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Generic Name: Trazodone for Depression (trazodone)

Trazodone for Depression Reviews

"Before taking Trazodone, I could not fall asleep at night. I began resorting to drinking just to fall asleep at night, and that alone has its fair share of negative consequences. Literally, the first night I took a 50mg Trazodone, I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I've been on the medication for nearly a month now, and I can happily say that I can't remember the last time I've felt this great! I don't feel the need to drink whatsoever. I fall asleep within 30 minutes of taking the tablet, I stay asleep, and I wake up well-rested with a much more positive outlook on life! I can't wait to see what the future holds. I strongly recommend this medication for anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, and/or sleep deprivation."

"This has helped me endlessly. I started taking it about 5 months ago. The first thing that it helps with is sleep. I'll fall asleep so easily & not wake. One thing I noticed, however, was the vivid dreaming, not too bad if you aren't freaked out by bad or plain weird dreams. For the first few days/weeks, it was harder to get up in the morning, but having caffeine really helps. I would always feel low before this medication, sad, hopeless, and have no energy. With it, I'm more confident, make more effort with other people, not afraid of my own company, and anything that happens I can see logically. One of my problems was illogical thinking, and this has reduced that by 90%. You'll have to be more careful with alcohol on this medication."

"With all due respect, don't listen to the naysayers. It's a great medication. No loading period, you can come off at any time, and it is only mildly addicting when taken in high doses for long periods. You will sleep, it will keep your anxiety and depression in check, and it will allow you to be yourself again. People who tried it for a night and complain in reviews have not given it a chance. I don't understand, do they prefer to have their brain chemistry altered forever by Paxil? LOL. Trazodone is a SARI and a minor one at that. I don't want to be a slave to Paxil and the like forever, hence, Traz is a much better option."

"I was a basket case. I cried every day for no reason. A commercial would set me off. My emotions were out of control, and I knew it, but I couldn't stop it. I couldn't sleep either. My doctor then put me on trazodone. Within three days, I was starting to feel like my old self again. I was on it for years. I tried to get off, but the same thing happened again, so I went back on trazodone. For me, it works. I hate taking pills, but sometimes you have to."

"Originally, I started taking trazodone for insomnia, but was fearful of taking too much so I minimized my dose, and that was a mistake. I believe it's important to take the amount that starts working consistently for you as you titrate up to a dose that starts working. And you need to give it time to build up in your system. I'm up to 250 mg when I go to bed. I will take another 50 mg, and that tends to give me a couple of hours more sleep if I wake up too early. What's really amazing about this medicine is that I no longer struggle with depression or anxiety. It keeps my brain in chemical balance, and I think clearly with no side effects, except I'm a little tired in the morning. So I drink a big cup of coffee, and that helps."

"I have insomnia and depression. I’ve tried a lot of antidepressants and I found I’m also having trouble sleeping and struggling with depression. I’m 63 years old. My doctor prescribed trazodone 50 mg and I’ve only had it one night so far. I haven’t had a good night's sleep in a long time and I actually feel human today. I’m very sensitive to meds so I had to cut the 50 mg, and I’m going to try 25 mg tonight because I felt a bit groggy this morning, but I am sensitive to meds. I really am hopeful for this to work. A bit soon to have an opinion, but I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Also told it’s not habit forming. I was sleepy 15 minutes after I took it. And, oh yes, make sure there’s food in your stomach. Made me feel a bit nauseous so I had a couple of soda crackers. Hope this helps some people. I’ve seen a lot of positive comments made. Have a great day. ❤️"

"My Dr. prescribed trazodone for PTSD and depression. I haven't had a good night's sleep due to my mind racing and thinking of my past. I have noticed I've been able to sleep and wake up in a good mood and feel well-rested. I've even enrolled in college and doing great in my classes. Looking forward to the future :) I don't have insurance, but my provider is paying for my medication."

"Trazodone helped me so much. I felt a boost in my confidence, I slept better at nights, and my energy levels were so high. I felt great every day when I took them. I would always take them at 9 pm at night and then get tired half an hour after taking them. It definitely helped with sleep. I was ready for the day at 7 am. I had so much motivation while on this medication. For anyone that is thinking of starting Trazodone, remember it takes a month to get the full effect. It doesn't start working as soon as you start taking it. I think it does work with sleep right away because it makes you drowsy after taking it."

