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Generic Name: Vyepti for Migraine Prevention (eptinezumab)

Vyepti for Migraine Prevention Reviews

"I have taken two doses of 100 mg. One 3 months ago and one yesterday. I have never had a preventive actually prevent migraines like this. The number of migraines cut by 50%. Most importantly, though, my migraines did not go away with rescue meds. I would have to take several meds for 4-5 days and likely end up on a steroid dose pack. With Vyepti and only one triptan, my migraine would be gone and not come back at all! It was like not even getting one to me!! I can do an hour, but I cannot do 96 hours of a migraine every two weeks. This has been a miracle for me, and I hope it will be for you too."

"NO positive reduction in daily migraines/headaches...no change whatsoever. I actually can not say ANYTHING good about these kinds of medicines. (CGRPs) I can only say DO NOT take them. I was told the only adverse side effect with Vyepti is a runny nose or stuffy nose. My Negatives - rapid heart rate, chest pain, insomnia, increased nausea/vomiting, bladder-kidney issues, extreme WEIGHT GAIN, hair loss, joint/muscle pain, constipation, fingers, thighs, genital blistering, fevers, mouth sores, dizziness & memory issues. I've had an ablation due to the cardiac issues. I actually told my Neuro 'I don't think Vyepti is working' & she said 'take another dose if you still don't find any relief, call back in a month & we will up the dose!' I had also tried Aimovig for over a year & then it just stopped working. She said 'that can't happen, something else caused it to stop working.' I have never received any relief with Vyepti but have seen crazy negative side effects."

"I was diagnosed with migraines when I was 4 years old. I have tried every treatment under the sun and have found nothing that works. I had migraines daily with throwing up, room spinning, and felt like a knife going into my skull. I got prescribed Vyepti by IV infusion, and it has changed my life. I haven’t had a migraine in 9 months (I’ve had 3 infusions). I have my life back, my time back, and my work life back. My life was debilitating before Vyepti. If you suffer from migraines, I highly recommend Vyepti."

"I have chronic daily migraines and have taken all three injectable CGRP medications: Emgality, Ajovy, and Aimovig. I sort of had my chronic daily headaches at a half-decent place, but this medicine was supposed to help in conjunction with the Botox and oral preventives I'm already on to take care of the last remaining symptoms. I had the infusion of 100 mg infused over half an hour. I was fine for about 4 hours, I want to say, and my cheeks and face got so red that my brown-colored blush didn't show. I felt extremely nauseated and like I was going to vomit, not to mention horribly physically sick and weak. It also gave me a migraine, and they worsened for about 10 days after. This is, for me anyways, one of the worst medications I have ever taken for the prevention of migraines, and the side effects are a lot worse it seems than advertised. I felt exhausted and gained weight as well, at least these effects are wearing off. I won't take a CGRP med ever again. If they work for you, great, but they're overrated."

"This medication was very awful! I did three rounds of infusion over 36 months. First time 100 mg. Second and third 300 mg. The first month each time I felt crazy, anxious, my stomach hurt, and I had insomnia. Did not help with headaches. The second month each time anxiety lessened, but stomach pain continued to hurt and I had insomnia, headaches remained but were less painful. Third month headache worsened, and stomach pain and insomnia continued. This medicine was NOT helpful! I gave it a fair trial but cannot recommend this, in fact, I recommend you avoid this medicine. I was desperate enough to try it, but it was awful."

"My first infusion was a dream. No side effects and no head pain. The morning after the second infusion, I was in full anaphylaxis and have been ever since. I have also had an increase in joint pain and a problem with a palpating heart. I do not recommend. Prescribing physician stopped asking how my symptoms are. Feel very alone right now."

"Made everything worse. They claim only 2 people in the trials had worse migraines that's a lie. My body was rejecting it as it was going in yet they let it finish and because it wasn't normal allergy symptoms they just reported it and left me to suffer. Metal taste, extreme muscle spasms thought it was a seizure, extreme muscle pain, 10/10 headaches nonstop. If other cgrp have not worked for you do not take this."

