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Generic Name: Venlafaxine for Depression (venlafaxine)

Venlafaxine for Depression Reviews

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "In a few paragraphs, I can gladly proclaim this medication saved my life in so many ways! I had never felt content until I took Effexor. The grass was greener, the music was even more beautiful, I am now kind and patient again; I am simply happy! I don't need to constantly seek out pleasurable things to make life more exciting anymore. I’m not so emotionally vulnerable. For the first time in my life, I can READ! My ADHD has diminished 70% - 90%! Whether it be from ADHD, anhedonia or both, I can FINALLY enjoy the simple things in life. Lastly and miraculously, my IQ went up 15 - 20 points! My thought process is much more clear, and I LOVE reading and learning! My newfound curiosity fuels my joy for living and learning. I want to thank the people who created this drug. I am not only myself again, but I’m someone I never even knew I was capable of being!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "Reading reviews online will freak you out about this drug, and as someone who used it for panic disorder and extreme anxiety (as well as depression), these reviews on here definitely terrified me. First off, relax. Taking any new drug for the first time can be scary because your body's adjusting, but freaking out about any little symptom will only make your experience worse. Now on to my experience: The first couple of weeks, I experienced nausea and maybe a bit of sleeplessness, but nothing too crazy. Lost a bit of weight too as it suppressed my appetite. I really do believe this drug helped calm my nervous system enough so that I was able to function normally again, and so far after the first month, I don't experience side effects at all. Don't be scared about all the wacky reviews, people can psych themselves out when influenced by others' opinions."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I am a 43-year-old man. I take Effexor XR 150mg since 2000 (yes, I know it is long, but it is better than death). Okay, every 2-3 years I try to be 'med-free', 'normal', and 'out of the stigma', and each time it is the same. I crash. Hard. Each time, I play with my life. From the outside, I look successful, brilliant, intelligent, normal, etc. But I am sick as hell. Sick, but in treatment. I take care of me as I could, and I really don't care about what people think about Venlafaxine now. I don't want to die. Believe me, noradrenaline and serotonin recapture is no garbage. You may need a little help for your brain. Refuse it if you like, but do something about depression before it will do something about you."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Please remember to give Effexor XR a couple of months to work. The first month or even two are going to suck. Why? Remember that the chemicals in your brain are adjusting. We have a chemical imbalance. Be patient and kind to yourself. I was on Lexapro and it worked, but I gained so much weight, so I got off. Not a good idea. Never just go cold turkey! So, after speaking to my doctor, he put me on Effexor, and it has been such a blessing. I’m on 225mg for over 3 years, and while I do have good and bad days because it’s not a miracle pill, you still have to fight the depression and anxiety, but it helps you fight it. Stay strong! It works. Be patient. Don’t be scared."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I'm on Effexor for depression, anxiety, ADHD. 1-4 weeks. The medication the first few weeks is going to make you excessively sleepy. It is just the nature of the beast. During the first few weeks, ensure that you are taking the time to get a workout in a few times a week and supplement any lethargy with a bit of caffeine. Weeks 5-8. This is where the medication really starts to shine. If you are a male, this drug is ideal for you because it has a less likely chance of causing erectile dysfunction as it is an SNRI and not an SSRI. Your reaction to negative events, to include stressful situations, begins to dramatically change. Instead of having fast-paced thoughts, you have a true sense of peace, less worry, and a newfound sense of overall well-being. I highly recommend this medication if your SSRI is causing you ED, you suffer from anxiety, ADHD, OCD, or depression."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I had severe anxiety in 2016. It was truly crippling. Along with panic attacks and thinking I was dying all the time, I experienced depersonalization/derealization every day. Effexor XR truly saved my life. I take my pills at night, and if I miss one dose, I know immediately the next day by how I feel. It’s a horrible feeling. I also described it as my head was skipping, but I see others describe it as brain zaps. That’s truly what it feels like. Besides that though, this medication changed everything for me."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I take 150mg time-released Effexor. I am dealing with a head injury for 6 months now. I have been on Effexor since. I have no side effects, and it has really helped me with my anxiety, nervousness, and depression. This medicine is such a lifesaver. I can go to work and be around people. I don’t know where I would be without this medication."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I have been on many antidepressants over the years. I have had depression and anxiety since I was 21 years old, and am in my late 40s now. Other antidepressants caused horrible cravings for sweets and carbs. Plus, the medications didn't work that well for me. I have been on Effexor for 8 months, 150 mg. It works wonders for me. I actually like to be around people now. I go places, etc. I have a life again and noticed that I get excited about life. Also, I have lost weight on it. My cravings are gone, I feel full after a meal, and full a lot longer after the meal. I am gaining back my energy. I am a woman who was so severely depressed, I couldn't even get out of my recliner and didn't get dressed most days. What a difference!"