"I have suffered with severe depression, uncontrollable anger and violent outbursts, paranoia, anxiety, and sleep problems. I have tried several different antidepressants and found they all made me worse or didn't help at all. I've been taking trazodone for 8 months now and my life has totally turned around. I'm on the ball at work, approachable, negativity has gone, it feels like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders, clear thought processes, friendlier, and my relationship has turned around. I have a future. Amazing all this started with 150mg and now on 250mg of the little magic capsules. Thank God for this medicine, I can sleep easy. I'm normal."

"One of my favorite medicines of all time. I have taken this for depression/bipolar disorder, insomnia, and currently fibromyalgia. It is the only antidepressant I have found that I can take and not start swinging toward the manic side. I actually feel more refreshed and get a good night's sleep after I take it. I will note that I do not normally take it for long periods of time - only when I need it (this may be days, weeks, or months). There is no withdrawal and you do not have to dose up or down with safety concerns."

"I take 50mg Trazodone before bed. It helps me get a full night's sleep and eases my depression during the day. I don't think I'd benefit from taking it first thing in the morning because it's a very sedating drug. I also find Trazodone to be an effective long-term pain killer. Trazodone doesn't belong to any of the common classes of antidepressants so it doesn't kill my libido like SSRIs and SNRIs tend to do."

"I've been on trazodone for a while. It made me feel terrible, I couldn't control my mind. I thought it was me, and all along it was trazodone. Terrible drug! Please think before you take this, it has ruined my life. I felt scared all the time, really shaky and anxious. I've stopped it now."

"Take 100mg an hour before bed with good sleep results. Mornings can be foggy, but nothing a few coffees won't fix. As for daytime results, can feel the depression lifting with reduced anxiety (no mania). This medication is a lifesaver, great stuff."

"I recently lost my husband and I was prescribed Trazodone for depression. Before this, I was taking Ambien for sleeplessness. I am now off Ambien which gave me bad headaches. Not only am I sleeping better than ever, but my depression seems to be somewhat in check. I do not expect any miracle medicine to take away the pain and sadness of losing the love of my life, but this is more than helping with no side effects at all."

"I started this medication when I was experiencing flashbacks to trauma, and I would wake up in a sweat, screaming, or sleepwalking. I take many other medications to help with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and bipolar. It worked wonderfully well for 7 years. I stopped taking this when I got a new doctor as she wanted to lower my dose of medications. I have now been consistently having nightmares and am hitting, kicking, and punching my husband at night. He wakes me to this. I feel terrible about this because my husband has been a wonderful support for the last 20 years. I want to go back on trazodone. It's the only thing that will work for me."

"After many, many years of taking Zoloft for depression, it got to a point where it was not as helpful as it once was. I visited my doctor who put me on trazodone as a booster to the Zoloft that I was still taking. In 2 weeks, I noticed the difference. I no longer feel depressed and feel more like my old self again. The only side effect I have had is a little blurred vision... I'll take that any day over depression."

"Trazodone is absolutely great for me. I'm taking 100 mg of it every night due to terrible insomnia and persisting depression. Sertraline was only making me more miserable, but trazodone worked from day 1. I sleep a lot better and have much less trouble with bad thoughts and bad mood. Some people say it makes them feel groggy, but it's just perfect for me. This medicine is not used very often as an antidepressant, but it is worth trying it if other medicines don't fit you."

"I was in a deep dark hole into which no light or joy came, no matter what nice and kind things my family did to help. I had uncontrollable crying bouts that might occur at any time. A friend told me Desyrel had helped her, so I asked my doctor for a script. From the first dose, I knew I was on to something. Slept well, woke rested, did not interfere with intimacy with husband. Was mentally alert but took a couple of cups of coffee to get going. Did have a moderate headache that went away in a couple of hours. Suddenly, I was interested in life again, was able to resume handling our finances, organizing the house, and outings with friends. It was great. But after some time came... weight gain, edema, and stomach on fire... slept in a recliner lots. Not for long use."

