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Generic Name: Tirosint (levothyroxine)

Tirosint Reviews

For Underactive Thyroid "I’ve been on Tirosint for 3 months now. The best I’ve felt in YEARS! I previously posted in October and I can only say if the other various thyroid medications are making you feel awful, YOU HAVE TO TRY TIROSINT! My energy level is fabulous, losing weight, no hair loss, coherent, etc, and overall LIVING LIFE to the FULLEST."

For Underactive Thyroid "A word of caution about levothyroxine - not all levothyroxine drugs are equal. I recently experienced a nasty episode with generic levothyroxine because the manufacturer changed the formula (replaced lactose with mannitol) which made me very sick for months (dizziness, nausea, over tiredness, chest pain, and arrhythmia). It took a while to figure out since there was no communication of a 'change' from the manufacturer. The switch to 'Tirosint' was a lifesaver! Right away, the symptoms subsided. It is so important to check the excipients (fillers). Tirosint has glycerin, water, levothyroxine, that's it! As an NTI drug (narrow therapeutic index), I would never risk the generic again. I was too sick and spent too much money with docs who couldn't find anything wrong with me! After doing research, I asked for just ask for the brand - I am so glad as it solved all of my 'issues'!"

For Underactive Thyroid "I was doing great on Tirosint until manufacturers changed to IBSA. I developed gastritis and arthritic neck pain, fatigue, and weakness. Felt like I had the flu. This medication has cost me a lot of time and money. Please start checking for any manufacture changes to your thyroid medication."

For Hashimoto's disease "I was affected by the Levoxyl recall and was devastated. I had been on Levoxyl for Hashimoto's for about 3 years, it was the only thyroid med that made me feel what I thought at the time was 'good'. Looking back, I wasn't good at all...no sex drive, weight gain, swollen face, extreme anxiety. I switched to Tirosint about a month ago, and when I noticed these side effects dissipating, I was ECSTATIC but also so confused! I had no idea the Levoxyl was causing so much negativity in my life. Tirosint has NO fillers, and for that reason, all those negative side effects from Levoxyl were gone. I dropped 5 lbs almost immediately, taking me back to my post-Hashimoto's weight. Sex drive was back, anxiety decreased. Best of all, I'm just happy again!"

For Hashimoto's disease "After 12 years of struggling with Synthroid and also trying NP Thyroid, which was worse, I finally found an endocrinologist that agreed that the binders in other thyroid medications were causing my Hashimoto's autoimmune reaction. Therefore, keeping my TSH not in control. I have been on Tirosint for a little over a year and have noticed a great improvement to the point of not having hypothyroid symptoms. I would suggest the makers of Tirosint should make it clear of the importance of allowing 4 hours from taking the medication and eating or taking other supplements so it does not interfere. I am forever grateful to the manufacturers of Tirosint for making this very clean thyroid medication because binders really do play a factor in Hashimoto's. I just hope I do not develop a sensitivity to glycerin."

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "Been on Tirosint for 7 years after switching from other forms of levothyroxine. Been doing great on it, with small dose changes when needed. 4 months ago, was feeling unwell, endo tested me & my TSH was highest it's been since before I started Tirosint. We increased my dose, I'm now worse with full hypo symptoms that are affecting all areas of my life & functioning (intense pain, fatigue, brain fog, menstrual issues, etc.). Just had my thyroid panel & my TSH has climbed HIGHER on a Tirosint dose increase - opposite of what should be happening. Hasn't been this high since my thyroid was removed. I contacted the Tirosint manufacturer to see if the formulation has changed - NO RESPONSE. Will contact all the necessary channels to find out what's going on. It seems obvious that it must be the meds, since my issues coincide with their packaging & capsule sizes changing. I'm livid that they haven't responded. People's lives are at stake. Those without thyroids NEED effective hormone replacement to LIVE."

For Hashimoto's disease "I have Hashimoto's. Tirosint has changed my life for the good! I have taken it for four months and I have felt like a human being again. I was like a zombie for 10 years on stupid Armour. Fortunately, I received a bad batch of Armour that sent me to the ER twice last October, which prompted my medication change to Tirosint. I want to let everyone know with Hashimoto's that Tirosint is truly a Godsend medication. I hope it works for you like it has for me. I had no idea how sick I was on stupid Armour. That's what I call it because Armour made me stupid. I couldn't think straight while taking it. Now with Tirosint, I'm a force to be reckoned with! I have a new job and have tons of energy! I have been reorganizing and cleaning my house."

