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Generic Name: Wellbutrin XL for Depression (bupropion)

Wellbutrin XL for Depression Reviews

"Real and honest review. I’m a 52-year-old male living in Canada. I’ve been suffering from Anxiety/ADD/Depression forever. I resisted and procrastinated to take meds again for 'years' because of not so great experiences with SSRIs, but also because I read way too much online which scared me off. So I suffered for years until one really bad episode that forced me to take action. I asked my doc to give me Wellbutrin (Bupropion) since it had the least negative reviews (from my years of online self-help nonsense). Started 150mg of Wellbutrin XL for 3 weeks, then 300 mg plus 10mg of Citalopram ever since. It’s been LIFE CHANGING really! It’s crazy how I can finally function like a normal human being. I swore to myself that I would write a review here if I found the remedy to my suffering, so here it is. Wellbutrin XL 300mg+10mg of Citalopram has worked 'wonders' for me. No more Anxiety, very low ADD and NO MORE depression. I really hope this helps a few of you out there."

"I always had a funk before I started taking Wellbutrin. It was an underlying stress that I couldn't kick. It was hard to manage my stressful job and family. Wellbutrin has literally changed my life in so many positive ways. I manage stress better, the feeling of a looming funk is gone, and I've gotten really into running and lost a lot of weight. After about 2 years of being on Wellbutrin, I slowly stopped taking it. After a few months of not being off of it, I could feel familiar old feelings coming back. I've decided I like who I am better on Wellbutrin and started taking it again. Long story short, I'm very happy with this medication."

"I have been clinically depressed at various times in my life (postpartum and SAD) but have avoided medication for it. Recently I’ve been weepy, couldn’t get moving, and chores, phone calls, and bills began piling up. No energy to deal with life. I talked to my GP who suggested Wellbutrin. I was hesitant but desperate to function again. It worked within a week. I am on 150 mg, XR. I was diagnosed with ADD as a young adult, and Wellbutrin is like the gentler, kinder version of Adderall. I have focus, can complete tasks, am happier. I have energy and willpower to exercise (instead of thinking about it all day and then feeling guilty for not doing it). I have less of an appetite, but not because I feel manically energetic, hyped up, or shaky. Binging (which I did before) is not even a thought in my head. I’ve been on Wellbutrin for two and a half months, lost about 12 lbs. I would like to take Wellbutrin for the rest of my life - never felt this calm, even and steady, and capable."

"I am prescribed 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL, and it has been a godsend. I could not get out of bed, had no sex drive, thoughts about suicide, and I burned some work bridges with adjusting firms that I was working for because I was suffering silently. I was also living in filth (by myself which didn't help matters). I was diagnosed with depression and began this med immediately. Now, as soon as I wake up (fully erect again mind you), I am ready to tackle the day. I am in a great mood and am very hopeful for the future. I have a 1973 VW bus that I bought as a project, and it sat for the last 6 months. In the last few weeks, I have done more to it than I have since I bought it. The magic bus is running again. Sort of a metaphor for my life. I moved out of the apartment as I had some dark memories there. I feel like my old self again and have my life back! I hope the same happens for any of you suffering with this affliction. Keep on truckin!!"

"I took Wellbutrin XL for 6 months, the first 3 months my dose was 150mg, the last 3 months dose was 300mg. I was taking it for anxiety and depression. Took a little getting used to, but nothing terrible. In the 6 months I went from 150 lbs to 128 lbs (part of it was appetite suppressant, part was that I had the energy to go out and do things/exercise). When I was at 150mg I had more anxiety attacks, but when I went to 300mg I felt like a normal human being (still having panic attacks, but they were due to being in a bad relationship). I loved this medication, only got off because I am now pregnant and didn't want to worry about whether it was safe for the baby or not. Will be going back on once my baby is born."

"I've been on Wellbutrin XL 150mg for about a year now and I've gotta say it's worked wonders for me. I was on Lexapro a few years ago and stopped taking it because the weight gain and zero sex drive were bringing me down. I wasn't taking any antidepressants for a year and a half and still couldn't lose the weight. My doctor put me on Wellbutrin, which I was nervous about at first because I also have generalized anxiety disorder and I read that it could exaggerate it. The first month I had splitting headaches and was only sleeping maybe 4-5 hours a night. Since then, things have obviously evened out, but it did take a few weeks. I feel great now, I'm energetic and passionate about things I haven't been in years. I started at 168 lbs and have lost 30 pounds; I'm officially down to my pre-lexapro weight. I'm so glad that this medicine works for me, it's made such a huge difference in my day to day!"

