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Generic Name: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Vitamin D3 Reviews

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I struggle badly with Vitamin D supplements. Don't ever let a doctor tell you it's not the supplement! The only thing I do like about it is for me it's almost like a sleeping pill. I pass out very quickly after taking it every time. However, the next day I always feel tense, dizzy, short of breath, headaches, muscle aches, anxiety, stomach pains, constipation, and have acid reflux issues. This ALWAYS goes away when I stop the supplement. I've tried adding magnesium and it doesn't help."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "After my wellness checkup and blood analysis, I was told by my MD to start taking Vitamin D3-2000 daily. I took it as recommended for 2 days and I noticed that I was experiencing dizziness, tiredness, and really bad cramps in my hands, feet, and legs. I thought that I was dehydrated and drank more water. The cramps kept getting worse, and I also started having increased palpitations and more dizziness. As the only change I had made in my daily regimen was taking the D3, I decided to stop taking it to see if it might be the cause. Sure enough, these symptoms disappeared. So, why are we being told to take this? Several of my friends and family have been advised to do the same lately. Is it a new 'health' sham?"

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I was told by my doctor that I am Vitamin D deficient and should take 5000 IU of vitamin D per day. I began taking the supplement and within 36 hours began having HORRIBLE leg pains and muscle aches. The pain in my legs was so bad I could barely walk. I was also extremely nauseated, so much so that I couldn't eat. I stopped the Vitamin D and in no time the muscle pains and nausea were gone. I now take 1000 IU of Vitamin D per day with no side effects. I know it's less than my doctor wants me to take but that's too bad. Why do doctors insist on such enormous amounts of Vitamin D without considering the side effects??? I would rather be Vitamin D deficient than suffer the side effects of a 'therapeutic' dose of Vitamin D."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "Blood test showed that I am Vitamin D deficient, doctor and endo recommended me to take D3 1000 IU daily. After taking it, I noticed heart tightness, heart pounding, feeling weird in general. I stopped for a few days, then I was fine. I started taking it again today, immediately, my heart felt funny again."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "So my doc prescribed me 10000 IU for 6 weeks, since I was vitamin D deficient. After 2 weeks of taking these, I noticed terrible heart palpitations and a fast heartbeat. I went to the ER with a heart rate of 172, the scariest day of my life. Vitamin D makes me so drowsy and dizzy. I'm definitely not taking this anymore. It helped me with my levels, now it is 36, but it's making me feel miserable."

For Vitamin D Insufficiency "1st day fine on Vitamin D3, 2nd day horrible, day 3 no better. Side effects: shakiness, skipped heartbeats, and tired. I've tried this several times in the past few months, all with the same side effects. I'm only taking 1000 IU's. No more taking this as of today."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I started taking Vitamin D3 years ago due to deficiency. I have taken 2,000 IU and 1,000 IU's. For years, I have suffered debilitating leg and feet cramps at night and horrible restless legs. I have always blamed it on my blood pressure meds, but have finally figured out that any time I stop taking the D3, I have no more leg cramps. Now I will add 2 drops (about 200 IU) into water once in a while, but even that makes me feel sick, so no more! The leg cramps would even go into my thighs, and I would not be able to stand up, it was so painful. But of course, the doctor said it couldn't be that. Then why does it stop when I stop taking the D3? I wish doctors would do more research before just throwing prescriptions at us..."

For Vitamin D Insufficiency "I was told by Dr. to take 1000 IU of Vitamin D. I also take verapamil, and after 1 week, I had heart skips, weakness, shakiness, and could not walk straight. I could not find out what was wrong till I checked this site and found other people had these problems. I stopped Vitamin D today and hope I feel better soon."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I have been struggling with arthritis-like pain for months. Swollen joints, pain, hard to move around, and muscle weakness. Started taking vitamin D3 and the difference was night and day. Strength is restored, pain is decreasing... I am on the mend. I used to work outside but now in an office all the time, I guess it played a bigger role in my health than I realized."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I was deficient in D3 and was prescribed 5000 IU per day. Six months later, my vitamin D level is in the normal range, with no side effects. Possibly pure coincidence, but my cholesterol level has dropped below 200 for the first time in 30 years, with no change in diet, medication, or exercise! The only difference was the D3. I’m a fan."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "Had bloodwork done to determine what my vitamin D level was at, resulted in a value of 19. Never in my lifetime have I taken a vitamin D supplement. Even though I was deficient, I was unsure if I wanted to take 1000 IU daily just in case it reacted on me. So I've been taking 500 IU daily for almost a year now. My bloodwork has improved to now having a value of 55. The only reactions I have noticed that could possibly be from the vitamin D are constipation and heart palpitations (feels like body tremors). I've had heart tests done, resulting in everything being okay. I continue to take the vitamin D supplement but only 500 IU daily."