For Hashimoto's disease "I have been on Tirosint for 5 years and have done fairly well on it. This past April 2020, I noticed the distributor of the drug changed but thought nothing of it. I then developed a pain in my left shoulder and also began to have an incredibly itchy rash located on my front shins. My endo suggested it looked like an allergic reaction. We increased my dose to a higher one over five days, and when I started the higher dose, the rash got better but then returned. I have now switched to Synthroid, and the rash has gone completely. I suspect the casing of the drug has changed with the new distributor, which doesn't make much sense. I think something has happened to the drug that they aren't telling us."

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on Nature Throid for 13 years with no problems until they stopped manufacturing it. I tried Armour and experienced anxiety! I switched to Levothyroxine and have been in the dumps, suffering from upper back and neck pain ever since. Recently, I switched to Tirosint, my hair immediately started falling out, and I was having severe hot flashes. I stopped taking it, and both issues resolved, so now I just take Levo every other day. I'm not sure why these manufacturers cannot figure it out when there are so many people suffering. Please, someone manufacture Nature Throid again. I am at a loss."

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I went on Tirosint when Levoxyl stopped working after they changed the formulary. It worked great until March or so of this year. Now my hair is falling out, I’ve gained 8 lbs., my temp is 96, I’m exhausted, etc. Because of the pandemic, I didn’t figure it out right away. Obviously hypothyroidism and I’m so bummed. Awaiting test results and a consult with my doctor. What did they do to Tirosint? Synthroid or Levoxyl don’t work for me. What do I do next? What a nightmare."

For Hashimoto's disease "I was prescribed Tirosint-SOL in May 2020 for Hashimoto's disease. The first month was fine with slight heart racing at night. Then on July 1, I had chest pains during the night. I stopped taking Tirosint and called my doctor. At first, I thought it was COVID-19, and I got tested - it was negative. I stopped taking all thyroid medicine. I had chest pains throughout July. Well, long story short, I had an emergency triple bypass operation on July 27. I am 65 years old and without any other health issues. I do NOT recommend this medication. The side effects can be awful. I do not want anyone to go through this experience."

For Hashimoto's disease "Oh my goodness! My endocrinologist switched me from Synthroid to Tirosint because I wasn't absorbing the Synthroid. After taking Tirosint for a while, I started to become suicidally depressed. I'm not on many Rx, but I felt Tirosint was the culprit. I stopped taking it altogether about 2.5 weeks ago. Guess what? I'm happy. (I did this on my own. Consult with a doctor.) I'm not one who's into supplements, but I researched and researched and found that selenium is supposed to help your thyroid. I've been taking selenium since I've been off Tirosint. (Again, ask your doctor.) I'm now just taking selenium (again, talk to doctor) and I feel great. I would NOT recommend this drug to anyone."

For Underactive Thyroid "Tirosint has been great for me. I have hypothyroidism and was starting to have recurring symptoms. Tirosint got rid of these symptoms. My recurring symptoms while on Levoxyl (but only after over ten years on it) were: puffy face, constipation, fatigue. When I took Tirosint, the symptoms were gone. I am very happy with Tirosint. I have no side effects."

For Underactive Thyroid "For the people who have concerns with hair loss. I have heard that if you need and can tolerate taking zinc supplement, it decreases hair loss and also helps convert the t4 to t3. As always, consult your doctor."

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on generic levothyroxine for over 30 years at 112 mcg per day. I felt ok, but over the past couple of years, I had ups and downs with it. It got really worse since January with dizziness, extreme tiredness, and nausea. Come to find out, the manufacturers replaced the lactose ingredient with mannitol, which was our culprit. After researching, I discovered that mannitol is no longer allowed in France and Belgium due to its side effects. I asked my doctor to switch me to Tirosint (pure form with no mannitol or dyes), and my symptoms have subsided! So far, so good. I need to wait 2 weeks to check my levels. I bet I may even have to lower my dose as I seem to absorb this one better. I am thankful to the manufacturer of Tirosint, as I feel so much better!"

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been on every and I mean every thyroid medication known to my doctor. The Tirosint had worked the best because of my gluten and lactose issues. However, my insurance company refuses to pay for the medication and since my husband is retiring soon, I will have to go off my meds altogether. I simply cannot afford to pay. I also suffer from Lupus and other autoimmune diseases."

