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Generic Name: Vabysmo (faricimab-ophthalmic)

Vabysmo Reviews

For Macular Degeneration "I have been dealing with an eye infection after receiving Vabysmo in June. The infection finally cleared up. I was injected again with Vabysmo on September 11. Now I have inflammation in my eye that is being treated with steroid drops. My vision is cloudy with many floaters. I just pray my eye clears up soon."

For Macular Degeneration "I've had wet type Macular Degeneration in my right eye for about 12 years. Started treatment with Avastin, went to Lucentis and Eylea. Each worked better than the previous. With Eylea, I was down to a shot every 9 weeks. My corrected vision in that eye was 20/20, but by the 9th week, it usually began to deteriorate again. We started using Vabysmo about a year ago and my leakage and retinal swelling have diminished significantly. I'm currently at 16 weeks with no visits scheduled for another 2 months. No issues. It's more viscous than Eylea and takes a few hours more for me to see clearly after the shot, but the results are excellent and very much worth it."

For Macular Degeneration "Vabysmo has dried the fluid in my eye more completely than Eylea did, and so far it has enabled the interval between shots to be extended from four weeks (Eylea) to eight weeks! I am hopeful that the interval will be further extended in the future."

For Macular Degeneration "When Eylea was found to be ineffective after about 1 year of monthly injections, Vabysmo was tried and after three monthly injections, evidence of leakage was gone. Last visit was so good that no injection was required. No side effects experienced other than bother of getting injections into eye."

For Macular Degeneration "I lost 85% of one eye and then it began in the other, with similar rapidity, even with shots. Started using Vabysmo as soon as it became available. It almost immediately stopped further deterioration with much lowered pressure, almost nonexistent leakage, and some improved clarity. I am very happy with this treatment."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "After 3 years of regular Eylea injections, with only a few weeks of subsequent short-lived marginal improvement in vision following treatment, I was converted to Vabysmo in January 2023. After the first injection, improved and maintained vision was clearly noticeable, and after 4 treatments at 4-week intervals, retinal scans showed a dramatic, almost complete elimination of retinal swelling. For the first time in 17 years, almost perfect (84/85) vision! I am now beginning a 12-week interval before the next treatment. Side effects: I am beginning to suspect that a significant change in my bowel movements might be related to the new treatment. I will be looking out for any changes as a consequence of an extended period between injections. In summary, an exceptional result so far, especially after a long period of poor sight in the one affected eye."

For Macular Degeneration "Two other drugs I have taken in the past have helped my macular degeneration partially but then stopped helping, leaving my eyesight still extremely impaired. Vabysmo is helping my eyesight improve. There have been no side effects."

For Macular Degeneration "I had a side effect 3 weeks after the injection, though it wasn't my first injection. A few days later, my other eye that also had the same injection had the same side effect. Watery eye and blurry vision. Thankfully, my doc is on top of it all and all is good. Thankful for these meds and professionals!"

"In April 2022, I began having significant vision issues, including double vision and vision loss. I went for an eye exam and the optometrist said my blood sugar was out of control after doing scans of my eyes. I was then sent to a retina specialist. I was diagnosed with advanced diabetic retinopathy. The ophthalmologist began treating with Lucentis and laser surgery. Several months later, I was switched to Vabysmo. I have had almost a year of injections approximately every 8 weeks during that period. My eyesight improved significantly from 20/40 left and 20/60 right to 20/20 left and 20/25 right. Vabysmo has been incredibly effective."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "My vision had deteriorated significantly from advanced diabetic retinopathy. I started on Lucentis several years ago, but the eye shots were more frequent. I switched to Vabysmo when it first came out and was approved. My vision has improved dramatically. I did have several cardiac incidents, but they don't appear to be related to Vabysmo. I get shots every 10-14 weeks now. I have some floaters after a few weeks. I've had approximately 30 injections (combined for both eyes - I get the injections done separately). This medication has been very effective with very few side effects."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "I got an injection of Vabysmo for DME in my right eye 10 days ago. My vision cleared up almost overnight. However, I have Myasthenia Gravis and had received injections of Avastin a few years ago that seemed to work without causing a flare of my MG symptoms. The retina doctor always wants to try new and improved medicine all the time. I had a reaction to Eyelea he tried too and stopped injections because of it. I am going to report this to him also and not get any more injections. My eye is still very red, and it feels like pressure in it and aches constantly. I am very weak because of the MG acting up and have extreme fatigue."

For Macular Degeneration "Since using Vabysmo, the doctor has increased the time between injections from 4-5 weeks to 8-9. Otherwise, the results and effects are the same as those of the previous drug he used. My vision neither improves nor diminishes."

For Macular Degeneration "I have erythema nodosum autoimmune. Did not have a flare in a while. Some time after injection, it came out. I'm truly not sure, will take my injection next week to see if it happens again. Otherwise, it did last the length of time."

For Macular Degeneration "Unknown whether will stabilize vision. I don’t think it has improved so far. But I don’t think that’s gotten any worse either. I’m sure a retinal specialist can tell by looking at the pictures. I would be overjoyed if my vision just stayed stable as I am still able to read."

For Macular Degeneration "My husband has has active MD for 18 years. He was given Vabysmo a few months ago after other drugs stopped working. He has very good results."

For Macular Degeneration "Vabysmo has given me light flashes, some watery-looking floaters, and eye irritation like there is something in my eye."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "Vabysmo, I'm on my second dose. It seems to be helping my eyes see better. The cost of this drug is way over $1,200 per dose though. But it is the best out there for your eyes."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "It works and I actually didn't need another shot at my last eye appointment. Very thankful."

"Treatment took over 18 months but vision is now 20/25. I had assistance from a healthcare foundation or I would not have been able to afford this treatment."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "Has increased vision. However, I've had a perspiration around my eyes in the past month. My eyes always feel wet or like I'm sweating around my eyes. I tear up a lot as well for no reason."

For Macular Degeneration "I have progressed from injections every 5 weeks to every 8 weeks over the last two years. Vision is not distorted following injections in both eyes and I am able to drive myself to appointments."

For Diabetic Macular Edema "Worked in reducing edema. Site is stable. Encouraging results."

For Macular Degeneration "I am experiencing severe dizziness and vertigo. It does help my vision, but I am not sure I can continue it as my balance, etc. has been so affected."

More about Vabysmo (faricimab ophthalmic)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: anti-angiogenic ophthalmic agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Vabysmo drug information

Professional resources

  • Vabysmo prescribing information
  • Faricimab-svoa (Intravitreal) (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Macular Degeneration
  • Macular Edema Following Retinal Vein Occlusion
  • Diabetic Macular Edema
  • Macular Edema