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Generic Name: Trazodone for Major Depressive Disorder (trazodone)

Trazodone for Major Depressive Disorder Reviews

"For years, I suffered with full-blown insomnia, depression, and anxiety. I would stay up for 48 hours. During the day, I couldn’t focus and get anything done. I was prescribed pain meds for my back, and after years of taking them, I was hooked. They helped with pain but also helped me relax and calmed my anxiety, and they helped me sleep. Like any addiction, it eventually comes full circle: you have to quit, and then the depression is overwhelming. Crushing. It takes forever to just be able to function. Even years after being off the meds, I still craved them. I would think about them all the time. I could barely get dressed and out of bed, let alone leave the house. Then came Trazodone. I wake with no issue after a full night's rest. I am able to concentrate, I have motivation. I don’t even think about pain meds anymore. My husband says I am like a whole new woman. The sleeping part came about right away, the depression and anxiety lifted after about 3 weeks."

"Took it in high school. Ended up not taking it anymore. I have a history of sleeping bad, major depression, and GAD. I feel like this medication sticks with me for hours after I wake up. And yes, it does help me sleep, but I sleep 11 hours every night. (Which is weird to me.) It does feel good to get the rest, but I feel like it stays with me through the afternoon. I also take Lexapro and Abilify. I feel like I should sleep from 10 or 11 PM to 6 AM rather than 10 PM to 9 AM. Hope this helps someone."

"WOW, I wish I had these years ago. I have major depression and took to drinking heavily and almost died from it... I could not sleep. I ended up in a mental hospital for my drinking and major depression 9 months ago. The hospital provided 50mg tablets for me, and I have never slept so well. I would have never ended up in the asylum if I had access to Trazodone years ago. I am also on Cymbalta during the daytime, but Trazodone puts me out at night, every night! I'm one of those folks that do not respond well to most prescription medications, this is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can clearly say Trazodone saved my life. No more need for drinking or any other sleeping aid. I have been on top of life since I started taking it in January."

Oleptro (trazodone) "I like it. I took original Trazodone and it made me way too drowsy, but as this is slow-release, I take it in the morning and feel calm all day. I'm actually using it for panic and obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression."

"I was put on Trazodone to help with PTSD symptoms and depression. This helps really well in assisting me in going to sleep. I used to stay up pacing, cleaning, etc. instead of sleeping. I was on 50 mg and then put on 100 mg, which not only helps with sleeping but also helps with my anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts."

"I have been prescribed this medicine to help with mental disorders, along with other meds. I've been on all doses, and right now 250 mg is working alright. If I was not on this med, I'd never sleep and be awake with horrible nightmares and flashbacks. (My son passed away, and nothing has been the same since.) I'm happy with these meds and the ability to sleep again. The med can cause drowsiness, so take it at night. I take several sleeping meds, and I am out within 30 minutes. I hope my review helps others."

"I’ve started this about 3 weeks ago. I came off duloxetine as that made me feel like rubbish. Currently on trazodone and I honestly feel the lowest of the low, suicidal, wanting to hurt people, and just making me feel completely empty. I need to stop this medicine I cannot go on with this as it’s making me want to end my life. It has had NO benefit to my mental health at all, just feel completely empty. Wouldn’t recommend it if you want my honest opinion."

"I've been living with lots of trauma for the past 30 years. I've finally asked for help a few months ago. I've got diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I'm taking trazadone for 4 months now. I've been feeling so much better now. For the first time in my life, I'm capable of controlling my own emotions. The logical side of my brain actually works now. My mind is not foggy. I can see things clearly. I'm happy. My bond with past life and trauma is cut. I've got new hobbies. I was always angry, now people around me say I'm calmer and more positive. It literally saved my life, because I've attempted suicide a few times in my life. But now I can't even think to do something like that! I find myself enjoying the little things in life. And for now without any side effects. I even think I've got my weight under control. It's stable. Before, I've gained and lost weight every few days. And drastically. Now it's constant. I've been taking 100mg every night. I'm 31 years old."