"I have chronic migraines, some of which are hemiplegic, and I have tried so many drugs that didn't work - oral preventatives, Botox, Emgality, etc. Vyepti is the only drug that has helped me at all. Due to my migraine severity, I get the 300 mg dose once every three months. Vyepti brings my head pain from an 8 down to 5, 6, or 7, depending on my menstrual cycle timing. I have far less hemiplegic migraine aura, so I only have full-blown body weakness and trigeminal neuralgia-like face pain at the end of my three-month Vyepti cycle. Pros: less head pain, less face pain, less severe aura, lasts months, manageable short-lived side effects, less painful than self-injected CGRPs, doesn't upset the stomach. Cons: due to my migraine frequency, it takes 1-2 weeks to kick in after infusion, 2 weeks of allergy symptoms after infusion (runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, nose, throat, fatigue), nausea after 300 mg infusion (easily fixed with IV Zofran, does not occur with 100 mg dose)."

"DID NOT WORK! DO NOT TRY IT! BIGGEST MISTAKE I'VE EVER MADE was trying this medication! So sick, and I still have 10 weeks to go with this in my body! I honestly can't say one good thing about this product!"

"Started seeing mild benefits after three doses. Fewer migraines per month. But my hormones have been out of control with night sweats and hot flashes which were well controlled on estrogen/ progesterone. It awakens me in the middle of the night and it’s awful- can’t get back to sleep and am drained. I became depressed and now I wonder if it was my reaction to no sleep or actually caused by the drug( the depression). Has anyone else who’s post-menopausal been having similar experiences? I called the company but they claim no one has made those complaints. I can’t live like this even if it does help with migraines."

"New neurologist started me on Aimovig 75 mg, then 150 mg, but no improvement of migraines or chronic daily headaches. Asked me to try Vyepti. Vyepti did not reduce migraine frequency, pain level, or chronic daily headaches, but resulted in debilitating fatigue and muscle/joint pain, confusion, concentration and memory issues, vertigo, periodic/recurrent cardiac arrhythmia, and hypertension. Most symptoms resolved over ~6 months, but periodic arrhythmia and hypertension remain. Although Vyepti may work well for some, it is not for all migraineurs."

"I just got my first dose of Vyepti 100mg 3 weeks ago. It has helped me with my migraines but it has caused me to have major pain in my joints to the point ok keeping me up crying all night. Trouble walking around far. I have have been on every medication for migraines on the market. Nothing has helped until I tried this medication. The way I feel I think I would rather have a migraine than deal with this pain. I have seizures and I am allergic to almost every medication on the market. Plus some medication can’t be taken with my seizure medication. This was my first and I think my last!"

"I have had migraine since childhood. About 12 years ago I began to get ocular migraine and migraine vertigo. It got to the point where I was having at least one episode a day. I have tried every med, every device, Botox, acupuncture. The situation remained chronic. With time I was down to about 15 or so a month, but I cannot attribute the diminishing to anything specific. Eventually I was put on Aimovig but after about a year it didn't appear to work. I was changed to Emgality. Same thing. After a while there was no improvement. I was put on Vyepti. Minutes after the first infusion I had an occular migraine and the incidents of aura just kept increasing. My doctor has prescribed 300 mgs, up from 100. The co-pay on Medicare is over $1,000. Impossible! Ridiculous! I don't think this class of drugs works for me. Very disconcerting. I am going to give up on meds for a while."

"I had pain and a hot feeling and burning sensations on my forehead at my hairline, and also losing a lot of hair only after one dose, and terrible ringing in both ears with no reductions in my migraine, so my personal preference is not to take it."

"7 to 10 minutes into the Vyepti infusion I got very dizzy and lightheaded and had blurry vision. I got scared and they stopped the infusion. They called the doctor and started another IV with saline and complained that I didn't eat anything but I explained I had gastroparesis and didn't digest that early. At any rate, the doctor told them to continue the IV and I told them I was going home dizzy with blurred vision. I don't like this drug."

