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Generic Name: Tremfya for Psoriasis (guselkumab)

Tremfya for Psoriasis Reviews

"I feel like just so awful! Very sick with pain and I think I have inverse psoriasis Very painful and very itchy. I didn't have any of these issues till I started Tremfya. I have been on the medication for 7 months and went to the Dr and they said keep taking it and if my condition doesn't get better go to your primary. What???? They are the specialists. Don't know what to do please help."

"Started Tremfya Feb 2019 after Taltz stopped working for my psoriasis. Currently about 6 months in I got swelling in my neck. Went to my GP and was told I now have hypothyroidism and a low blood count. Not sure if this was caused by Tremfya but am concerned because my next dose is coming up and I don't know what to do. Will be going to see my dermatologist soon to see what he says. Has anyone had anything like this while on this medication."

"I’ve been on Tremfya for about a year now. I’ve been a lifelong sufferer of psoriasis and this was the first drug that really cleared up my skin. It’s been amazing but my only issue is that it’s now causing me sensitivity to the sun. I break out with a horrible itchy rash on my hands and chest. I’ve tried all kinds of treatments for that and have yet to find a successful one. Is this happening to anyone else? Do you have a thought about what I can do about it? I waited so many years to have clear skin and now this. "

"Been on Tremfya for about a year now. I had some form of psoriasis on about 80% of my body before I began treatment. After the first injection I had 70% clearer skin and 100% after the second. The needle is tiny and it is really easy to give myself the injection with little to no discomfort. No joint pain, I have hypothyroidism so I cannot comment on the fatigue side effects as I am always tired anyway. Did have minor headaches for a couple days after injections. Loved the drug but within the last month I have started developing plaques on my scalp and elbows again. Sad doesn’t even begin to describe my emotions. I have another 4 weeks until my next injection so we’ll see what happens. Heading back to the dermatologist if my symptoms worsen after that."

"Been on Tremfya for over 6 months. Cleared 100% almost immediately. Failed Humira and Cosentyx previously. Body aches and joint pain on the rise. Cold sores occurring. A couple of intense colds . Energy drain. So far worth the side effects for me. For now:)"

"I started Tremfya in February 2019. Now my skin is clear, joint pain 90% gone, however, questionable upper respiratory infection after the 2nd shot, and bronchitis after 3rd and now 4th shot. Side effects after 4th shot included worsening bronchitis, fever, chills, and big time malaise... almost flu like symptoms. Continuing to take Tremfya until I can trend the patterns and make sure they are related under my Dr's observations."

"I have psoriasis but I take this medicine more for psoriatic arthritis. It has not yet been approved by the FDA as of this writing for that purpose. Other medicines in the same category have been approved for this treatment. My psoriasis plaques cleared about 95% after a few months. No side effects that I've noticed. My only complaint is that you take the medicine every 8 weeks on maintenance dosage. By the 6th week I have bad joint pain flare ups in my knees and hand joints. So usually by that time I'm asking for a cortisone shot and begin taking meloxicam along with it until my next dose."

"Dermatologist recommended I switch from Enbrel to Tremfya after 7 years of my psoriasis under control. Tremfya did nothing. My scaling came back in multiple areas and I had blotching on my face as well. Bye bye Tremfya."

"I have been on Tremfya for about 12 months now and have really loved the results. I do have small flare ups just before I am due to take my next injection but over all I have remained psoriasis free. I do have some joint pain which I assume is from the Tremfya but even so it is worth it. Wes, I think you will find getting hypothyroidism could be linked to already having an autoimmune condition such as psoriasis. Often when you have one auto immune condition you are at risk of ending up with two or three. I have both of these conditions. I find intermittent fasting does help a little bit with my overall health."

"Ive been on steroids few times in past 10 years. The only thing that helps me is healing naturally without steroids and medication. The healing process includes holistic approach not just physical but emotional and spiritual approach."

"I loved Tremfya at first. I have guttate and scalp psoriasis, and it cleared my scalp so fast. The spots on my body are 99% gone, and now there’s just pigmentation. I've stopped scratching behind my ears and the parts of my body with psoriasis on them. Tremfya has helped clear my skin! However, after the second injection, I noticed I started to gain weight. Not only this, but I started experiencing constipation and harder bowel movements. After my fourth injection, I've gained 10 pounds. My periods are irregular and heavier. I've never had these issues before Tremfya. It sucks because it works so well for my psoriasis, but the side effects are not worth it. I will be getting off of Tremfya and letting my hormones and body readjust. Maybe it’s just not right for me or because I'm 22, I think my body just reacted very badly to it."

