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Generic Name: Tremfya (guselkumab)

Tremfya Reviews

For Plaque Psoriasis "I have used every topical ointment, steroid cream, and anything over the counter for my plaque psoriasis. I have also been on methotrexate for years with no results at all. I switched to Humira for a year, again, no results. I was considered 90% covered in lesions all over my body. Dealing with psoriasis has affected every aspect of my life. I started Tremfya and two shots in, I’m 100% clear for the first time in 25 years. My whole life has changed. I have not had any side effects at all. Thank you, Tremfya!"

For Plaque Psoriasis "After the second shot of Tremfya, both shoulder joints and wrists hurt. Shoulders are worse than wrists. These pains were not there before. But psoriasis is almost gone with 99 percent clearance. Hopefully, the joint pains will go away. Tremfya research staff could make a real difference by collating information from side-effects database filed both with Tremfya itself, doctors around the country, and the FDA. How long do the joint pains last? What percentage of patients gave up on Tremfya because the pains will not go away? After how long did they give up? For those that stayed with Tremfya, how long do pains typically last? All this important information is hidden in the data. Instead, we have almost zero information with the Tremfya nurses, and the dermatologists also have no clue. Patients are literally on their own. Would the responsible party, in this case Tremfya and the FDA, please step up to the plate and do their job? “Please ask your doctor” is not an answer."

For Plaque Psoriasis "It worked so well, it cleared me up 100%. It saved my life, and I'm not kidding. I had it so bad that I didn't want to live, and nothing was helping. This drug worked like no other. I have tried them all. The best part is that it worked in weeks, not months."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I have tried multiple medications. I’ve tried Otezla, unfortunately, I was still in a lot of pain. Tremfya has really helped me. Not only has it cleared up my psoriasis, it has helped with my psoriatic arthritis. I’m no longer in pain and have no more swelling. I am beyond grateful for this medication. I have no side effects so far, and I’ve now been taking this medication for over a year."

For Plaque Psoriasis "After 2 years of light treatments for my psoriasis that did very little, 1 year of Cosentyx that got rid of about 30% of plaque psoriasis, that seemed to be coming back at the end. I tried Tremfya, and it cleared up all patches of psoriasis on my head, back, knees, thighs, arms, and even the redness is gone. I have been using Tremfya for one year now and with no noticeable side effects. I'm completely happy with it."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I have scalp psoriasis and arthritis and am allergic to steroids. Tried topical, nothing worked. Took my first Tremfya injection last night, and I feel horrible, like I have been hit by a truck. Can barely get out of bed. If this is what it’s going to be like, I’m not going to take it. Not worth it. Praying I feel better tomorrow."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I have been on Humira and Stelera and now Tremfya for a year and a half, and it has been the best medication for my plaque psoriasis! I’m 98% clear from psoriasis for the first time in 37 years!!! I worry in 5 years when I have Medicare and a supplemental it will not be covered! But it’s been amazing for me."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "It sure has helped me. I have been having Tremfya injections for almost a year now, it improved my skin and scalp after the third injection. I have noticed some improvement with joint pain and swelling. The day of injection, I get fatigue, and the next day I tire easily, other than that, this injection is working great for me."

For Plaque Psoriasis "My scalp used to be covered with flakes, rough red skin patches on my scalp, behind my ears, very itchy and embarrassing all the time for 20 years. Tried all medical treatments, including sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Started using Tremfya in February 2020, saw results within a month. Now I am clear 98%. I love it. I hate syringes, but this treatment has cleared psoriasis."

For Plaque Psoriasis "For context, I've been suffering for 21 years but in the last 5 it spread to 80% of my body. Head to toe. I started Tremfya December of 2021. Within 3 weeks I started noticing an improvement in the look and the urge to scratch my skin off with a grater had subsided. In 2 months, almost completely gone except a few stubborn spots. Still pink in areas but now 4 months later there are only small pink patches as a reminder. Tremfya has both saved and changed my life. I finally feel like living again instead of waiting impatiently to grow old and die. I haven't noticed any notable side effects."

For Plaque Psoriasis "Been on Tremfya for 2 years now. Completely got rid of my psoriasis. I get fever blisters every shot, though. Recently had a flare-up of HPV that I haven’t had in 23 years. Same partner, nothing new. Thinking Tremfya may have caused this since it can cause herpes simplex to flare up, it’s a possibility."

For Plaque Psoriasis "Injected first dose 5 days ago. Day 3,4,5 since then I’ve had SEVERE throbbing headache/migraine on my RHS temporal area behind the eye. I can’t function or work. I also have stiff muscles and joint pain. It is unbearable. Do the side effects get better?"