For Prevention of Fractures "I would like to add that you need to take sufficient magnesium along with the vitamin D in order to avoid the side effects of cramping and pain. The lysinate form is a good form of magnesium to take to avoid laxative effects of other forms. You need to take magnesium in order for vitamin D to work well. Good luck."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I have been taking vitamin D3 2000 IU about two years, my DR. said I am VITAMIN D deficiency, well I have pain and stiffness in my knee bad taste in my mouth. I am so glad I found this site I will stop taking vitamin d3 I did it before and the pain and stiffness went away, I will get more vd3 from the sun."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I was sent to a rheumatologist for arthritis pain. He suggested 50k IU of Vitamin D3 for 7 days and 50k IU once a week for the next 7 weeks until my next appointment. I have hyperparathyroidism, which means I produce calcium oxalate kidney stones. I declined his suggestion on the grounds that that much Vitamin D3 would increase my blood calcium level dramatically and therefore my stones also. He knew I had stones but said I needed the vitamin because it was the calcium producing the “bone spurs” that was causing my arthritic pain. What?? So I want to take more calcium?? Have to find another doctor!"

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I was told had osteopenia and calcium was low . I looked at taking calcium and found should not take alone . Few years later was told I needed a script for Fosamax ! I said no way has my vitamin D being checked? Sure enough it was low and was told to take 2000 IU which sounds high but it’s a pittance so did look into it and found it’s why along with low B12 often why bone health isn’t good. I had deep bone pain ,could barely lift my arms and found was losing my grip in my 50’s ! I upped my dose to 10,000 IU with k2 100mg and within a week my pain was gone ! Weeks on this and all grip was back as was able to lift arms ! Also had to have injections of B12 as was on low side (275 - range 240-1000) but also have autoimmune disease . Always take D3 not D2 and daily amount is better than once a week dose because you get high troughs and lows and that needs to be taken with fatty foods(good fats ) to be absorbed. I wish they tested more for deficiencies and effect on body:"

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I had blood work done, and was found to have very low vitamin D levels, 55 nmol/L. My nurse practitioner advised me to take 2,000 IU daily. I was already taking 4,000 IU daily, so I upped the dosage to 10,000 IU. I got my results from my latest blood tests, and I am still deficient in vitamin D, 56 nmol/L, a whole 7 months later! Clearly, something else must be wrong here. I am a diabetic, and I am also taking Metformin, Lantus, and Humalog insulins, as well as a small dose of Metoprolol."

For Vitamin D Insufficiency "I was prescribed 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to treat my insufficiency. After a 6 month treatment, my blood test showed normal levels. I took D3 with calcium, magnesium and zinc together. My Dr. reduced D3 to 5000 iu a day and after 2 years my levels are still normal"

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I have been taking about 8,000 IUs daily for several years. I have ME/CFS and am for the most part house confined so I had serious Vit D deficiency. I had cervical surgery several years ago. Aside from herniated discs I had severe bone souring and osteophitosis (osteopath arthritis). I also take high doses of calcium for bone health. I have had no side affects from the Vitamin D3. I am now in the mid to high middle recommended range when tested."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "Hey peeps well where can I start I went to see my doctor last month I told her what the stevia did to me not good so she wanted to to do some labs for her and before I saw her I noticed my bones were feeling weak and brittle and hurting.. so when I got my labs done and got the results something I believe was on the low side, I can't remember. Anyway she put me on the vitamin d 2000iu and so far my bones are feeling stronger I have no side effects and I sleep good at night and my mind isn't so stressed I really like it .."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "D3 was prescribed as over the counter at 2k per day. I feel it would be more effective at 5k per day or more. Will check with next blood test. Did not notice a difference. Exhaustion is a real issue with me, partly due to the need for opioids; chronic pain from a surgical accident."

"I take 5-15000 mg of D3/day. I'm not very consistent. Works great in the prevention of common bugs. I rarely get a cold or the flu. By rarely I mean less than once in 5+ years or more! Downside, my nails grow crazy fast. I often joke with others that I may be a carrier, but not a receiver."

"Blood test showed low Vit D and high calcium in blood. Took 4000 IU daily plus vitamin K2 and magnesium which was told work best as a combination. All better in just 3 weeks after many months on strong painkillers."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "I was low on vitamin D in my blood. Nurse practitioner prescribed me 50,000 units once a week for 4 months, then 2,000 units once per day for 3 months. It helped up my vitamin D levels from 20 to 60."

For Vitamin D Deficiency "When taking high doses of Vitamin D3, it is important to also take K2-7 and Magnesium. K2-7 helps to reabsorb calcium back into the bones and out of the blood."

More about Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

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  • Drug class: vitamins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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Other brands

D3, Decara, Replesta, Delta D3, ... +10 more

Related treatment guides

  • Vitamin D Deficiency
  • Vitamin D Insufficiency
  • Prevention of Falls
  • Prevention of Fractures