"I started taking trazodone for depression and insomnia, I have been on it for 7 months. I have A LOT of trouble waking up in the morning and it’s really bad so I’m always late to work. Once I take my pill at night, give me 10 minutes and I’m knocked out. For depression it worked wonderful for me. I’m getting off of it because the sleeping is getting really bad for me. This medication could work for someone and not for someone else. It’s all different for each person."

"Ok. First off... Just an observation. Apparently, mental illness must occur more frequently with those of higher intelligence. Now. To review. Been on 100 mg for a week. Feeling like I'm on cocaine. Must fire/block the same receptors. A difficulty? I think not. Was on Prozac for 15 yrs off and on. Messed with my libido so badly, I truly believe it was a real factor in the breakdown of my marriage. So far, so good. I love this medicine."

"I went on this trazadone 150 mg after major depressive disorder. I’ve suffered major insomnia for over 15 years never getting more than 2-3 hours a night. Since taking this, after 10 minutes, I fall into a deep sleep. It’s awesome. I’m dreaming again! I waste up refreshed. Never groggy in the morning. I take it at night just before bed, sometimes within 10 mins I can barely walk to the bathroom. I have to be in bed ready for sleep. This is amazing. Never thought I would sleep again. I take cymbalta 60mg in the morning and trazadone 150 at bedtime. These have worked wonders for me!!"

"I'm on 40 mg of celexa and 100 mg of trazadone to help me since my one month old son passed away due to SIDS. Well he was at daycare I wasn't able to function at all but now I can get up and work and function again"

"I started taking trazadone 50mg for anxiety and an anti anxiety med. I was given 150mg for depression but it had little effect but did not have a negative reaction like prozac etc after many years of deliberating with my doctor 450mg daily works for severe depression for me. Once you get used to the drowsiness it works great. I feel much better."

"I take it for sleep quality. Its not because it makes me tired, but trazodone, (always taken in conjunction with paroxetine) makes me feel rested when I wake up. Before I started taking trazodone, I used to feel tired, lethargic, and a bit queezy no matter how long I slept."

"I have been really depressed. I have been having trouble sleeping for years. My old doctor would not give me anything for sleep told me too try over the counter stuff like melatonin etc nothing worked. As I'm an alcoholic it is said that I have a penchant for addiction. This past June 2017 I have been clean for 32 years! I've been seeing my current doctor for 4 years now. I never really pushed the issue with him till yesterday told him about my deep depression and with my RLS I can't sleep at all - I really laid it on the line. He gave a script for trazodone said take 25 mg only comes in 50mg so split it in half took it at 10pm was asleep in 10 or 15 mins slept like a log have to take it earlier was really groggy will cut it down to 12.5 stuff is great for me best sleep I've had in ages"

"This medicine my doctors have prescribed for me is almost a miracle drug I hope that my new psychiatrist keeps giving me Trazodone Hydrochloride I have been taking this med for ten years and it works at about 400 to 600mg a day"

"A GP prescribed me this med to try shift what he called 'major depressive disorder', despite the fact I was diagnosed with Bipolar. I don't know why he prescribed this med, as a lot of places/people have said it's rarely used for depression anymore. This med made me tired immediately after I took it, but it did nothing for my depression, and unfortunately when my GP raised it to 200mg it caused me to go manic. He lowered the dose back to 100mg; even though it did nothing to help my mood I was left taking this med for almost a year. When I was finally told I could stop taking it I had to wean off it very slowly, as without it I was no longer able to sleep. I ended up sleeping badly for several several months , which caused a manic episode"

"I started taking trazodone 4/5 years ago after trying Prozac, Zoloft, Quetiapine and other a few other medications with no luck. It worked for me straight away. I did notice some weight loss for the first few months but I put this down to my increased mood and therefore lack of emotional eating - it was probably also because it lowered my anxiety and I felt like I had a clear mind for the first time in a long time. I took 100mg at night because of the sedating affect. I did feel groggy in the mornings but a coffee helps. I also noticed more frequent dreams but other than that I had no side effects! I'm only giving this an 8 because sadly now the medication no longer has an effect on me."