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "Tirosint is the lesser of all the evils for me. When my levels are good (below a 2), then I feel wonderful and am functioning well. If they dip, I feel like everything goes haywire. If I'm too suppressed, my period goes crazy. Serious anxiety in the form of obsessive worrying. If my dose is too low, my period just stops, my face puffs up. I can't sleep. Neurological issues. Acne. I do better having my levels checked every 3 months. I skip my dose on lab day and take it immediately afterwards. This has kept me pretty close to the 2 range. I'm a woman, so healthcare professionals disregard me and my symptoms, so I'm just writing this hoping it will help another woman."

For Hashimoto's disease "I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's a year ago and have had an underactive thyroid. I have spent years feeling very tired, irritable, depressed, no energy, no strength, no endurance, in a brain fog, crazy periods, joint pain, list goes on... overall not well. I was considered subclinical with TSH of 7 and my endocrinologist prescribed me 13 mcg of Tirosint, the lowest dose. She said if it helps, great, but if not, I can stop taking it and try wait-and-see approach. I felt better the first day after taking the medication. I had a little more energy and was able to concentrate more than usual. I started a journal and each day I was noticing how much better I was feeling. Now it has been 4 weeks and I feel better than I have in years."

For Underactive Thyroid "Personally, I really like Tirosint better than any other thyroid medication I've taken. I was on Armour for 3 months and started to lose my hair, and my nails got very thin. Then, I switched to Synthroid hoping that my hair would stop falling out, but it only got worse. After a month on Synthroid, I lost at least half my hair. So I talked to my doctor, and we switched me to Tirosint, and after 3 weeks of using it, my hair has barely fallen out! I personally have had no harmful side effects with Tirosint, and I am glad I switched. Yes, it may be a little pricey a month, but it's totally worth not having my hair fall out!"

For Underactive Thyroid "Devastating side effects - I have developed severely crippling joint pain in both knees, debilitating nerve pain in feet after 12 weeks of taking this drug for underactive thyroid. Also experiencing muscle spasms, tremors, depression, suicidal thoughts, restlessness, some chest pains, and tingling all over the body. If I could have given it a lower rating, I would have."

For Hashimoto's disease "I have had Hashimoto's since I was in my 30s. Everything I take starts problems with my stomach, skin, hair, and nails. My doctor gave me a 2-month supply of Tirosint, and I felt 100% better. I am now switching to Tirosint and hoping that it continues to work."

For Hashimoto's disease "Tirosint is a Godsend medication, after many side effects from generic and brand name Synthroid, it was determined that I should try this brand. I was never normal until this medication (metabolically, physically, or mentally). It just works best. I am my old self again before Hashimoto's disease."

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been on several thyroid medications for over 8 years. I was always tired, had fatigue, experienced hair loss, and extreme weight gain. I started Tirosint, and instantly I started feeling better."

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been using Tirosint for over 8 months. I feel good and more energetic during my day. I can actually get more work done without having to take a midday nap. However, I haven’t done blood work to see how the real effects are taking place within, but for the past two months I have started experiencing terrible joint pains in my wrist, fingers, and legs. So I’m starting to wonder based on some of the other comments if this medication is causing these pains."

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "Thyroid removed in 2014 due to cancer. Have been on every medicine out there. I was happy on Nature-Throid until a change in 2018, and it quit working. Not happy with NP or Synthroid. Just tried Tirosint 6 weeks ago. Noticed a lot of aches and pains have disappeared. Although this med is absorbed much easier for me, and I had to start skipping a day every 5th day on 125. If I didn't - I experienced pains in lower legs and other signs of overtreatment. I just got my blood work, and TSH was 1.19. So it's working very well. Could probably go on 100, but Dr. is happy with what I am doing. I had a small amount of Hashimoto in my removed thyroid. This med is stronger than levo, so be careful when switching. I was on 135 levo before the switch and started on 125 of this med, and I could tell it was still too much. I even eat breakfast with mine. It doesn't even bother it. So those with gastro issues, try eating with your dose. I'm happy and hope it stays this way for a while. I'm tired of switching meds."

More about Tirosint (levothyroxine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (1)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tirosint advanced reading
  • Tirosint

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Unithroid, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Tirosint prescribing information
  • Levothyroxine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Levoxyl, Unithroid, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • TSH Suppression
  • Myxedema Coma
  • Thyroid Suppression Test
  • Underactive Thyroid