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Generic Name: Tramadol for Chronic Pain (tramadol)

Tramadol for Chronic Pain Reviews

"I am 31 years old, and I have had chronic back and neck pain since I was 14. I have been prescribed different medications over the years. Tramadol seems to help me the most for what I need. There are other medications that are more powerful but have worse side effects, and I need to be sharp-minded enough to do my job. Tramadol takes away about 70% of my pain and allows me to function. I also feel happier when I’m on it, probably just because I’m not in agonizing pain. I wrote this review because so many people say tramadol doesn’t work, but it actually helps some of us function a normal life. Withdrawal symptoms are manageable."

Ultram ODT (tramadol) "I just started Ultram ODT. So far, not impressed. The government needs to understand that there are people out here who need these meds. Good, honest, hardworking Americans who deserve a few hours a day without pain. Now I am in pain all the time. I don’t have insurance, so I pay for all my meds with cash. There is no way I’m going to even consider selling my much-needed meds. I know there are billions out there who are just like me. I have had to go dark to take care of myself. It was that or a bullet in the head. Nobody wants to be like this. Nobody!!!!! But our government doesn’t care."

Ultram (tramadol) "Tramadol is a good medication that can take care of a wide range of pain. This medication is a great sub to addictive meds. A medication that only manages the pain and does not manage your mental state."

"I'm an athlete who has several injuries as well as degenerative changes. I've been on Tramadol 50mg, 4x a day for several years. It works really well for me. Side effects are minimal, or at least I don't notice them. Hydrocodone constipated me terribly, but Tramadol doesn't at all. Lately, I am troubled immensely by hip pain and Tramadol isn't as effective for this. I've been complementing it with Ibuprofen (six 250mg tablets per day) and that combination works really well. Like many on this site, I'm frustrated with the new laws surrounding opiates for those of us who are responsible and take only the recommended doses, and have been for many years. It's really a challenge to get prescriptions filled, to travel state to state without first making sure I get my prescription filled so I won't run out while away. Stressful! Don't know what the answer is, but the government needs to get out of the middle of the patient/doctor relationship!!"

Ultram (tramadol) "I have been one of the many finding myself suffering severe chronic pain, fibromyalgia, cervical radiculopathy, severe osteoarthritis in all my joints, and 3 bulging discs. Stripped of all my pain meds and only allowed sporadic usage of Ultram. I went from 125mg fentanyl every 48 hours with Vicodin for breakthrough pain to one Ultram every 4 to 6 hours. I might as well be taking a baby aspirin every 4 to 6 hours."

Ultram (tramadol) "I've been taking tramadol for back and knee pain from a motorcycle accident for over a year. It is a great pain reliever that eliminates 90% of my pain issues without making me feel drowsy like hydrocodone or oxycodone. It controls my pain and I can still live my normal life."

"I have serious pain in my feet due to pes cavus (high arches). The pain is in the metatarsals of both feet, but especially the dominant right foot. Before retirement, I took 400 mg of Tramadol every morning to get me through the day, teaching high-school English. My teaching style was peripatetic, continually on my feet to manage my classes. Moreover, it was so painful to drive, I had to use a specially designed hand tool to depress the brake pedal. Tramadol got me through the last five years of my job. (The pain didn't kick in until I was in my fifties). I had no side effects. Tramadol is still effective for me, but it is hard to get a prescription. When there's an 'opioid epidemic,' everyone must suffer."

Ultram (tramadol) "Tramadol works as expected. It does just enough so I can remain functional without stepping up to stronger painkillers. Tramadol only works for me if I take the doses consistently. When I first started taking Tramadol, it took about a week for the medicine to be fully effective."

Ultram ODT (tramadol) "Tramadol wasn't even considered a narcotic until maybe 5 years ago. For me, it doesn't do anything for pain. You'd be better off taking aspirin. To actually think people take this and get relief is mind-boggling."

"Wish the clowns that took my pain meds away had to deal with this lack of care. I'm not able to carry on the least bit of a normal life, don't make me suffer because people wanting to get high off of opioids. I feel like a guinea pig in an experiment!"

"I’ve been using tramadol 50 mg for around 5 months for chronic low back pain and peripheral neuropathy in hands and feet. I have tried Palexia and oxycodone in the past, but they offer me minimal pain relief with lots of side effects. Tramadol is the only thing I’ve found to keep my pain levels down. I take both SR and IR forms. The only side effect is that they keep me awake at night, so I don’t take them near bedtime. I don’t experience any nausea, dizziness, etc., like with other pain meds. I can stop these and don’t experience any withdrawal. To work, these are dependent on you having specific liver function to process the breakdown of active ingredients. I’m lucky that these work well for me, but if you don’t have the right liver enzymes, then these may not work at all for you or cause nasty side effects, as some have noted. You won’t know though unless you try."

"This drug almost wrecked my life. Please carefully consider before starting this drug for any more than about 2 weeks. I was given tramadol because I didn’t want to take any narcotics due to the bad reputation they get. Little did I know what was about to happen to me! I have a chronic condition which causes severe pain. I was taking as prescribed, and after a few weeks, I would wake up every morning at 4 am, feeling “doomed.” I knew everything was fine, yet I would cry and my heart would race, and my stomach would churn. This went on for almost a year. I eventually weaned myself off, but that took a solid six months of having to end up taking a sliver of a pill at a time. It was brutal! I would never wish this on anyone! I would have crying spells out of nowhere. It was so embarrassing. I couldn’t bear to be left alone, which is unlike me... honestly, it changed me, because it made me feel that if a medication can do that to me, then I’m afraid of all medications now."

Ultram (tramadol) "Ultram has worked well for the multiple chronic pain issues I have and has allowed me to function, though the cervical/lumber problems are becoming worse. If not for Ultram, I would be housebound and unable to move. Unfortunately, a new doctor, without reason, reduced the script, which has resulted in my pain increasing and being unable to sometimes walk. I did further research and found the DEA final report that clearly states that doctors should not decrease or stop this medication for chronic pain. They were quick to prescribe gabapentin, which is one of the worst drugs taken, within 36 hours, I had a severe adverse event. I filed an adverse event complaint with the FDA and also had my pharmacy redline the drug so it would not be prescribed again. Read the information on medications you are taking or a doctor suggests you take before you pay for it. Sometimes the negative effects are worse than the health problem you have."

Ultram (tramadol) "Takes care of my chronic knee pain. Due to cancer, I am not a candidate for a replacement at this time, though I am in need of them. Tramadol keeps me from suffering. I usually take 2 daily, prescription is for 4 daily. I up it to three if I have a day where I am very active. Everything has side effects, and I can live with Tramadol. I like that I can drive and go to work while taking it."

Ultram ER (tramadol) "I have several health issues, including fibromyalgia. My specialist had tried everything on me, and nothing gave me any relief. Once they put me on this medication, I was actually able to get up and move. I had to change one of my doctors, and she didn’t want me on this high of a dosage. Since lowering the mg, and it not being extended release, I am back to having chronic pain."

Ultram (tramadol) "Ultram (brand) has made my life bearable. I suffer from fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. I have lessened pain if I take Ultram (brand). Tramadol, the generic, does nothing to lessen the pain. My rheumatologist said many of his patients are not helped with Tramadol. It is not even the same formulation. Ripoff."

"I started taking Tramadol intermittently about 6 years ago because I suffer from chronic sinusitis and have these debilitating headaches. I basically live with a headache - wake up with one and go to sleep with one. Tramadol helped with the headaches but never really went away. I've suffered from panic attacks for 20 years and have been on Zoloft for that. I had to up the dose because, 9 years with life changes, etc., depression set in. I battled with it in silence but then realized when I took Tramadol for my headaches, I felt like myself again, so I stopped the Zoloft and started taking Tramadol daily. At first, I was worried because of the risk of addiction, but I have no problem with not taking it. I stopped drinking alcohol completely because that brings on even worse headaches. Tramadol for me has been a lifesaver. It doesn't make me tired or drowsy, and I'll stay on it as long as the doctor prescribes it for me."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have chronic back pain. I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. The pain is unbearable at times. My doctor prescribed tramadol for me. It has been a lifesaver for me. This drug has given my life back. It takes my pain away for a few hours so I can do some house cleaning. It is amazing. Please always follow your doctor's directions when taking this drug."