"I've been taking Sertraline and it took about 5 weeks to kick in. I was having really bad sleep and suicidal almost every morning. So I was given Trazodone also, took 50 mg early evening didn't make me sleepy at all just felt numb and weird. I take 100mg 1 hour before bed and it knocks me out straight away. I do get puffy red eyes a lot looks like I'm drunk or stoned. If you take it during the day you will definitely need a lay down."

"I've been taking this drug with lamictal for sleep/anxiety and bipolar disorder some nights. This drug will make me fall asleep quickly and oversleep or on some others make me not sleep at all. I have horrible nightmares on this drug and wake up everyday feeling stoned (and not in a good way). I have trouble thinking and speaking almost like I'm just brainless. I have visual effects also. I'm only 18 I do not recommend this drug."

"My psychiatrist prescribed me trazadone for sleep, since my anxiety was causing me to wake up almost every hour. I was started at 50 mg, and for the first couple weeks of taking it I felt extremely dizzy and my vision was blurred. My sleep was good, but I still woke up around 6-7 every morning. I was put on 75mg, and I sleep like a rock now. Although, my friends have noticed that I’ve started to talk in my sleep. It’s also extremely hard to wake up during the night, and my friends / family almost find it impossible to wake me up from a deep sleep. Overall, for depression this medication doesn’t really work. However if you’re taking it for insomnia, you’re more likely to have better results."

"My psychiatrist prescribed Trazodone for a combination of issues: depression, mood swings, insomnia and anxiety. I took it for 1.5 years and overall I'm positive about it. I started with 100mg per day and the first few weeks were horrible as I experienced severe dizziness and nauseousness, however it did help with the insomnia right away. After a month the side effects subsided and I started feeling better; I was calmer, slept good and not as anxious anymore. While it really helped with the insomnia, it knocked me out for 9 hours, and I could not get out of bed at all in the morning if I took the pills too late the evening before. Two months ago my doctor and I decided I could stop taking it. For 1 month I went back to 50mg and then stopped completely. This again was a horrible period: all issues that I had before taking it came back, and had terrible headaches for a couple of weeks. I'm not sleeping as well as anymore as with the medication, but otherwise feeling fine now."

"For the last 3 years I have been in a severe depression following an overdose of MDMA that fried my brains out. I tried about 8 antidepressants. I’m currently on trazodone and been so for 6 weeks. Currently on 225 mg. Initially I tolerated it well after coming off venlafaxine. Now feeling horribly depressed, feel like I’m going crazy and that I’m losing my marbles. Gives me bad suicidal thoughts and at times I just go blank and don’t know where I am or what I’m doing. I’m thinking of stopping it cold turkey but already tried to do this 2 times and after about 36 hours I was feeling worse than on trazodone. I don’t know what to do, I’m desperate. My psych advises me not to stop it but will probably taper it off and try another one, maybe escitalopram."

"Absolutely made me in agony in my joints, I have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis and fybromylia and after taking trazodone I couldn't walk or lift my arms and was screaming out in pain"

"Doctors in the psych ward hopped me up on it to get me out quick. I was stable enough for a week or two to discharge (love the commercialism of american healthcare sooo muchh). About a week later I got serotonin syndrome. Worst experience of my life, and that includes a fair bit of trauma. It's possible that it's ok for some people but be *careful*"

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  • Drug class: phenylpiperazine antidepressants
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  • Trazodone drug information
  • Trazodone Extended-Release Tablets
  • Trazodone Tablets

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Desyrel, Oleptro, Desyrel Dividose

Professional resources

  • TraZODone monograph
  • Trazodone (FDA)

Other brands

Desyrel, Oleptro

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  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headache