"I have had chronic migraines for almost 15 years and learned to live and work in a chronic pain state of a level 5 or higher. For 21 years prior I had the same employer and was out sick maybe 2 times. When my migraines worsened and I had a new career, I was out 1-2x weekly (at a pain level 8-9). It was embarrassing and I was trying everything. Botox, Emgality, Ajovy, and Aimovig. Then my neurologist placed me on this and I had a full hysterectomy. I am so lucky to not have extremely debilitating migraines anymore. I have anywhere from 5-7 a month (instead of 25) and at a pain level of 4 or less, which can mostly be treated with Aleve. Best thing ever. I am unaware of my dosage. My co-pay is $5. It is 1-1 1/2 hrs out of my day every 3 months. My only complaint is I have increased sinus issues & joint pain. It reminds me of what I think fibromyalgia would feel like but not all the time. I still wouldn't stop taking it."

"It is reducing my migraine attacks, by 30-40 %. The side effect for me are a runny nose and, very high blood pressure. Normally my blood pressure is 90/60 after receiving the infusion it goes up to 150/89- this causes me very bad headaches."

"I started having truly bizarre side effects like itching so badly I’m surprised I didn’t lose skin, being in a room that was 74 degrees (I’m from a state that’s hot nearly year ‘round) and sweat was just dripping off of me, in other areas my skin was so dry I had to use lotion for diabetics. It was absolutely miserable! My insurance covered the medication is as positive as I can be."

"It worked, it’s convenient, and I haven’t had the really bad constipation I got on Aimovig, but it doesn’t work nearly as well as Aimovig. I’ve also gotten a lot of increase in joint pain while on it. I think I’m going to switch back to Aimovig."

"I have been on this for a year for migraine prevention. The only side effect for me is I get really tired after an infusion. I get one infusion every three months. Not really sure how it is working. Sometimes it seems to work and other times it seems not to work. The only positive I can say is when it does seem to work, then the migraine doesn't last as long and I only need one dose of Tosymra."

"I was worried to switch from Emgality to Vyepti, partly because of the infusion, and partly because I’m on a bunch of meds for depression and chronic migraine. The infusion process was at home and is annoying. The process took an hour, and about 30 minutes was the IV. BUT… WOW! I’ve been on the initial dose for 6 weeks. I was having 16 migraines per month, completely out, in bed, dark quiet, etc. 6-8 days of intractable headaches. I’d take XS Tylenol three to four times a day on most days. I have tried every med and injection. Entirely unable to work, plan to go to events, and forget about anything with crowds, lights, and music. Definitely, having fewer migraines - about 6 and they are less intense. I have about 2-3 intractable headaches. The headaches are milder and I use less Tylenol and get a few headache-free days. Everything is reduced - frequency, duration, and intensity with no side effects. Yeah, infusion and insurance are annoying, but WORTH IT!"

"Offered great relief for me from chronic migraines. Migraine is still there, but only very mild. And the brain fog went away, so my head is clear again, and that‘s a huge improvement for me as well. Affects digestion, but thats nothing in comparison to getting your life back."

"Vyepti has been wonderful for controlling my chronic migraines. The only side effects that I get are dry mouth and bruising at the infusion site. I get the maximum dose, infused over half an hour, every three months. The third month, I start to have more break-through migraines, but they aren't as severe as usual. I get the infusion done at the hospital specialty clinic, so it doesn't cost me anything."

"My husband started suffering with a headache which led to migraines since 2018. He has had migraines off and on since he was a child, but when this one lasted over a month and we went to the hospital for a migraine cocktails 2 different times and they did work to help him sleep. We did Emgality and Aimovig both for approximately a year each, and they work about the same as Vyepti except, like all 3, they start to wear off a week before the next dose is due. This makes Vyepti a better choice because instead of every month, he gets a bad week with Vyepti. He gets 2 months and 3 weeks before he is bedridden again. Vyepti gives him a better quality of life. Please make this drug cheaper so we can continue this for my husband to have a better quality of life."

"I have suffered from daily migraines every day, for the past 4 years. Tried everything on the market and nothing worked. Triptans would work for a while and then my body got used to them. I then heard about the Vyepti trial. It was a game changer for me. It was a miracle drug. It reduced my migraines by 90%. I didn't need to carry triptans in my handbag for every outing. I have had 3 infusions now. In the last week, I have had 3 migraines, so I am hoping that my body isn't getting used to Vyepti. Good luck to everyone."

More about Vyepti (eptinezumab)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: CGRP inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Vyepti drug information

Professional resources

  • Vyepti prescribing information
  • Eptinezumab-jjmr (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Migraine Prevention