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Generic Name: Triamcinolone topical for Psoriasis (triamcinolone-topical)

Triamcinolone topical for Psoriasis Reviews

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "Been fighting psoriasis for over 40 years. Topical creams and ointments only slow the progress. I have tried it all: Remicade, methotrexate, Enbrel, Hira, and Otezla (the last one made me shut-in due to severe diarrhea). I have also used UV light, coal products for years, ointments, creams, soaking baths with Dead Sea salts, oatmeal, and Epsom salt. The only thing that gives me relief is cortisone injections. My last doctor used 1 cc of Depomedrol and 1 cc of Kenalog (40 mg/cc). I was good for 4 - 6 months, and major eruptions would clear in about 7 days. But then it stopped almost immediately. My doctor retired recently, and my new younger doctor thinks that is unethical. So now I am looking for a doctor who is a little more experienced. Already lost a knee to psoriatic arthritis. Want to limit it to that."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I have severe psoriasis on my palms. The itch is so uncomfortable, it feels like fire ants going nuts under the thick layers of leathery skin. My hands were constantly cracked and bleeding due to the uncontrollable scratching. I’ve tried every cream and ointment known to mankind as I’ve had this condition for the past 18 years. I’ve also tried UV light therapy, Methotrexate and 2 biologics. Nothing has helped in the slightest. I recently found a Dermatologist who gave me Kenalog injections and finally some relief!!! I had about 20 injections in each palm which wasn’t exactly pleasant but man was it worth it!! A few days after I was finally itch free! I was told the affects will last for 3-6 months then I’ll have to get another round. Fine by me, I’ll do this forever if need be!"

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I find kenalog injection is the ONLY thing that works on my hands & feet that has an insatiable severe itch. Within about a week and a half after the injection, the lesions stop & my hands/feet start to heal. I've taken everything from methotrexate up to Stelera - nothing has worked! I'm almost 50 and have had psoriasis since I was 5."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I have had psoriatic plaques for nearly 17 years. The itch can sometimes be insane, and as I'm sure many here would at least imagine, it has caused me to take drastic actions to quell it. The only way I have explained it is that the itch is well below the skin, and the thick plaques make it impossible to reach. I love getting the injections for two reasons. First, as many have said, it quiets outbreaks faster and more efficiently than almost anything I've ever used. Second, and I know this may sound weird, but having that sharp needle press into itchy skin feels incredible. Then followed by the medicine (Kenalog) saturating the itchy area. I get it every four months."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I got the kenalog injection for my sinuses and it was a nice surprise to have it clear up my scalp psoriasis. I had never been able to wear dark shirts and it constantly itches. It’s embarrassing. But now after a week or so it goes away for 6 months. This last time a new pa informed me of bone density being affected by the shot. But weighing the options right now the shot is worth it. I’m 49 and suffered for years and years"

"This stuff did nothing for my psoriasis. My doctor just kept giving it to me for over 4 months and it just got worse and worse. Beware if your doctor gives you the ointment it will permanently stain your sheets and clothes ask for the cream if you use this, my doctor says it doesn't stick as well but it won't ruin your things."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I have been getting Kenalog injections for over 30 years and it has been amazing. It now helps with psoriatic arthritis but I do suffer some of the side affects like a mild cough, severe indigestion (apple cider vinegar keeps it in check) and swelling of the ankles. I am thankful this worked for me even with the side affects having had severe outbreaks since I was 10 up in my 30’s until I found my dermatologist."

"I have recently been diagnosed with psoriasis and the first thing my doctor did was to prescribe this medication. It worked quickly and the horribly painful scaling I had behind my ears is completely gone."

"Kenalog is a fantastic cream. I couldn't do without it. I also will get psoriasis inside my nose and I use Cortaid spray for 2-3 days to make it go away. I saw that Cortaid has triamcinolone in it and tried it and it worked. There is also an over-the-counter body lotion that is great...Curel Itch Defense works basically as well as Kenalog, except in extreme cases, so I save money on the Rx."

