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Generic Name: Valerian Root (valerian)

Valerian Root Reviews

For Herbal Supplementation "Well, I only tried taking it once since I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. I've heard that Valerian root capsules are supposedly helpful with all these conditions. So, I took one 350mg capsule even though the prescribed dose on the box was 2 capsules at once, twice a day, so 4 capsules a day taken two times. But since I didn't know how I'd react, I chose to take only one capsule. Boy, was I right not to take two :) It made me extremely nauseous, sick, I threw up, felt dizzy, got a headache, felt weird, couldn't walk right, and at the same time, it didn't really calm me down but it actually made me more agitated. I read that that can happen only with bigger doses, so to me, it happened with one capsule. It also gave me pressure in my chest and tightness in my head."

For Herbal Supplementation "I have always had issues with falling asleep. I take two capsules of a name brand valerian supplement before bed. It helps me. I notice it when I don't take it, I take longer to fall asleep. I have had no side effects. No tummy issues."

For Herbal Supplementation "Recently, my panic attacks have gotten very severe (near fainting, sudden sweating, shaking, vision going blurry, body going weak, intense fear, etc.) due to my friend suddenly dying, and so I tried Valerian root. I have to say, amazingly, that it really does work. It stops panic attacks, it calms you, it improves your mood. However, it also makes you feel sick to your stomach. What a shame. I thought I found the perfect med for my anxiety, but I hate feeling sick. So I won't take these anymore. It's worth trying them, though. They work, and they are FAR cheaper than benzos. You may not have the same stomach upset as me."

For Herbal Supplementation "I drink Valerian tea, and I usually fall asleep quickly, but I saw Valerian root in the store and thought I'd try it. I took 2 capsules with food. I fell asleep 20 minutes later. I was very sleepy but was able to wake to use the toilet when my bladder was full. I fell back to sleep quickly. I normally need white noise to sleep. That was not needed. I'm happy with the results."

For Herbal Supplementation "Take as needed. Not addictive. Doesn’t have the harmful and potentially life-threatening side effects of Valium. Works great to calm you down and relieve tension without making you foggy or cloudy at all."

For Herbal Supplementation "I drink the tea, and it works fine, helps me sleep and slows my racing mind (ADD) or ADHD, whichever you say I have. But it works (minus the putrid smell). This is the bee's knees, again, this is the loose-leaf tea, not the pill."

For Herbal Supplementation "My daughter took this at the recommendation of her medical provider. Turns out Valerian Root has a drug interaction with antidepressants, which her medical provider knew she was taking because she had prescribed them herself. She got huge blisters on her stomach and the side of her foot, headaches, exhaustion, and loss of appetite. Valerian root also has drug interactions with anxiety medications, pain medications, even benadryl. I do not recommend at all!"

For Herbal Supplementation "Valerian has been a great help to myself and my husband (early 40s). We've used it on and off for a decade. We use it in both a capsulated form, as well as in raw powder form, neither of which we've ever had any adverse effects or cause for alarm. The main thing I'd recommend with valerian is to know and get accustomed to the proper dose for you. You can always add, but you can't take away. For this reason, I don't use it as a tea, but I've bought pre-packaged valerian tea for hub. It is going to make you sleepy, and at the correct dose for you, has about the same effect of a single, small dose of Valium, or something similar. That's basically what I use it in place of and it doesn't leave you with a hangover feeling as big pharma meds do. If it's REAL valerian, it does stink, but it's nothing a sip of soda can't wash down."

For Herbal Supplementation "I took Valerian capsules 337mg 2 - 3 a day for approx 11 weeks for anxiety. They did seem to take the edge off my anxiety. However, I recently experienced a sharp pain in my upper stomach, so looked online (Drugs.com) who advised if you suffered this after taking Valerian, to contact your doctor immediately, but did not explain why. I already have issues with oesophagitis and have a hiatus hernia which may explain my reaction to taking Valerian for this length of time"

"Been drinking Valerian Root Tea for a couple of weeks now, which has significantly reduced my high blood pressure and insomnia. The smell is awful and takes a little getting used to but the results for me are worth it."

For Herbal Supplementation "I suffer from bad anxiety, ADHD, and racing thoughts, and if I take one 500 mg capsule of Valerian Root within 30 minutes, I am calm. Worth trying."

For Herbal Supplementation "It's incredible. Absolute lifesaver. Taper Valium. Throw them away. Buy valerian and live a happy life."

For Herbal Supplementation "This is way better for anxiety than diazepam. I take 500 mg twice per day, and it does the job for me, SAD and GAD. Side effects might make my stomach a bit crampy, but oh well."

For Herbal Supplementation "I started taking it for insomnia. It works well, but boy, did I have crazy dreams. I am very sleepy the next day, especially if I take it two days in a row. I have headaches anyway, so I get them too."

For Herbal Supplementation "I accidentally mixed it with one small (330ml) 5% beer. Boy did that hit like a train, I felt like I drank 5x more than that. I definitely wouldn't recommend mixing these two so take care."

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  • Reviews (15)
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  • Drug class: herbal products
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Herbal Supplementation