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "This medicine saved my life. I was at my wits' end with antidepressants and was ready to give up. My doctor finally prescribed me this after many failed medications. I am so glad she did. I honestly do not know where I would be without Effexor XR. Side effects were very mild compared to other antidepressants I tried. I was drowsy for the first couple of days, but it was tolerable. I highly recommend this for severe depression. I would also like to mention for people to realize there is light at the end of the tunnel and YOU WILL GET BETTER, and to never give up."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "This drug is by far the best antidepressant I've taken, and I've been on it since age 17 (now 34). If you miss a day, you will be very emotional, but other than that, I haven't noticed many bad side effects. My depression is great now and has been for years. The only negative is my lack of sex drive and sleeping a lot. Not sure if that's all due to the medication or just my lazy arse. Heard a lot of bad reviews, but honestly, I've been on it for 7 years and I think it's great."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I was prescribed Venlafaxine for major depression and debilitating anxiety while going through a massive life crisis (business and relationship divorce and resulting bankruptcy) about three years ago. My depression was my own worst enemy as when I needed to be sharp and confident for attorneys, I was a sobbing mess. My anxiety was debilitating and turned into panic attacks. While I don't think I would have taken my life, I certainly wasn't afraid to die. The crisis is finally behind me, and I have tapered from 225mg to 37.5mg over the last 3 months. The only downsides were, for me, cognitive function, apathy, and poor memory. I was unable to orgasm on the 225 mg dosage. It is important to mention that I did not get through this with drugs alone. I had a strong network of friends, family, attorneys, and healthcare professionals. Do not be ashamed of your mental health crisis! Be honest with yourself and your friends and seek professional help!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "From my experience, Effexor is a very effective treatment for depression and anxiety. I took it for 10 years at a dose of 150mg and felt great. I stopped 3 months ago and already depression is returning, so today I'm going back on! Yes, the side effects can be grim, but for me, it was only when being late with dose or quitting. But overall, I think it's worth it for not having to suffer depression and anxiety every day!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I have been on Effexor for 18 years. Yes, that's right: 18 YEARS. It saved my life and then some. I had very severe clinical depression back in 1995. I was suicidal and anxious to the nth degree. Effexor has brought joy back to my life and has enhanced my creativity and sexual desire. I have been blessed with this medication. It was the first antidepressant my doctor prescribed and most likely the last. A match made in Paradise: Effexor and I."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "Sure saved the quality of my life. I was not suicidal; I was more like the guy who didn't care if the plane crashed. I took Effexor for 8 years. After that time period, it had been a long, long time since I had felt depressed, so I began to taper off. I think it probably took me a couple of months to get completely off. I have been off for 5 years. I learned a lot about clinical depression and how to treat it. If my depression ever returns, I will not hesitate to go back to Effexor."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Everyone's different, for me this one's a LIFE SAVER! My depression began 15 years ago. In 2014, I hit my lowest point. Previous doctor had me on several meds that didn't mix well together. That whole year is a blur, I don't remember any of it except for the few grand mal seizures they caused. Eventually, I attempted suicide with one of the meds and ended up in a mental hospital twice within a month. My new psychiatrist took me off everything and started me on this, topped out at 150mg (which I am to this day, 6 years later, still taking). I can't thank that psychiatrist and this miracle drug enough. Taking with Bupropion (Wellbutrin) and I'm not sure which one, but I believe one of them has got rid of my sex drive. I prefer no sex drive over that really dark place I was in. Also, if I miss taking them a couple of days in a row (again, not sure which one is causing it), I experience extreme vertigo... not fun. Other than that, I have no other complaints, just absolute gratefulness. LOVE IT!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "My boyfriend passed away very unexpectedly. We had a wonderful, beautiful relationship. I simply adored him, and overnight he's gone. The next day, my little brother had open-heart surgery. My sister passed away last March after living and taking care of my father with dementia. My mother passed away after a 3-year-long battle with cancer. I wanted to stay in bed all day, curled up in the fetal position, and pray that death would take me just so the pain would stop. But I didn't have that luxury, someone had to pay the bills. I hated to go out in public because I never knew what would trigger a crying jag. I had a true sense of hopelessness. 75 mg of Effexor saved my life. I'm happy again, laughing, and going out and celebrating my life."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I had severe hellish, unrelenting depression and did not want to live. I started taking Effexor, and it worked the same day. I never thought something could work so well. I have few side effects. My life changed 100%. I am so happy now that the doctor put me on this. People should not be afraid to try antidepressants."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I've tried many different SSRIs for depression (Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Prozac) and nothing worked. I was apprehensive to take Effexor because of online reviews, but I'm so glad I did! The only side effect I've had is tiredness the first few weeks, but that has since subsided. I not only feel more energy, but I actually can feel happiness. On the other medicines, I just felt numbness and a lack of emotion, but Effexor has made me feel like me again! This has been my miracle after years of mild to severe depression."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Please never allow anyone you love to take this drug! Effexor XR has been the worst experience for my husband the past 4 years! He has gone through so many changes, mentally, he doesn’t know what is real anymore. What I mean is life, love, emotions, etc. Our marriage was the ideal marriage before he started taking it, but now it has crumbled! He has been to a mental facility twice on this drug, gone through so many personal changes, it’s unreal! Please do your research before taking this because coming off of it is a living nightmare! I know 2 people who committed suicide on this drug, and thank God I have not lost my husband on it!"

