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Generic Name: Tri-Linyah (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestimate)

Tri-Linyah Reviews

For Birth Control "I have been taking tri linyah for 4 years. I have never gotten pregnant on this pill. My boobs got a cup size bigger on it and i was 115 pounds before i took it and after taking it i am 125 pounds. My periods are on time and lighter on the pill. The nausea subsided about 2 months after first taking it. The only thing i didn't like about it is that it gave me mood swings and lower sex drive."

For Birth Control "I've been on Tri-linyah for about a year and a half now and for the first year I had no symptoms at all. My skin got better, no weight gain. But these past 6 months have been terrible. I've had EXTREME mood swings- like fine one hour and the next I'm full of anger and sadness. I've been crying over the simplest things and getting anxious and sad before bed time. I look forward to my period week because I know I'll feel like myself again for that week. It's been making my relationships struggle and I'm about to quit it because the side effects definitely aren't worth it."

For Acne "I started taking this pill about a year ago and I LOVE it. I originally went on it for sever acne and it completely cleared up. I read all this stuff about people gaining weight but I've maintained the same weight I've had for 3 years now. Also I haven't got pregnant which is the most important thing!"

For Birth Control "I've been taking this for two months and hate it. My periods have been extremely worse than the ones I had before the pill. Plus I'm spotting every. single. week. In addition, I am so nauseous, lower sex drive, and very moody. I forgot to take this pill one night and felt way better the next day. I took the pill that night, and started feeling sick again immediately. I thought I've had a flu bug, but I think it's the effects of this medication!"

For Birth Control "I LOVE this Tri-Linyah birth control. From reading other reviews, it is different for everyone but I love it. My periods and completely regular and I know the exact time and day I’m going to start, so no surprise periods. I have barely any cramps and before this pill I had HORRIBLE cramps to the point of tears. And the best thing, no pregnancies. I never gained any weight. The only downside is I do get very emotional the week before my period, but nothing severe. It’s just a normal thing."

For Birth Control "I’ve took the Tri-Linyah pill for 2 years now and I hated it! I was very emotional the whole month, gained weight, really really sore boobs, stomach discomfort everyday! But it’s different for everyone!"

For Birth Control "I took this medication for about 8 months and developed a pulmonary embolism. I'm 26, non smoker, 115lbs, very healthy. Birth control causes blood clots in many women. Please be aware of this. Especially if you have pain in your legs or start to feel a tightness in your chest. Never would I anticipate this happening to me."

For Birth Control "At 16 I went on the pill, I was on the ortho tricyclin for about 3 years with no problem aside from small weight gain... suddenly I had gotten my period for 2 months straight! So my doc changed me to Sprintec and immediately I was getting headaches and yeast infections continuously! So now I'm on Tri-Linyah and its horrible! My mood swings are out of the world! I lost my sex drive completely! I went from wanting sex with my man of a year all the time to never! The amount of discharge has completely increased its horrible."

For Acne "I started Tri-linyah 3 months ago for hormonal cystic acne that was spreading and getting worse by the day. After 2 months noticed a difference and now after 3 months I am almost 98% clear. I think by month 4 I will be 100%. I only have some scars right now but very little texture. I also have not gotten pregnant. I have had NO negative side effects whatsoever in fact I was extremely depressed even suicidal before taking Tri Linyah and now I hardly feel sad or emotional unless there is a good reason. Overall very pleased!!"

For Birth Control "I have been on this birth control for over a year now and never in all my years have I experienced chronic yeast infections like I have with this pill. Not only that but I still have really bad hormonal acne. I have read up on the reasons birth control can cause yeast infections and my doctor is very aware of it the whole time. Tomorrow I have my one year hoping to switch to something better. Good news no pregnancies so at least that worked."

For Birth Control "I have been on Tri-Linyah 2 separate times and both times I had very bad results. Everyone is different but for me it gave me breakouts, headaches, nausea, cramps, boobs are super tender, my periods are super painful and my anxiety and depression has gotten so much worse over the past 2 months I’ve been back in this pill it seems like I’m having an anxiety attack almost every night and I can’t live like this anymore. I’m calling my doctor tomorrow to get it switched to something different. I hope y’all had a better experience than I did. Never going back to this pill ever again!!"

For Birth Control "I've been taking Tri-Linyah for a few years now, after trying many other pills. On this pill, my acne has completely cleared up and I have never gotten pregnant so I'd like to rate it pretty high. On other pills in the past, I had various side effects ranging from bad acne to insane anxiety, but haven't experienced any of that with this pill. The only reasons I'm not 100% in love with it are because I have gained a noticeable amount of weight since taking it (10 pounds is a lot when you only weight 115 to begin with) and my periods tend to last around 5 days. I had it down to 2-3 days when I was on Microgestin, so 5 really sucks. It does it's job though, so I keep taking it."