Desyrel (trazodone) "I have taken about 10 different antidepressants and always had to stop because of the severity of side effects. I have been on Trazodone for over 6 years and love it. It is the only medicine I have tried that doesn't give me horrible side effects. I had to keep upping the dosage in the beginning but soon found a dose that worked. The greatest benefit is that it helps me sleep. I have severe insomnia and my depression gets out of control after too many days of not sleeping and trazodone combined with Ambien is helpful. I have no other side effects from it. The difference in depressive symptoms is not dramatic but is helpful. I recommend it for people who have a rough time with side effects from other medicines and for those who can't fall asleep."

"This has been a miracle for me going through horrid menopause with terrible anxiety, worry, and deep depression. I have been to the point of wanting to end my life. I have tried over dozens of antidepressants along with anti-anxiety meds, but they made me feel worse. Now I am taking trazodone along with a couple of glasses of red wine along with Jasmine. The hot flashes are pretty much gone away and I get to sleep too. The anxiety and depression are now manageable, thank God! I would encourage all women not to allow your doctor to prescribe any benzos. It caused most of my depression. The side effects were just horrible! It took me many months to overcome them. I had flu-like symptoms and deep, deep depression getting off of them."

"Trazodone is a lifesaver. I was horribly depressed and had crushing insomnia (I would go to sleep at 10 pm and then be wide awake at 2 am with my mind racing with dark thoughts) which never went away. I asked (begged) my PCP for a sleep aid, and he prescribed Trazodone 50 mg. My entire outlook on life has changed - I can smile, look forward to and enjoy things in life again."

"I was on 100mg of Trazodone for sleep and it worked pretty well. But my depression got worse and I dreaded going back on the various antidepressants I had tried and eventually discontinued due to side effects or things improving in my life. I'm now on 150 mg of Trazodone, and it is clearly making a difference. It's not a magic wand to make everything better, but it allows the 'fog' of depression to lift a bit so you can see and feel more normal. Side effects are less than other antidepressants and it helps me sleep. Yeah!"

"Doc prescribed me Trazodone for depression. I started with 25 mg because I react very sensitively to meds, and the first night I had arrythmia, anxiety, cold sweat, and insomnia. These side effects disappeared after 2 weeks, except for occasional arrythmia. I slept well in the beginning, but I was also extremely tired during the day. I felt a bit more emotionally stable, so I started taking 50 mg, which was a horrible decision. I had severe sexual dysfunction, wasn't able to feel anything during sex. I slept all day, felt extremely weak, my heart was pounding, and I felt like I had to faint a lot. It did nothing for my depression, I felt worse than before! I was crying a lot, and when I wasn't crying, I didn't feel anything at all. After a few weeks on 50 mg, I stopped taking it because I couldn't handle the side effects. Overall, I was on Trazodone for 2.5 months. I had withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and others. I can't recommend this medication to anyone."

"I was put onto Trazodone (started on 50mg then 100mg after 2 weeks) after having 3 months of citalopram, which was not working for me. The trazodone has 100% helped my sleeping as I was only sleeping 1-2 hours per night. As for my depression, it seems to have helped so far. I'm still having episodes lasting 2 days to a week, however, these are a lot less frequent. Trazodone has helped my anxiety, however, I do still suffer from bouts of anxiety at least once a week (again, better than before the trazodone). Personally, I think that trazodone is great for treating sleeping problems, anxiety, and depression, and hopefully, I will see even better results the longer I take it for."

"Wow. A PA prescribed this for me in addition to 150 mg of Zoloft. It's a life-changer. Sometimes, I have restless legs and a slight headache, but I'll take that over depression and loss of interest any day! I sleep so well and am just generally a happy person. I was prescribed it for sleep, but it does much more than that! If you're looking for great, restful sleep or even an antidepressant booster...look no further!"

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  • Drug class: phenylpiperazine antidepressants
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Patient resources

  • Trazodone drug information
  • Trazodone Extended-Release Tablets
  • Trazodone Tablets

Other brands

Desyrel, Oleptro, Desyrel Dividose

Professional resources

  • TraZODone monograph
  • Trazodone (FDA)

Other brands

Desyrel, Oleptro

Related treatment guides

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headache