"This product is great with controlling my psoriasis, but I became pregnant twice last year and miscarried both times. The only thing I did exactly the same was use this cream. It isn't 100% positive that the cream is the cause but it's the only common denominator. I'm currently pregnant and have made it 6 weeks longer than the last 2 and am not using the cream! Using vitamin E oil instead of the cream and it's working out for me so far.."

"This ointment does not work for my psoriasis at all and I have patches all over - nothing seems to be helping me, I need some help I can’t live with this for the rest of my life I’m only 18 something needs to help me! Does anyone have any suggestions?"

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I have suffered with severe psoriasis since 1995. Creams and ointments are ineffective and very impractical as I tend to have flares involving most of my body, feet and hands being the worst. I’ve had many injections of Kenalog over the years and it is highly effective. I generally get rebound about 4 to 5 weeks after the injection and dampen that with hydroxyzine. Last year after my first Covid booster I started a severe cycle of flaring. Most dermatologists will not give Kenalog any more, and as a result I’ve spiraled into a very severe case. I had to look up my old dermatologist 600 miles away and drive there for an injection. As I expected I started to get relief from itching and clearing of my symptoms within 6 hours. It’s going to take 2 more injections to get 100% clear. I’m my case Kenalog is amazing, it’s cheap and highly effective. I’ve tried Skyrizi (expensive) and light treatment as well and nothing works like Kenalog"

"Used this for two weeks for inverse psoriasis, worked like a charm. I only used it in the worst places because one possible side effect is raising your blood sugar & I can't afford that. Where I put it, the psoriasis disappeared, and right next to it the parts I hadn't covered stayed the same. For me, this stuff rocks."

"I have had a few breakouts of guetal psoriasis, and this cream is great. It clears up in about 2-4 days (depending on severity) of applying this cream. I don't have any itching with my psoriasis, but I do tend to get "dry winter itch", and this greatly reduces the itching for that though."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I have had psoriasis since I was 20, so its been 18 years. Recently, no ointments have been working for the psoriasis on my leg. It has been 3 days since my first Kenalog shots, and the plaque already look 35% better. It is still a little itchy, but no where near where it was before. I go back in 3 weeks to potentially have another set of injections if I need them. My skin was already hyperpigmented from other steroid ointments so I do not know if my skin will get darker yet or not."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "This has had more benefit controlling psoriasis on hands and feet over any biologic I've taken over the years. I've yet to find a medication with better results."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "Only thing that helped my scalp."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "It cleared up my plaques but the injections are a bit painful and it did nothing for the guttate psoriasis."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "It was good for the itching but the discoloration wasn't helped much at all"

"I've suffered from psoriasis for the past 14 years and I use this when I have flare-ups and it really works fast! I highly recommend it for anyone who suffers from psoriasis!"

"My doctor injected me triamcinolone for allergies and I found out that my psoriasis was disappearing. But the injection last only 6 weeks."

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "Amazing drug and works almost 7 months. Nothing beats this on the market"

Kenalog (triamcinolone) "I was seriously thinking I wish I could cut my leg off to get rid of my psoriasis. Kenalog injection halted this attack and now I feel like a new person!"

"Whenever I have a psoriasis outbreak, this cream clears it right up within a day. No side effects either."

"Clears up Psoriasis as long as you use it consistently, if there is a particularly bad area I need to keep re-applying until it's gone, otherwise it comes back."

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  • Reviews (105)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical steroids
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream drug information
  • Triamcinolone (Topical application) (Advanced Reading)
  • Triamcinolone Cream and Ointment
  • Triamcinolone Cream and Protective Emollient Cream
  • Triamcinolone Dental Paste

Other brands

Kenalog, Triderm, Trianex, Aristocort A, ... +5 more

Professional resources

  • Triamcinolone (Topical) monograph
  • Triamcinolone (FDA)
  • Triamcinolone Lotion (FDA)
  • Triamcinolone Ointment (FDA)
  • Triamcinolone Paste (FDA)

Other brands

Triderm, Trianex, Oralone, Treziopak, ... +6 more

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