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Generic Name: Uricalm (phenazopyridine)

Uricalm Reviews

For Dysuria "I researched OTC medicines for urinary tract infection last night when I was very uncomfortable with symptoms and had not been able to get to the doctor. The previous night, I could not sleep due to excessive urgency after already emptying my bladder. At 9:30 PM, I decided to get to the pharmacy to find this medication or something similar. I was skeptical but amazed after taking 2 tabs as directed at 10:00 PM. I was able to sleep all night comfortably. I did as the medication instructed and contacted my doctor today. All I wanted was to get through the night, and it really worked! It works so well, but don't be fooled that you don't need to see a doctor. It will not cure the infection."

For Dysuria "I've had urinary tract infections since I was little. My mom always bought these numbing pills, and they worked like a charm! I'm having one at the moment, and my mom bought Uricalm. Works within minutes for me and totally takes away the pain. These things work for hours and hours. And the higher the dosage, the better it works. Total lifesaver if you're having any bladder problems."

For Interstitial Cystitis "I decided to give these pills a try after I still had some lingering symptoms after finishing UTI antibiotics from my doctor. Though my urge to urinate wasn't as bad and I wasn't in pain anymore, I was still having some discomfort. Uricalm worked like a charm but make sure you eat a FULL MEAL before taking the two pills. I made the mistake of only eating an apple beforehand and nearly threw up and then had diarrhea. Thankfully, the latter wasn't painful (I also have a really sensitive digestive system, so you may not experience those symptoms at all), but I would still eat something substantial. Even with these symptoms, my urge to urinate frequently was already gone. Later I tried taking the pills after having a sandwich and I was completely fine. It turned my urine bright reddish-orange, but aside from that, I felt completely back to normal again. I definitely recommend if you're just coming off of a UTI like me or are experiencing UTI symptoms but can't get to a doctor just yet."

For Dysuria "I had to come home early from work, thought I needed the ER. Called my sis, and she said to try Uricalm first. SOOOO glad I took her advice. I went from fetal position with nausea and pain to almost complete relief in less than an hour. LESS THAN AN HOUR! I've never written a review for anything in my life, but this was beyond amazing that I couldn't help but pass this along to fellow hurting mamas. I'm still cranberrying and antibiotic-ing it up, but my symptoms have totally subsided. From tears to cheers!! I'm in total disbelief! (Hahaha I sound like an infomercial, but I promise I'm real!! ;) good luck!!"

For Dysuria "This message is VERY IMPORTANT: As soon as you feel even the slightest bit discomfort you must take these pills because they take even up to 45 minutes to really kick in. You MUST take them with food, and I mean like as much as a meal or similar or you WILL get very sick. BUT this is the best pain relief I have ever felt. Once you take them they last all day and eliminate any pain including while you’re peeing. Yes they do make you lower back a little sensitive but it’s worth the relief this medicine brings. I like to eat breakfast, pop two in my mouth and sit in a hot relaxing bath til they kick in and it works wonders, really great! I highly recommend using this medicine!"

For Dysuria "I went to the store as soon as I had discomfort and saw that these were a higher dosage so I bought them. The first time it helped a little. I've been taking them 3 times a day for a couple of days and all they've done is change the color of my pee and possibly caused excruciating lower back pain as well as abdominal pain."

For Dysuria "This is the perfect medicine to help get over UTI symptoms. Now remember, this medication is only a pain reliever. If you have any of the symptoms that Uricalm relieves, go see a doctor!! If you have an infection you MUST to take antibiotics or it will only get worse and enter your kidneys...(which can be way way way more painful than a bladder infection) Uricalm does not treat underlying problems. But, is a life saver in the healing process!!!! I immediately lost the urgency of having to urinate, I was able to urinate and feel like I had emptied my bladder completely, and the burning sensation was gone. I Highly recommend it if your struggling with harsh symptoms."

For Dysuria "I’m have chronic frequency and urgency due to having had six children and also MS. I tried this medication for the first time today while on a road trip. I am truly stunned by how well this works. I previously did not know what it’s like to urinate without pain. I’m someone going to bathroom every hour on the hour. This has been an amazing vacation from my normal burdensome symptoms. I’ve only taken the one dose thus far, and it worked immediately. A far cry from the AZO supplement which did nothing for me."

For Dysuria "I got a UTI on the last day of my vacation, with 12 hours of plane rides to get through. On my way to the airport, I stopped at the drugstore for some recommended Azo. I saw Uricalm Max and decided to give it a try since it was on sale. Best. Decision. Ever. I went from nearly crying, sitting with nothing coming out yet feeling like I was going to pee myself whenever I stood up.. to feeling 100% completely normal. When I got home, I went home and saw a doctor. I was prescribed the usual antibiotics and urinary analgesic. Uricalm Max works much better, and for longer than the medication from the pharmacy.. same price AND I can get uricalm over the counter to help until I can see a doctor for antibiotics."