For Endometriosis "I was extremely nervous to start this Tri-Linyah but now I have to admit it was the best decision EVER. I love it. I have been taking the pill for almost 5 months now. I have not gained any weight, I can tell when my period is going to start down to the hour. I used to have extremely irregular cycles and horrible cramps but now all of that has been fixed. My sex drive is amazing and my mood is the same as it usually is. Everyone is different but if you’re as nervous as I was, you should definitely give it a try. It might or might not work for you but trust me when I say it has worked wonders."

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill for 10 days, purposely did not take it yesterday and already feel better today. I have had a headache every day on this pill, sensitivity to light, nausea, and heart palpitations. Then the anxiety started setting in, and I felt detached from reality. I have a lot of stress in my life but have always been able to manage it. I almost passed out while driving and went to the ER and have had every test known to man and everything is normal. Yesterday I had a panic attack. I have never had symptoms of anxiety or depression apart from normal stress and a bit of sadness after giving birth to my kids. I know everyone's body reacts differently, but it took me several days to even consider this could be my birth control."

For Birth Control "Please do not use this birth control Tri-Linyah, just after being on it for one month, I have gained over 20 pounds. It helped with acne kind of but not much at all. I've been incredibly moody and self conscious because of this rapid weight gain."

For Acne "I have... Or should I say had clear skin, from time to time I would have gotten a zit or two. Now however I have tiny bumps all over my face due to this birth control. I'm highly disappointed although my period is much lighter, it doesn't help the fact that my face is breaking out terribly; It's only causing me to be stressed and depressed, I'd rather bleed through tampons."

For Birth Control "I was on this for 3 years and I can definitely see the pros and cons, but keep in mind birth control is very different for everyone! Some of the negative side effects I’ve came across in my experience: weight gain in the first year of taking it (went from 153lbs to 165lbs), awful mood swings/I’ve notice a lot more anger in my emotions, I get nauseous every time I take it, and low sex drive. Some pros include: no unplanned babies, periods are light and always on time, clear skin, and bigger boobs. It has its ups and downs but for myself, it gets the job done which is great but I can’t wait till I can get off it in my marriage and get my body back in gear (:"

For Birth Control "I already have depression, but this birth control pill Tri-Linyah made it so much worse. My anxiety was through the roof, I had hallucinations in mirrors/reflective things, suicidal thoughts... hated it. Makes me fear getting back on birth control."

For Birth Control "Tri -Linyah was going great for me the first few months. Then I started getting allergic reactions on my face. Terrible migraines, WEIGHT GAIN!! Boobs grew like crazy I went from an A to a B and I just didn’t fit into any of my bras. I felt suffocated all the time cause of my boobs and I just felt bloated and gross."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "If you are searching for a birth control with no side effects... this Tri-Linyah is NOT the one for you! I started Tri-Linyah almost a year ago, and I sooo regret staying on it for that long. I originally got on this pill for extremely painful periods. It only helped with my periods for about 3 months. After that, the pain was worse... almost more painful than before. And my mood swings... out of the roof! My relationship with my friends, boyfriend, and family suffered from it greatly. I constantly battled between feeling emotionless or absolutely furious—there was no in-between. The only time I was able to actually feel happy, or just normal, was during the week of my period where I was not taking a hormonal pill. I wish I would have read into this pill a lot more before I got on it. The only pro from this pill was no babies!"

For Birth Control "I have been taking this pill for about a year now. I rate this pretty high because I have not become pregnant which Is why i went on the pill. BUT i have noticed mood swings tremendously and being extremely emotional when my period is coming"

"I was on so many different birth control pills dye to heavy periods and cramps. My doctor told me at 14 I shouldn't be having pains like this. Stopped taking pills for 1 year. At 19 I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I was so upset due to what happened and went to my doctor and told him to put me on this pill it has been the best pill yet no acne, no cramps, shorter periods, and NO pregnancy !!!!!! The only thing that happened is I gained like 15 lbs and I am not happy about that! But then again you can't have everything! I suggest this pill to every women there is!"

For Birth Control "Since I've been on this pill I've had terrible mood swings around my period, the first week of every pack I feel nauseous and throw up usually once or twice. I have never gotten pregnant but my boyfriend and I take extra precautions and lately I have horrible acne and back pain"

For Birth Control "I have been on Ortho Tri-cyclen for about 14 years, with no issues, no pregnancies. When I got a prescription for it, the pharmacist suggested Tri- Linyah which is supposed to be the generic version, and because it was free opposed to OTC which would have been 60$. Hesitant, I agreed to try it out, and she stated that if I had any issues I could always switch back. ..... Not even 3 months in, and I'm pregnant."

For Birth Control "I am finishing up my fifth packet and am switching to low ogestrel. This birth control did not work for me because I gained 10 lbs within 2 months of being on it; diet and exercise couldn't even take it off. As for my periods while on this BC were very regular and light. I never experienced bad mood swings."

More about Tri-Linyah (ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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Related treatment guides

  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Acne
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition