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Generic Name: Temovate (clobetasol-topical)

Temovate Reviews

For Lichen Sclerosus "BRAND TEMOVATE works; generic does not!! From personal experience, and that of a friend (I had brand, she had generic). I am cured; she is not. Also, hormone replacement orally and topically of estrogen plus testosterone helped greatly with the cure. I keep the area clean, using liquid soap plus Hibiclens. After drying, I lightly use Nystop powder. I apply the topicals 2x daily. I can again enjoy sex, climaxing, and also have a normal life... just like I used to have. I had to appeal my insurance decision to get brand Temovate."

For Psoriasis "Works best when applied at night before sleep. Good for use on the body. Not for face or other sensitive skin areas. I've only been using it for a couple of months, but the results are better than any other products that I've used in the past."

For Dermatitis "I have used both Temovate and the generic Clobetasol for the treatment of poison ivy. Both were equally effective. Over the counter meds-ointments such as caladryl and cortisone did nothing to relieve the itching and misery, however, as soon as applying temovate or clobetasol to the affected areas, the itching was relieved and greatly reduced almost immediately. Within a day, the blisters were dried up and within 2 days everything cleared up. This is experience with these topical steroids over the past 30 years. Nothing else has ever worked, and I tried everything including over the counter ointments, lotions and Aveeno baths."

For Eczema "Awful. I have eczema but my hands are very sensitive. My hands usually bleed and are scaly. Well this just made everything worse. I cried because the pain was so bad. I switched to Opzelura and my eczema is barely noticeable!!! STAY AWAY"

For Psoriasis "Began use of this medication upon receipt in mail. Only a few doses were necessary when effectiveness were noted. No side effects noted throughout the treatment period. Dermatologist will review the site at next appointment."

For Lichen Sclerosus "Worked great for me, 2 times a day for 2 weeks, then once a day. Now I only use it when I feel symptoms, maybe once or twice a month. I'm careful not to use too much."

More about Temovate (clobetasol topical)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Latest FDA alerts (1)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical steroids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Temovate drug information
  • Temovate (Advanced Reading)
  • Temovate (Clobetasol Cream, Gel, and Ointment)
  • Temovate (Clobetasol Solution)

Other brands

Clobex, Impoyz, Olux, Clobevate, ... +10 more

Professional resources

  • Temovate prescribing information
  • Clobetasol (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Clobex, Impoyz, Olux, Clodan, ... +3 more

Related treatment guides

  • Psoriasis
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Dermatological Disorders