For Dysuria "I was experiencing early symptoms of a UTI. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom even after I had just been and it was very uncomfortable feeling, I wouldn't say it burned like UTI's usually do, it just felt like I had to go really bad. I got an at home UTI test strip and sure enough I had it. I got the URICALM at my local CVS store in hopes it would give me some kind of relief. I drank a 12oz of cranberry juice and three water bottles with 2 tablets (in 12 hours) and that night I felt 100% better! I was worried I would have to go to the doctor and get on antibiotics but with URICALM that wasn't the case! Very affordable. It comes in a 60 pack and it only took 2 to help me! I would recommend this especially if you are catching it early!"

For Dysuria "I tried Uricalm for the first time today because I was experiencing major pain and a great sense or urgency to urinate and I kid you not, this stuff works. I am not getting paid to share my opinion but it worked so well I felt I had to inform you all. I wished I had know about this before now. I am extremely pleased. I was in so much discomfort that I couldn't sit or stand without feeling the urgency to urinate. Now I am 90% better. "

For Dysuria "This OTC medicine was the first to make me stop feeling any pain at all. One day I had to pull over during my commute to use the restroom at a Parkway rest stop. I commute over 60 miles to work every day, and have never had to stop. By 11 AM I was aware I had a UTI. On my way home I purchased this product with no idea what it could do, but my doctor couldn't see me for three more days. Within 30 minutes the constant pain was gone."

For Dysuria "I used to take AZO but I heard that Uricalm Max is stronger, so I gave it a try. I was a bit disappointed that Uricalm also causes nausea, because that was my main gripe with AZO. It's not pleasant when you wake up at 5am with the onset pain of a UTI. You just don't have the patience to wait to take the tablets until you have made a meal for yourself and danced around the kitchen trying to eat. But this must be a side effect of all urinary analgesics. I think it takes the same amount of time for the relief to take effect as AZO. Don't let the relief of feeling better lull you into a false belief that your UTI is gone. Go to your doctor for antibiotics, because these tablets only treat the symptoms and will NOT cure UTIs."

For Dysuria "I was in pain one might so i drove to kroger at 3 in the morning bought this because it said it had more strength than azo so I took them as soon as i walked out the store drive home sat in my car for an hour to still be in pain. These pills do not work i drove back to kroger got the azo brand and was in relief within 20 mins dont waist your money on this brand"

For Dysuria "This product, in just minutes (less than an hour) nulled the intense, acute pain and allowed me to relax. The pain was a 9 on a 10-scale. The UTI was due to severe dehydration leading to acute renal failure as I discovered 2 days later. Yes, the urine takes the color of the pills but none of my underwear retained the temporary stains of the product. I can't image any quicker help especially going to the ER over this. You usually wait for hours as I did in the ER. But at least I had taken this medicine so I wasn't in misery. I'd highly recommend it without any reservations whatsoever."

For Interstitial Cystitis "My husband brought Uricalm home instead of Uristat. Big mistake. It’s takes over an hour to feel relief whereas Uristat takes about 10-15 minutes tops. Unfortunately, I get UTI’s about twice a year and Uristat has always been my life saver while taking my antibiotics or before my dr appointment. Don’t waste your money."

For Dysuria "I had a UTI and It helped with my pain but only brought on terrible back pain. it hurt so bad I couldn't breath or move it was worse than the uti pain. Let's just say after one day they are in the trash and I embrace uti pain worse product ever."

For Interstitial Cystitis "It has always helped. Better to take it at first signs. When it's full blown, it’s not really enough. But now I take the vitamin store powdered d-mannose powder. You mix it with water and drink it. I read in a book that it works better. Plus, there’s more d-mannose in it. In the book 'From Fatigued to Fantastic', it advises you how much to take. I take the vitamin store brand because they’re the only ones that don’t add nitric oxide that made me very jittery. Then you drink unsweetened cranberry juice also."

For Dysuria "Within 12 hrs I went from having a little pain at the tail end of urinating to full on feeling like I have to pee 24/7 and intense pain when urinating - with blood. So I did a telehealth visit so I could get antibiotics ASAP. When I went to pick up my antibiotics I also picked up uricalm. I thought it would help with symptoms. It didn’t help at all. I've waited 45 min and nothing but neon pee"

"Great medication. Works fast and lasts all day long as long as you drink cranberry juice or water. Much better than AZO."

For Dysuria "It worked a couple of minutes after taking it, I was relieved!"

For Dysuria "This medicine is my go to every time! It takes away every bit of pain and discomfort that comes along with a UTI, would recommend to anyone!"

"Don’t waste your money it doesn’t work only turns your pee yellow I’ve been waiting for an hour and no help ! Only reason I bought them is bc I forgot my uristat back home ! Waste of money !!!!"

For Dysuria "Works very quickly! Prefer this over any other brand."

For Dysuria "IT works like a charm. I took two pills last night and I was able to sleep without discomfort. I really recommend. I bought the Uricalm MAX ."

More about Uricalm (phenazopyridine)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous genitourinary tract agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Uricalm drug information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Phenazopyridine monograph
  • Phenazopyridine Tablets (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Dysuria