye Disease "I had a PRK vision correction surgery 6 months ago. My doctor recommended Systane and gave the individual package samples. I was fine with and, a couple of months ago, I bought the Systane lubricant long-lasting. Recently, I started seeing streaks of lights like lightning on my left eye floaters. I am also having sensitivity to light. I went back to my doctor and he couldn’t see anything wrong but sent to a retina specialist who told me he sees bubble liquid but nothing else wrong with my eye. I came to read the reviews tonight and I was shocked to see someone has experienced the same symptoms. I am going to stop using it immediately and I hope the floaters and lighting will clear. Not to I have been dizzy. I will write back in a week."

For Dry Eye Disease "I have recently started using this to help with eye lubrication from mild dry eye. I have used Refresh in the past & recommended this too many patients over the years. This product (Systane) has made my eyes burn TERRIBLY! This has led to blurry vision & headache. I will not be using this & cannot in good conscience (based on my own & many others' experiences) recommend this to anyone else either."

For Dry Eye Disease "I started using these Systane drops a few months ago. I have since stopped because they have damaged my eyes with stinging, floaters, and terrible dulled vision. I hope this will warn people not to use them, and I hope the FDA will do a complete study on them."

For Dry Eye Disease "I’ve developed Scleritis as a symptom of lupus, which is an inflammation of the whites of the eye. My doctor said I should try Systane. Today, I just figured I’d try the Systane, although I’m not suffering from the symptom at the moment. My eyes started burning, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and had to flush them with water! Terrible product. Definitely informing my doctor. Big waste of money."

For Dry Eye Disease "I went to purchase Refresh Tears (I have been using them for 9 years) and discovered the store was no longer carrying them. I purchased Systane Ultra and used it that evening. I then continued to use it twice a day. On the third day, my right eye was irritated, and my large floater was more irritated and painful. I put in the drops several times that day, but to no avail. I consider the product harmful to my eye and a waste of my money."

For Dry Eye Disease "I have tried Systane a couple of times before, which was doctor-recommended. This time I tried Systane Complete, and my eye became very irritated and itchy. I first thought that I may have gotten dust in my eyes until using it one last time, and my eyes began itching badly. I have discontinued using this product. The numbers on the bottle are #308314F, with an expiration date of 05/2020 and also another number under the label #H15175-0418. I did not see a contact number, so I'm leaving this comment."

For Dry Eye Disease "I've been on these eye drops since 2014 when Hypo Tears went off the market. My dry eyes were never really helped by Systane, and I found out recently that they're a big cause of my frequent migraines. I didn't connect the Systane to my headaches until my mom mentioned she was getting bad headaches after using Systane. I stopped them for a few days, and the migraines dropped considerably. I've since switched to a no-name generic eye drop I found at Walmart and haven't had any issues at all with it. Wish I'd made the connection between the Systane and my migraines before now because it's been five long years of pain for me."

For Dry Eye Disease "My optometrist prescribed Systane Ultra for mild dry eyes. I started using them occasionally as needed. Then a doctor advised that I should be using the eye drops twice daily and 2 drops in each eye. After the second day, my dry eyes became severe, and I went to an eye specialist who advised I also had blepharitis. This product made my eyes severely worse with an added chronic condition that has affected my vision and balance. It took only a few uses to cause severe eye problems. In my experience, this product should not even be on the market, and if used, should be used with extreme caution. I'm sorry I ever used it."

For Dry Eye Disease "I have used Systane for years, but got the new Systane Complete for dry eyes, and it is like putting fire to my eyes. Burns terribly. Idk what is in these that causes this, but it also does my husband's eyes the same way. Will not recommend this one to anyone."

For Dry Eye Disease "For dry eyes, using the Systane gel drops at bedtime, and comparing to Refresh or Blink gels, I notice a definite burn, possibly the preservative. The worst is that my sight is blurred like a Vaseline coat after using-can’t see/focus at all for over an hour to set the clock or read. Other gel drops equalize in 5 minutes or less. Second worst, my lashes are stuck together in the morning, so just to open my eyes, I probably pull out lashes. My eyes feel slightly better the next day after the gel on lashes is showered off, but still mostly unacceptable for me."

For Dry Eye Disease "When I started using Systane Complete PF 1 drop twice a day for cornea dryness my eyes felt “gummy”. About a month later I started having brief dizzy spells that evolved into episodes of vertigo with double vision “ratcheting” movements of things on the wall in the room, nausea, brain fog, and blood pressure dropped diaphoretic some lasting as long as 10 minutes. I could not stand or walk without help. Went to urgent care and the doctor thought I was having a TIA ( small stroke) and sent me to get a Cat Scan of the brain which was negative. I told the doctor that I was using eye drops but he dismissed this. Put me on meclizine. I was putting my eye drops in that night my husband asked if eye drops could cause my dizziness. I started looking up information about Systane and found some positive results but so many negative and many had symptoms very similar to what I was having. I stopped the drops 5 days ago the dizziness is less still on meds. I reported this to FDA. Encourage anyone who has this to do the same!"

For Dry Eye Disease "My eye doctor gave me Systane drops to use for dry eye. About two weeks later, my vision became very blurry, and when I looked at anything digital, it was double and triple vision. After a complete eye exam, it was determined my retina and optic nerve were fine. The only thing he could come up with was at a microscopic level, the cells of the cornea might be having some inflammation. In the meantime, I switched to Refresh Tears. About three months later, my blurriness was getting somewhat better. I went out of town and forgot my eye drops. My friend had her Systane drops with her, (I still hadn't connected the dots yet), so I used them. The following week, my blurry vision was back just as bad as it originally had been! There is no doubt that it is caused by the Systane product."

For Dry Eye Disease "Diagnosed with dry eye and blepharitis. Doctor gave me Systane Complete to use for dry eye. It made my eyes burn and very uncomfortable. I threw this stuff away, as anything that makes you that uncomfortable can't be any good. Not going to use Systane products from now on."

For Dry Eye Disease "I have dry eye, and I used Refresh gel and liquid, that worked for me. However, a friend told me to switch to Systane, and I notice that my eyes keep getting drier by the day. I woke up with my eyes red and feeling like there was sand in my eyes, and very itchy all through the day. I decided to go back to Refresh two days ago, and my problems went away. I will never use anything but Refresh again. Systane damages your eyes, in my opinion."

For Dry Eye Disease "My doctor suggested using Systane 4 times a day for dry eyes. After the second dose I felt terrible, my eye was tearing non stop and had burning and stinging sensations as if there is a sand rubbing against the eye. The eye became very red and very sensitive to light and the vision was very blurred and feels like a white fog covering the eye sight! I stopped it right away and it feels much better. I read the leaflet that came with and it stated that these symptoms and lots more as side effects of this drug."

For Dry Eye Disease "My eye doctor suggested to try Systane Complete. I was happy to try new Systane. However, it caused severe itchiness of my eyes. It doesn't help me at all. Just wasted my money. I recommend first to try a sample. Not to be in a situation in which I am. I am very disappointed."

For Dry Eye Disease "The optometrist said to try this Systane for dry eye and blurry vision. Did not help blurry vision (I'm diabetic). Stung badly in one eye, and now have a small pimple in the corner of the eye. Also experiencing unusually large and more visual floaties. Also experiencing a different kind of floaty, like about 1/4 of my eye has an area of very blurry vision that floats in the left eye. Also experiencing random, white streaks flashing in the dark, even when eyes are closed, like a lightning strike at the edge of the left eye. Most of these cleared up 3 days after stopping Systane. Will report to the optometrist."

"I suffer from repetitive corneal erosion, used Systane drops and gel just before bed in my right eye only, as recommended by my optometrist. I started noticing I was getting headaches that required pain relief. What concerned me most was a throbbing down the side of my head. My eye sockets ached, vision became more blurred, and the floaters were far worse. I stopped the product after 3 days and will never use it again after reading the other reviews. I was interested to see that it caused migraines in other people."

For Dry Eye Disease "Horrible, horrible product. After a week of use, my eyes became extremely irritated, itchy, puffy, and just all around uncomfortable. Eyes would feel good for 1-2 hours after use, but then feel horrible, more dry, and worse than before. Definitely some sort of rebound effect."

For Dry Eye Disease "I had surgery for a cancerous tumor under my left eye. After it healed from plastic surgery, it became extremely dry to the point I could hardly keep my eye open. I used Thera for years and it did not work. I used SYSTANE BALANCE and I hardly ever feel like something is in my eye. Best drops I have ever used. I put them in 4 times a day."

For Dry Eye Disease "I have used Systane Ultra, and it does a fairly good job, but then I bought the two-bottle container of Systane Complete thinking it would be even better. Not so. My eyes became irritated, crusty goop on the lids after waking up in the morning. When I stopped using it, my eyes did not have these symptoms."

For Eye Redness "Have been using SYSTANE on and off for a few weeks and have experienced severe redness, swelling, and itching around my eyes. Couldn't figure out at first what was causing it, so narrowed it down to this product and made note when I used it. Sure enough, SYSTANE seemed to be the cause. While using this eye gel and naturally blinking after it is placed in my eyes, some gel gets onto the surrounding skin around the eyes, and it has caused the redness, itching, and swelling. So, be aware of this side effect."

For Dry Eye Disease "I have gotten a broken blood vessel in my eyes two or three times. I was wondering if it was from the Systane drops. I just started using them recently as my eyes were dry. Has anyone else had this side effect?"

For Dry Eye Disease "Cataract surgeon gave me a bottle of Systane to use before cataract surgery. I've been on it for two days and started getting blurry vision. Have you read the ingredients? Boric acid and hydrochloric acid!!"

More about Systane (ocular lubricant ophthalmic)

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  • Reviews (112)
  • Side effects
  • Drug class: ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations

Patient resources

  • Systane drug information
  • Systane Preservative Free

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Artificial Tears, Refresh Tears, Blink Tears, Lubricant Eye Drops, ... +77 more

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Other formulations

  • Systane Ultra

Related treatment guides

  • Dry Eye Disease