"I am 62 years old. I started 100mg/mL Tremfya injections one year ago after suffering for 10 years with progressively worsening psoriasis. I had spots all over my body, including my privates. I was depressed and spent hours daily taking care of my skin (baths, exfoliating, moisturizing). I didn't want to go out or let anyone see my skin. Within a week of my starter dose, there was visible improvement. By 2 months, I was completely clear of all psoriasis spots. What a relief! I'm back to my old self! I have no difficulty administering the injection myself at home, and the pharmacy delivers it right to my door. I've had no negative side effects. Tremfya has been a lifesaver for me."

"15 mo on Tremfya for Psoriasis Pros: confidence in public settings, 100% skin clearance, super easy company to work with if insurance won’t cover, once every 8 weeks after startup compared to daily. Cons: many bouts of upper respiratory illnesses, several skin infections, skin sensitivity to sun, diarrhea, extreme tiredness week before my shot, will not help joints."

"I have a severe case of psoriasis only on the bottoms of my feet. Over the past 30 years, I tried all of the standard topical and oral medications. Nothing worked. I've been doing the Tremfya injections for 20 weeks. I've seen only minimal improvement. I was hoping for better."

"I moved from Stelara to Tremfya when the Stelara stopped working after 3 years. 100% clear within 6 weeks. I do feel a bit tired after the injection for a few days but nothing major. My only complaint is the injection itself. I have no control over the injection and I'm constantly scared I will lift the injection causing the needle to retract. Bad design, much preferred the control I had with the Stelara injection."

"I've been taking Tremfya for 2.5 years. Tremfya was the only medication that worked for my psoriasis. I had bad side effects to 5+ others I tried first. Humira actually made it way worse. My doctor said I had the worst case of psoriasis he had ever seen and he has been practicing for 30+ years. After being on Tremfya for 6+ months, I noticed I began to have to urinate more frequently. After a year on Tremfya, it began to become an issue because sometimes I couldn't hold my bladder long enough to make it to the bathroom. This has gotten worse over the past year, to the point where I have pain in my urethra at times. If I take 600-800mg of ibuprofen when this pain starts, it seems to help ease the urethral pain. I talked to my case manager at Janssen and she said a side effect listed is frequent urination. I hate to switch meds because of the difficulty I've had finding something that works, but I no longer qualify for the patient assistance program."

"I have minor-to-mild psoriasis, about 10-12 relatively small but persistent spots for years. Ointments would work temporarily but I had to constantly reapply and they would stain my clothes. I tried Otezla too and that helped a bit at first but I stopped seeing any benefit after several months. Tremfya has been AMAZING. I finally have my skin back! I love how easy and infrequent I have to take it (and for someone who is afraid of needles I find the approach very manageable. My skin is clear without any noticeable spots after two months."

"Got bad skin infections, cellulitis with it. When I had to stop the injection for a month, realized that the bad fatigue was caused by Tremfya because as the fatigue decreased, the joint and muscle pains increased, and the scalp and overall psoriasis increased and came back. Need to try another, but at least I know relief is possible. Been suffering too long...decades."

"I have been taking Tremfya for close to 3 years and am 95% cleared, since month 2. I get my dose delivered to my home and do my own injection. It's super quick and easy. No issues with it at all. Side effects are I now normally need antibiotics for Strep Throat now. However, pros outweigh the cons."

"It helped me a lot, but still I can see it coming back after the 7th dose. My doctor at the beginning told me I need 7 doses, but later on she said I need to continue for the rest of my life, and as you know, it is not cheap."

"I have pustular psoriasis and Tremfya has been life-saving. I went through light therapy from November until April every day and was on another medication prior to starting Tremfya. I have not had one flare of any kind since being on it. No side effects. I have been on Tremfya now for 6 years. The only downside is now I take it every 5 weeks and that has been a cause of trouble with the insurance."

"I have been on Tremfya for about a year. What a wonderful medication and psoriasis free! I've been through four other biologics and works like Tremfya!"

"I've been using Tremfya for almost 1.2 yrs and so far it doesn't really clear all the scars, only reduced psoriasis by 80%"

"Didn't work on my psoriasis but did help with my arthritis"

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: interleukin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tremfya drug information

Professional resources

  • Tremfya prescribing information
  • Guselkumab (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Plaque Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis
  • Ulcerative Colitis