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Generic Name: Wellbutrin SR (bupropion)

Wellbutrin SR Reviews

For Depression "I am a mother of 2 small children and I began this medication about 2 months ago after being on Celexa (which made me feel tired a lot and hungry all the time - I gained like 20 lbs on it). The first thing I noticed with Wellbutrin was a decreased appetite. Then I started to feel more alert - the same kind of alertness you would feel when taking Adderall. A few weeks into it, my mood was totally different. I was happy, calm, energetic - all the things that I wanted for so long, but never thought I could achieve, as I was very depressed. I was walking in a parking lot the other day and I thought to myself 'wow. isn't life great?' - Wellbutrin is an AMAZING medication."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on Wellbutrin SR almost since it was available for use by the FDA. I started on the starter dose of 100 mg Wellbutrin SR. I felt much better. Then my MD wanted me to try the next size increase, so I did. I had a bad reaction of paranoia, so I went back down to my starting dose. I have been on that dose ever since. With this medication, I went from sleeping 14-18 hours, thinking nonstop about everything negative, to sleeping an average of 8 hrs with NO ruminating about negative thoughts. I went back to school and became an RN. I am an example of a huge success story on Wellbutrin. Before I started on Wellbutrin, I had tried all the other antidepressants on the market, with no success."

For Depression "Wow! I have been taking Wellbutrin SR 150 mg for one week (started October 15, 2016) then 2nd week taking 150 mg at 12:00. I have never taken any medication for my mild depression, easily agitated, sweating the small stuff, slightly obese (209 lbs), too tired after work to play with the kids diagnosis. Then, OMG, my life is forever changed. In my second week on Wellbutrin SR 150 mg twice per day, I am down to 203 lbs. I didn't realize how much agitation and sadness I was trying to manage on my own. I am a lot calmer when stressful situations arise, play with my kids & exercise. I feel like there is always a song in my heart. Unless somebody does something really STUPID to PISS me off! But even then, I can forgive faster! God, I'm happy."

For ADHD "I have never been on medicines for ADD. My parents refused, as an adult I found life to be difficult with this disorder. After taking Wellbutrin, I feel like my true self, like a 'normal' adult. I have focus and can complete tasks. I don't feel the need to stay in bed to avoid the world. This medicine has been a blessing."

For Major Depressive Disorder "Wellbutrin saved my life. I was at the point that I hated being around everyone. I could only manage to go to work and come back to my bed. I had no energy. I had no sex drive. I had no interest in ANYTHING. I wasn't sad...I just existed. I endured feeling like this for about a year. No breaks of feeling better. My doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin SR and it has changed my life. The first week was hard. The side effects were no joke. I had minor auditory and visual hallucinations and experienced my first panic attack of my life. BUT - my doctor asked me to push through it and I did. It has helped me quit smoking. I have lost 15 pounds and I am not lethargic anymore. It boosted my libido. I can be around people without wanting to flip out. I can concentrate at work again. I sleep 7-8 hours like most people. Instead of spending every moment I can in bed. If this is an option - I highly recommend Wellbutrin."

For Depression "I have been on Wellbutrin for about four months. I can definitely say that it works very well. My symptoms before taking it were mood swings, constant fatigue, irritability, very low to nonexistent sex drive & not able to finish anything I started. My first two weeks on Wellbutrin, I had a rough go with side effects. Side effects were: couldn't sleep. Heavy/tight chest which resulted in a panic attack. Itchy palms & feet. I wanted so bad to stop taking it but very glad I didn't. I feel great now and have lost 15 lbs. The sex drive has come back full force. Advice: take Benadryl those first few weeks to help you sleep. Best choice I have made was asking my doctor for help."

For Depression "I have ADD, anxiety, and depression. I began 100mg once a day for a week then went to 100mg twice a day. You have to give this medicine time to work. The first week I was thinking of not taking it anymore because it made me feel so tired. But I'm so happy I stuck it out! My overall mood, attitude, and outlook have improved tremendously. My mood and attention are consistent, unlike when I took Adderall and would experience crashes. This medication has made a world of difference. I'm less anxious and happier."

For Panic Disorder "Before I started Wellbutrin SR, I had a severe panic disorder. I was prescribed Wellbutrin for another reason, but one side effect of it was to completely get rid of my panic attacks. I had a fear of driving over bridges, high places, and just driving. It has been a few years and I now see how unreasonable I was being and how my brain was overreacting. If anyone is having a problem with panic attacks, I would recommend to at least give Wellbutrin a try."

For ADHD "I have been on Wellbutrin for about a week and have already noticed a significant difference in my study abilities. I was able to actually sit down and actively study tonight for 4 hours, and I have not been able to do that for years! I took Ritalin when I was in high school, but stopped taking it when I had a complete nervous breakdown. My doctor started me on 150mg twice daily, and I tell you what, I feel like me again! Bright, alert, I have energy, and completely at ease and happy. Thank you Wellbutrin for giving me myself back again."

For Depression "I've been taking this medication for depression. I've been on it for about a year now. When I first started taking it, I smoked about a pack a day. Over time, this reduced my cravings for nicotine and helped me quit smoking. It took time and effort, but it worked. Also, when I started this medicine, I weighed 207 lbs, which was my highest weight. Wellbutrin caused weight loss for me, and I now weigh 165. This medicine improves my overall mood, and I am not as depressed as I was a year ago. I've also experienced hair shedding, which has become more and more of a problem. Sometimes it comes out in handfuls. I gave this medicine a 9 because mostly my side effects were positive. I don't know where I'd be without Wellbutrin."

For Depression "I tried to get by on 150 mg of bupropion but was getting weepy over little things and decided to ask to up my dosage, and I am now on 300 mg (The other 150 mg in the evening). I went through waking in the night as well as during the day with all kinds of negative feelings and gut-wrenching crying. I really didn’t have side effects... I stayed away from people because I knew I was not quite 'right' and didn’t want to make a 'fool' of myself as I knew my thinking was a little askew. I just today—-24 days into the increase in medication—felt a breakthrough and feel like I have a new lease on life... it is like I was teetering on the edge and have now slipped over into normalcy."

For Depression "I was taking this for depression for about 3 years, and it was a miracle for me. I stopped taking it when I lost my insurance for about a year. The result was a weight gain of 20 lbs and severe depression again. I've been taking it now for about a year, and the result is that I'm happy again. I lost 30 lbs and experienced an increased libido. I've never taken any other antidepressant besides Wellbutrin SR."

For Depression "I started Wellbutrin SR just last week. I feel 90% better already. Previously I was taking Zoloft and after a year and a half, I felt sluggish, tired, hopeless, and just plain blah. I now don't have constant worrying, it helps with my OCD, and the things that bothered me before have just become basically no big deal to me. I'm happier, I focus much better. And my spirits are brighter than they have been in months!"

For Depression "This medication was initially excellent for me. I had started a new job in college and was very stressed and couldn’t handle the social interactions required. Eventually, I became suicidal and was placed on Wellbutrin. This medication allowed me to work, function, and actually enjoy life. It worked for about a year, then stopped. My MD added Celexa, and this didn’t really help. Turns out I had undiagnosed ADHD, both my brothers have it. I was switched to Adderall, and this helped a lot but still wasn’t quite right. I added Wellbutrin back in, and both work excellently together. I can experience all my emotions again, rest, and find peace with life. I also have POTS, and I take propranolol, and this helps to prevent any panic caused by this. My point is, I really suffered for over six years until I found something that truly worked. I really do feel so much better and feel like a whole person. Please do not give up. I promise there is something that will work. Fight for yourself."

For Depression "I initially got put on Wellbutrin for my anxiety and depression. I'm taking the SR one once a day and I have been on it for less than a week. I have to say I have felt amazing. I am someone that is extremely active, and I had always tried to be conscious of my diet, but I struggled with binge eating. I would eat healthy for 4 days and binge for 3. I'd feel awful and start over EVERY Monday. It was really getting out of hand, honestly, and contributing to my mental state. I am 24 years old, 5'4, and my normal weight for my activity level was always 120. I got all the way up to 150 and could not understand why. In almost a week, I've lost 5 lbs, it's just falling off me now. I feel happy again and in control of my emotions and eating."

For Depression "I have been on bupropion for a month. I have lost the sadness, obsessive dark thoughts, and have more energy and fewer aches and pains. I felt a little weird taking it at first (mild headache, taste in my mouth) but those have gone. This is great stuff, and I feel hopeful and focused. I am not snappy and withdrawn from my spouse."

For Depression "Nothing short of life-changing! I started taking it for depression and anxiety. I have never tried anything else. I found that I needed to take it with meals to avoid jitters and make sure I took the second dose before 4 pm to avoid sleep issues. I experienced very mild constipation, my stools just seem harder. The good part is that I don't feel medicated at all. I don't cry all the time anymore. I started to notice that I was actually enjoying life and events. I completely stopped needing alcohol and/or food to fill an emotional void. It was amazing for me how this change in outlook affected my sex life - I want sex regularly, and hang-ups I used to have disappeared. Caution: one generic manufacturer did not work at all. Use only the brand or Sandoz!"

For Depression "I would like to let folks know that there is help out there. I used to pride myself on the fact that I wasn't on any medication until my depression got so bad that I didn't enjoy anything. I finally broke down and cried in my doctor's office. It was embarrassing for me to ask for help. She put me on bupropion at 150 mg 2X a day. It helped a little but I still wasn't feeling the best. In my follow-up appointment a month after starting it, she upped my dose to 450mg a day. What a difference. I don't hate my job and life anymore. I am getting all kinds of things done that I had no interest in 2 months ago. I would recommend this to anyone that has trouble with depression and had a bad experience with an SSRI antidepressant."