"Tremfya did not work quickly enough for my palmar plantar psoriasis. After the 3rd shot, finally some improvement. The problem is the 1st 2 weeks it finally starts to work, then you get relief and feel elated. Then, the 6th week, it completely wears off and you suffer for 2 weeks until you can take another shot. Then, it takes another 2 weeks to feel relief. Shots need to be closer than 8 weeks."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I had incredible, real results within 4 days of my 1st injection. I went from nearly 80% lesion coverage to no lesions at all. I am 3 months in with no side effects. I am so incredibly grateful. I realize this won't be everyone's outcome. For me, the risk was well worth it."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I had plaque psoriasis for three years after getting a strep throat infection from my daughter. After ointments, creams, steroid packs, etc. (UVB narrow band treatments as well), nothing worked. By the time I had my third Tremfya injection, my red patches and scaly skin were gone. It was amazing for me, and I was very, very frustrated."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I've been on many bios over the last decade. They switched me to Tremfya about a year ago from Stelara, and I really wish they hadn't. Tremfya works somewhat for the first and second dose. After that, it goes to 8 weeks, and you suffer for at least half of those. I find it to barely keep psoriasis at bay for the first 3 weeks, then after that, you are inflamed and get new spots. Tremfya is absolutely the LEAST effective bio I have used."

For Plaque Psoriasis "As a type 1 diabetic that has 15 years of experience with different types of daily injections/pump sites/etc I can say the Tremfya auto injector is the worst injector system I have ever encountered. There’s no needle control and it personally takes a lot of muscle for me to use and it hurts more when you push down enough to inject because the needle digs in. Overall very bad design. However if you dislike seeing needles then it’s good for you because you never see the needle. By the second injection I noticed a big difference in my psoriasis. I’ve had severe plaque psoriasis for years and I just completed my 3rd injection and currently there are no noticeable plaques on my body. I’ve been amazed by the results but I dread each injection. Since being diagnosed with diabetes (at the age of 10) the Tremfya injector is the only needle to ever make me cry and for that I’m pretty frustrated. But for the results I’m getting I’ll absolutely deal with it."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I am just about to have my fourth injection. I have not noticed any improvement in joint pain, fatigue or enthesitis. My scalp psoriasis is slightly improved. Initially my joint pain was much worse but now I am back to my baseline joint pain. Still waiting for any other improvements…."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I have tried everything under the sun for my psoriatic arthritis methotrexate, tanning beds, light therapy at a doctors office, cimzia injections.. etc etc.. then my dermatologist prescribed Tremfya as I had over 80% of my body covered in psoriasis.. my arms are now clear and I haven’t been able to wear a short sleeve shirt in YEARS."

For Psoriasis "I feel like just so awful! Very sick with pain and I think I have inverse psoriasis Very painful and very itchy. I didn't have any of these issues till I started Tremfya. I have been on the medication for 7 months and went to the Dr and they said keep taking it and if my condition doesn't get better go to your primary. What???? They are the specialists. Don't know what to do please help."

For Psoriasis "Started Tremfya Feb 2019 after Taltz stopped working for my psoriasis. Currently about 6 months in I got swelling in my neck. Went to my GP and was told I now have hypothyroidism and a low blood count. Not sure if this was caused by Tremfya but am concerned because my next dose is coming up and I don't know what to do. Will be going to see my dermatologist soon to see what he says. Has anyone had anything like this while on this medication."

For Psoriasis "I’ve been on Tremfya for about a year now. I’ve been a lifelong sufferer of psoriasis and this was the first drug that really cleared up my skin. It’s been amazing but my only issue is that it’s now causing me sensitivity to the sun. I break out with a horrible itchy rash on my hands and chest. I’ve tried all kinds of treatments for that and have yet to find a successful one. Is this happening to anyone else? Do you have a thought about what I can do about it? I waited so many years to have clear skin and now this. "

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Last med I took was Otezla before Tremfya, but I chose the wrong insurance plan this past year and eventually couldn't afford Otezla. My rheum prescribed Tremfya then. Back to injections. I've previously taken Humira and presented with PsA WHILE taking it. Does Tremfya work - meh. It's not controlling the PsA or P very well. I mean, I was once unable to dress myself, walk, etc. when the PsA presented, so I'm not back to that point. I wake sore and stiff. My elbows have broken out again. I also have PPP, and I don't have the pustules, but the peeling on my feet is back. I had to have mtx added back on, and this time subQ. So now I'm taking both the 8-week autoinjector Tremfya and a subQ once a week to replace Otezla. I believe the interleukin inhibitors just don't work for me very well, and the PDE4 inhibitors do. After Jan 1 when my good insurance plan kicks in, I'm asking my rheum to put me back on Otezla. Tremfya barely does anything for me."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I have been on Tremfya for 8 months now. It cleared me up quite a lot within the first 3 months but sadly I saw no more progress since then. I have never been completely clear within the entire time I've been on it. I've also experienced multiple BAD flare ups while taking it. Sadly.. it just didn't work for me. I was hoping to be fully clear by 6 months but that just wasn't the case. I'm seeing my Dermatologist this week to hopefully swap to something else."

For Plaque Psoriasis "I've been taking Tremfya for just over 6 months now and I haven't seen any improvement. I was really hoping to get the results others were getting because I've heard 90% of users are clear within 90 days. I haven't experienced any side effects really except I've notice recently I've had to urinate a little more often."

More about Tremfya (guselkumab)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: interleukin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Tremfya drug information

Professional resources

  • Tremfya prescribing information
  • Guselkumab (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Plaque Psoriasis
  • Psoriasis
  • Ulcerative Colitis