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Generic Name: lactulose

Brand Name: Enulose oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am female, quadriplegic, and 67. I have lived in nursing homes for over 20 years. I began using Enulose after severe UTIs and ileus caused me to vomit uncontrollably – 14 years ago. A colectomy was suggested but I opted for medical solution. Enulose and erythromycin was prescribed. I took that for several years until the erythromycin was discontinued. I have continued with Enulose 30 mL (twice a day). I also take 30 mL a milk of magnesia (twice a day), and 30 mL of mineral oil (once a day) as well. This is effective along with a byscodyl suppository each morning. After moving to a nursing home, I had little control over my diet and my IBS with constipation became worse. Enulose and my other bowel regimen has allowed me to stay out of the hospital and I have been able to avoid surgery. It does cause some nausea, cramping, and gas. But it is effective and easy to take. It is sweet and the taste is much more pleasant than plain milk of magnesia.

The side effect of this drug, enulose, was unbearable for me. It caused continuous gas. I passed gas all the time without let up!

this is for a dog a pappion/maltese

I am a 18 month user of enulose/lactose. If you don't feel a difference in the clearness of your thinking and improvement of your mood/reaction to everyday life, check with your doctor, you may need more, I did, and just in the last month have I slept all the way the through the night, and felt clear ALL day. This took a while, so keep at it, it's worth it!! God knows you have enough stress with this disease, you don't need to be mentally impaired!!

using the rest room alot

My 14 month old daughter was prescribed Enulose to help regulate her bowels. I have no problem with her taking the medication and it worked relatively quickly. She's currently taking 2T. daily and she has had quick relief! I would definately ask your health care provider about this if you suffer from constipation.

This med works very well for me, except that I already have a diahrea problem and this med aggravates this condition very much.

It is very reliable and is very easy to take.

I have taken enulose for over a year. Recently I was upped from 2 T. AM and PM to 3 T AM & PM. This medication will have you spending all of your time on the toilet. It is not a pretty situation, and takes a very strong and loving wife to handle it. But with a liver problem, your spouse or significant other should be able to tell if you need an ammonia level check, by the way you act towards them, snappy, maybe less talkative, just less like the person they have spent every day with. If this happens and goes on for 3-4 days, remind your spouse, that you have noticed a difference and its time to get it checked, and I guarantee it will be the ammonia level. Both times my husband who is 98.9% perfect (I know so hard to believe) acted differently, I had him get his ammonia level checked and sure enough it was high, and believe it or not, they will apologize to you for acting so uncaring. Good luck to each and everyone who has liver problems. My husband is on the liver transplant list, however he is way down at the bottom. God Bless.

I have hepatitis c and hemocromatosis Prescribed this for ammonioa levels high in blood. Spilled some on counter had to scrape it with knife to clean it up.Alot of gas and stomache cramps and excessive thirst .Wont know if it brings the ammonia levels down until blood work in 7 days.

I wasn't given a reason for using Enulose, but I had cramping, no bowl movements, and tons of gas. after I took it. If it was for a liver condition, why would the Dr. give me all this discomfort? Oh, the first day I did have a movement, but I took it for over a week. I go in for a consultation with a gastro. so we'll see what comes of all this........? I saw the Dr. for pain on my left side that had me doubled over, was sent for a contrast Cat scan, then this Enulose was prescribed ? I only pray that one of these tests finds out what's causeing this pain, cause I've never had problems with my BM's I take a probiotic and it works.

I am quadriplegic and take Enulose for constipation. It works for me but does cause cramping and gas. This was my alternative to colostomy. In addition I use Dulcolax suppositories--prescribed by my physician.

On the good side, Enulose is dependable and gentle. On the other side, it tastes like drinking Karo syrup. It also gives me a lot of gas.

My child has been takeing this medicine for 10 days and no improvement in bowel movements, has had serve cramping and stomach pain from this. At times he even runs a fever. I do not recommended this medicine for anyone.

Well, there is no problem with the bowel movement on a low dose. However, I was not shown the effectiveness with the Brain Function/Liver Disease

I took Enulose in January of this year and took it for about a two weeks. I used the liquid syrup form. This medication caused me severe bloating every day. It did cause a bowel movement once a day. The bloating was so severe I had to discontinue. In this case, the risk of using Enulose actually did outweigh the benefit. Not worth taking and being miserable all day. I do not recommend this medication to anyone.