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I'm glad to read these positive reviews because I've been on generic venlafaxine 150mg per day for 8 years. I was on 7 different antidepressants prior to that, a year or two each time, then the poop out and in to a different one. Venlafaxine has not stopped working. I'm on the highest dose per day slowly increased over a year. My most frustrating side effect is insomnia and some tinnitus. I will also say when my pharmacy changes the pharmaceutical brand of venlafaxine, I have a noticeable couple of days discomfort until I adjust. People understandably tend to be angry about failure or side effect, but nothing is worse to me than being disabled by depression."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "I am a 49-year-old female who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I am taking Risperidone 2 mg a day with 75 mg of Effexor. I was severely depressed and suicidal every day. Lexapro made me extremely anxious and nervous. I think 75 mg of Effexor is helping a lot. I am now not as depressed or suicidal. I am now regaining my energy and interest back. For everyone who struggles with depression/bipolar out there: don't give up hope. Things will get better and you will recover. I believe that. Hang in there, seek help, and know that I am rooting for your quick recovery. Best wishes to all of you."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "After 15 years of struggling with deep depression, PMDD, and postpartum depression, 1 suicide attempt, and 1 hospitalization, I have found the medicine Effexor that has worked for me. It's been a long road, but now I'm at peace and living life to the fullest."

Effexor (venlafaxine) "This stopped my depression the second day! It felt like a hole in my heart mended! Literally! I seem to be able to skip days here and there in the spring and summertime with no effects, but never have plans to wean off. It has been too great a miracle prescription for me! Seven years!"

"I was put on venlafaxine in 2001, and soon became functionally narcoleptic and severely depressed. Over the years, doctors kept increasing the dosage, telling me I was simply very ill and needed a high dose of venlafaxine just to make my depression manageable. Finally, after 17 years, and several failed attempts to taper off, I stopped my venlafaxine cold turkey against medical advice. Coming off this drug was possibly the most difficult thing I've ever done, with truly horrific withdrawal symptoms, but once I made it through those months of withdrawal and recalibration, I learned that all those years, it was the venlafaxine that had been making me ill. As a minor effect, I lost 10 pounds within my first month of stopping the venlafaxine. More importantly, I went from needing 12 hours sleep per day to 7.5 hours sleep per day, and my depression lifted. That was over a year ago, and this past year has been my healthiest in two decades. After 17 years, I finally have my life back."

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Been on Effexor 150 mg for 16 years. Can't remember any side effects that weren't tolerable. I haven't had one problem in 16 years of taking it. I have had three clinical depression episodes (about ten years apart) so I have to stay on an antidepressant for the rest of my life. I like to say... I'm a 'quart low' on serotonin. Effexor has kept the level up. Happy patient!"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Venlafaxine drug information
  • Venlafaxine Extended-Release Tablets
  • Venlafaxine Tablets
  • Venlafaxine Extended-Release Capsules

Other brands

Effexor XR

Professional resources

  • Venlafaxine monograph
  • Venlafaxine (FDA)
  • Venlafaxine ER (FDA)
  • Venlafaxine ER Capsules (FDA)

Other brands

Effexor, Effexor XR

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