Ultram ODT (tramadol) "I have been taking Ultram/tramadol for fifteen years, four times a day. It is usually but not always effective. I often have to add the NSAID Naprosyn. I have neuropathy and other side effects from chemo and osteoarthritis also from chemo. Many joints have no cartilage. I am concerned about chemical dependency and consciously avoided codeine or morphine. The Tramadol gets me through the average pain but not the severe pain. I really wish someone would come up with an analgesic that was both effective and nonaddictive and did not diminish alertness and effectiveness."

Ultram ODT (tramadol) "I have to say this med has helped me a lot. It has taken my pain from 8 to 3. I drive a semi, so I'm very limited on what I can take. Also, sitting in that seat for hours on end would make me want to hang it up. The pain was so bad that I was put on tramadol. Now, I can play with my kids right after driving for hours and just be a little stiff and sore instead of going straight to bed because of the pain. Plus, cigarettes tasted so nasty I had no problem quitting when I started."

Tramadol Hydrochloride ER (tramadol) "I have CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) in my hands, with the myelin sheath around the nerves in my fingertips destroyed (nerves are exposed). I also have sensory neuronopathy with chronic pain in the front of my thighs and lower legs. So yes, I'm in a lot of pain. I take Tramadol ER 200 mg in the morning and Tramadol 50 mg approximately 8 hours later, depending on how much I use my hands and fingers the first 8 hours of my waking hours. Tramadol in both doses works to allow me to do much more with my hands and fingers while clearly improving my way of life. Neither dose takes the pain away completely, but it certainly helps make life bearable. The only side effect I have is constipation, which I resolve with a stool softener."

"I have been on Tramadol for 8 years, and it changed my life. I have chronic pain associated with spurs and deviated disks in my neck and upper back after two serious car accidents. I used to self-medicate with alcohol, but once prescribed this medication, I no longer drank. I am able to work full-time too. It's a true blessing. I went off this medication two times when I got pregnant on my own, cold turkey, with not much of a noticeable difference withdrawal-wise. Okay, hope this helps. I'm so thankful for this medicine."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have been on Ultram for 15 years. I started with 150 mg a day, and I am up to 350 mg daily. If I do not take it every 5-6 hours, I start feeling sleepy and irritable. Worst of all, my pain comes back twofold. I cannot stand up straight due to the severe pain and weakness in both my legs. I had a lumbar fusion that has left me with neurological leg weakness and SI joint pain. I have severe DJD and arthritis. I was recently changed to a generic type of Ultram. I feel like I am in withdrawal all the time. How do I get my pharmacy to replace this generic garbage?"

Ultram (tramadol) "I suffer from chronic back pain due to lumbar spinal decay and facet joint arthrosis. I have been taking tramadol (50mg) for quite some time. I know what the pain feels like when I don't take it (excruciating!) and taking it regularly—3 to 4 times a day—along with others allows me to function reasonably normally. I get a dry mouth at times, and this is expected. I couldn't live without it."

"I'm so thankful for tramadol. It takes away my chronic low back, jaw, and stomach pain completely, and I'm able to finally live a normal and active, pain-free life again. It also helps with my depression and anxiety, which is a very much appreciated added bonus. I just take 50 mg twice a day, and it works great. I'm very happy with this medication."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Tramadol drug information
  • Tramadol Extended-Release Capsules and Tablets
  • Tramadol Tablets
  • Tramadol Suspension

Other brands

Ultram, Ultram ER, ConZip, Qdolo, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Tramadol Hydrochloride monograph
  • Tramadol Capsules (FDA)
  • Tramadol ER (FDA)
  • Tramadol Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Tramadol Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Ultram, Ultram ER, ConZip, Qdolo

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression