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Generic Name: Tamiflu for Swine Flu (oseltamivir)

Tamiflu for Swine Flu Reviews

"After contracting Swine flu I was given Tamiflu as treatment. While it has,(touch wood), prevented the virus spreading to my lungs which was a concern as an asthmatic, the side effects are less than pleasant. I found that it made you confused, unable to think properly, string sentences together or concentrate. Made me irritable, thirsty, stomach cramps, muscle aches and very very sleepy. "

"My daughter (9) and I (37) were tested positive for H1N1. Both of us were prescribed Tamiflu. Both of us had to stop early (I stopped after 2 days or 4th pill, my daughter stopped after 1st day or two 7.5mg doses). I had insomnia, bad back pain, stomach pain and nausea. After I stopped it cramping continued for awhile. My daughter’s eyes were puffy, red with blood vessels popped, nausea, stomach pain. But the worst was at night when she was so weird! She felt like someone picks her up and drops her back on the bed. She also had difficulty answering easy questions like “ what’s your last name?” I pray that all this will go away soon. Her eyes got better the next day we stopped Tamiflu. Thank God I didn’t give Tamiflu to my 3 year old. It was prescribed to her as precautionary measure since she was definitely exposed to the virus. I would not forgive myself. I wonder if anybody who developed or selling or prescribing this medication is taking it themselves. Probably not."

"I got MS and bad Asthma, been given Tamiflu as prevention as we got influenza in the area. I have had 1 day of flu symptoms and my GP put me on Tamiflu just in case. I must say the 1st tablet I did take this afternoon completely wiped me out. However, side effects are no different to when I have to take Predisone (steroids), dizzy, burning hot, very very sleepy. "

"I had no major problems with this medication. My 2 year old daughter, my husband, and I all contracted swine flu and were all put on Tamiflu. After just 2 doses, my daughter was back to her normal self. Never suffered any side effects. It took 2 or 3 doses for my husband and I to start feeling better, my husband had no problems with it either. The only problem I had was vomiting 30 min-an hour after taking the medication. But once I started taking it with a meal, that stopped. We went from feeling absolutely miserable on Sunday to feeling pretty much back to normal on Monday night. It's now Tuesday morning, fever has been gone for 24 hours, weakness has subsided, aches are long gone, all I have left is a cough. Highly recommend Tamiflu."

"This medication was seriously a life saver. I was diagnosed the day after I started showing symptoms and took it pretty much after I left the pharmacy. I went from a 102 fever to normal within six hours. It'd day three and I still have a bit of a cough, but I don't feel nearly as wretched as I have the past couple of days. The only complaint I would have is it makes me dizzy if I stand up for too long at a time."

"I rate Tamiflu highly, I was given it three days ago after contracting suspected swine flu and it has done the job very well. I did after taking the first tablet feel really sick but apart from that I had no other side effects."

"This made my daughter and I nauseous. She threw up, we were both exhausted by it. She had headaches. It was awful. Better to let the flu run its course. My other daughter and husband tolerated it very well."

"Our pharmacy mixed Tamiful in-house for our five-month-old. As soon as the medicine was in her mouth, her stomach would convulse and she would completely empty her stomach, whether she took it alone or with food. We were told by the doctor there was no other option other than to discontinue use. Two days later, we were back at the pharmacy to fill the same prescription for her 4-year-old brother. The commercial preparation was available then. I talked to the pharmacist about the baby's reaction to Tamiflu, and she said the sugar base from the in-house mix was the likely culprit. We refilled the baby's prescription with the commercial preparation, and she tolerated it just fine. I'm so grateful, because she really needed the medicines!"

"My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with the flu (H1N1, but they did not verify officially due to the number of cases in the area) and went from a fever of 104F, chills, body aches, sore throat, etc to almost completely back to normal with no sign of fever after 2 doses (24 hours). She has had no ill side effects and I couldn't be more relieved to see her healthy again. I highly recommend this medication!"

"Had the worst flu I ever experienced . High & low temperatures , aching body & delirium (swine flu) I was told not to go near the Doctors surgery (I was too ill to get out of bed anyway ) . No Doctor would visit me at home . A relative was allowed to collect a prescription for Tamiflu & bring it to me, with as little contact as possible . I was warned about vomiting as a side effect . I vomited soon after taking the first dose & the nausea lasted for 24 hours . However my flu symptoms started to subside within that 24 hours and I was on my way to recovering within a few days of taking Tamiflu."

"My 11 year old son tested positive for influenza type A and he and I both were prescribed Tamiflu. I was a nervous wreck after all the things I had heard about tamiflu side effects in children, but looking at my son, I weighed my options, and gave him the tamiflu. On day 2 after his 4th dose ( and a much much stressed out me) he seems to be doing great. Like he barely has a minor cold. Neither of us are having any major side effects. We both still have many more doses to take. I will post again, if anything changes."

"After taking my first dose, I vomited for hours. Am afraid to take anymore due to side effects."

"The drug did work for me. I have psoriasis, and it was just getting better, but after taking Tamiflu it has really flared it up again. It has gone very dry and scaly again."

"My 8 month old son was given Tamiflu and it worked a treat. I'm just hoping he doesn't catch swine flu again because living with the moaning was a nightmare."

"The medicine knocked my fever from 103 to 100 in just a few hours and the intense achiness went away as well. The side effects were very minimal. I don't see why some people are complaining about it."

"Tamiflu helped reduce my 2yr old's symptoms to cold like symptoms. The coughing remained, but decreased. The vomiting stopped as did the fever and diarrhea. I would recommend this medicine."

"Great Stuff. Helps soften conditions with no ill effects. "

"It did make me feel nauseous each time I took it but it did help me feel better the next day maybe because I took it in 48hour time frame"

More about Tamiflu (oseltamivir)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: neuraminidase inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tamiflu drug information
  • Tamiflu (Oseltamivir Capsules)
  • Tamiflu (Oseltamivir Suspension)

Professional resources

  • Tamiflu prescribing information
  • Oseltamivir (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Avian Influenza
  • Swine Flu
  • Influenza Prophylaxis
  • Influenza