For Major Depressive Disorder "To the person who posted problem with generic: I too had that problem, and I cannot get insurance to authorize brand name, either. I had to do a lot of trial and error with different brand names. The Chinese manufacturer that they give at Walgreens was the absolute worst. Now, The best brands of generic Wellbutrin for me are Sandoz bupropion generic, the other is Dr. Reddy's bupropion generic. I go to CVS, because they will special order one of those 2 brands for me. I am on SR 150 twice daily. This medication changed my life. I am much happier and I do not lash out anymore. I am a much calmer person now. It also helped me overcome PPD after I had my baby girl. Also, I will say that before taking this medication, I drank wine most nights. Since I started this medication 4 years ago, I have not wanted a drink at all. I have had maybe 3 glasses of wine in these years, and each time, I hated the way it made me feel. It is kind of empowering to always want to be sober. I have no plans of stopping this medication."

For Depression "I started on 150 mg SR for one week, then went up to 300mg. At first, I felt speedy, which I loved - lots of energy. I could clean for hours, lol, and felt really weird in public, like everyone was staring at me. After a month, I'd say it settled a bit. My depression has totally gone. I was so negative before, complained so much, and started to cry in secret. It stopped completely, and it works fast - I'd say immediately. The best thing for me was my lifelong issues with food. Overeating and sugar binges just vanished. I couldn't believe it. I lost 5 kilos quickly. My appetite came back, but I don't binge on sugar. I have to watch what I eat, but thank goodness I don't have the obsession with food anymore. I also stopped smoking after a few days, and now I can't believe I ever smoked. Overall, it's a miracle drug that is life-changing. I live in Egypt, and it's dirt cheap for 30 less than 5 dollars as it's produced locally by GlaxoSmithKline, Egypt."

For Depression "I am only on my 3rd day with Wellbutrin SR (150mg once a day for now) but I really feel good about this medicine already! I'm brand new to antidepressants but had been on Lexapro for 2 weeks prior to getting the Wellbutrin prescription, and I really did not like the Lexapro. With it, I had been having a headache every day, tense muscles, felt emotionally numb, was tired all the time, couldn't focus, and absolutely could not reach orgasm even having sex every day (which was extremely frustrating). Since switching 3 days ago, I have had more energy, more ability to focus, I feel happier about life as a whole, and I have been really productive with school work (I'm a college student). I also have noticed that I'm not feeling as hungry. Good feels."

For ADHD "I've tried Concerta, Zoloft, Ritalin, and Wellbutrin for ADHD. Wellbutrin was the only medication that gave me a calm, level-headed feeling that helped me control hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attention span. I'm a 40-year-old ADDer, and I'm grateful it works without the jitters of Ritalin."

For Major Depressive Disorder "Several years ago, I took Wellbutrin SR 150mg twice a day for depression and SAD. But the pharmacy substituted generic bupropion and my insurance denied the Wellbutrin brand. I immediately started having hand tremors, agitation, and crying. I spoke with my psychiatrist on an emergency appointment, and he recognized generic instead of brand name so called my pharmacist who insisted that the generic was exactly the same as the brand. It took the doctor to call my insurance company to get approval of the brand drug under my plan, and everything went back to normal. My psychiatrist passed away a few years later. Now, I find myself in the same situation and my new doctor has not been successful in getting my insurance to authorize the brand name. I tried generic again with the same reactions. I cannot afford the brand, so I continue to struggle. Has anyone else experienced adverse reactions to generic bupropion and discovered any discounts to make Wellbutrin SR affordable?"

For Depression "I tried so hard to stay on bupropion 150 SR for my depression and BPD, but I just couldn't. I lasted 10 days on it. It gave me a weird headspace, i.e., negative thoughts and bad memories from the past. I kept telling myself to persevere, but I just couldn't, aside from the chronic constipation it caused. I will always wonder now what would have happened had I stuck it out for 4 to 6 weeks. Just felt too weird and disoriented on it. Thanks for reading my comment, and if anyone had a similar experience, please share. Thanks."

For Depression "Wonderful for me! I have increased energy, able to work and generally FEEL better. Downside-occasional insomnia. Drink lots of water, you will feel very thirsty. I highly recommend this antidepressant."

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  • Drug class: miscellaneous antidepressants
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Wellbutrin, Zyban, Aplenzin, Forfivo XL, ... +3 more

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  • Wellbutrin SR prescribing information
  • Bupropion Hydrobromide (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Wellbutrin, Zyban, Aplenzin, Forfivo XL

Other formulations

  • Wellbutrin XL

Related treatment guides

  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Depression