"I have been on hundreds of antidepressants since I was 14 (I am 37 now), and Wellbutrin is by far the best one I have taken. It helps motivate me and gets me out of bed in the morning. Before Wellbutrin, I always felt sluggish when I first woke up, but now I am up bright and early in the morning with tons of energy thanks to Wellbutrin. Before starting it, I had spent days in bed with absolutely no energy and feeling hopeless about life, but Wellbutrin put an end to that. I’m hardly ever depressed now, I have loads of energy and motivation, and suicidal thoughts have disappeared. In the past, the antidepressants that did work took months to feel the effects, but Wellbutrin started working within 4 days! I am so happy that after struggling with depression for 23 years, I have finally found my miracle antidepressant."

"I was diagnosed with Bipolar II and C-PTSD in 2015. I tried a handful of different medications, but I was also dependent on alcohol. I stopped drinking August 2020 and soon after went med-free (supervised) to see where I was at. What appeared to come about was depression mostly. When I started 150mg bupropion HCL XL, within 48 hrs I felt more energy, more activated emotions, less fog. It caused me to be more agitated and angry at first, but I knew it was because I was coming from complete numbness to actually having some feelings. I am now a month in and I feel happy about where I am with my mood. I say definitely give it a chance, especially if you are not a fan of SSRIs. Give it a few weeks and log your feelings. Being on this is far better than where I was in my depression. I wanted to share my experience and feelings because it has given me some hope and I want to share that with others."

"I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1996 soon after moving to Seattle. In hindsight, I've been depressed for most of the past 20 years. The long, dark Seattle winters didn't help, so I'm sure I suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder, too. I avoided taking antidepressants all these years, fearing side effects, weight gain, and turning into an emotionless zombie. None of these things happened when I started on Wellbutrin XL-150 mg. Instead, immediately after taking my first couple of doses, something miraculous happened: my 17-year struggle with bladder incontinence completely disappeared. I have my pre-Multiple Sclerosis bladder back! I'm also stronger on my bike than ever (I'm an avid cyclist), sleeping great, dreaming vividly, losing weight, and interested in sex like never before. Miracle medicine (for me)!"

"This is the best thing ever. I was suffering from no desire to go to work. I couldn't wake up, I was always late, I lost my motivation to accomplish things. I was antisocial and really just hating myself and life. I was also flustered, confused, feeling out of control, and miserable. I started Wellbutrin, and by the third day, I could REALLY feel the difference. My mind started to clear, I wasn't hazy, my motivation was back, and I could wake up early. This has been an answer to prayers. The study of the brain and body with science is amazing. I'm very thankful."

"My experience with SSRIs has been terrible. I've been on Cipralex and Sertraline, and they haven't worked at all. My doctor was really excited for me to try this one, and I finally caved. The first few days were normal, and the side effects were minimal (dry mouth, constipation, low appetite, a bit of drowsiness), but all that was manageable and went away pretty quickly. By the 9th day, I woke up, and I just knew something was different. It's like my eyes were open, and I had my life back. Having had depression for about a year, I always felt this grey cloud and weight constantly taking over my body and life. By the 7th week, mood and motivation were wonderfully back. I have my life back. Please try this if you can."

"I have taken Wellbutrin on and off again over several years. I suffer mostly from seasonal depression. I just started taking it again, having been off of it for a year. The results have been great. I immediately felt better. I really just need to take this consistently. It's also helped relieve my anxiety, given me a lot of energy, helped me focus, given me a positive outlook, and confidence. It also gives me what I call a burst of happiness. A huge difference on the first day."

"I'm late 40s, female, married with kids. My doc cycled me through just about every antidepressant out there (and no generics either, just the straight stuff) but they all killed my libido stone dead. Then we got to Wellbutrin XL, 150 then 300mg/day. I noticed the new, improved sexy me within the first week. Honestly, I have never been this quick or easy to satisfy... husband and I both love it. He adores pleasing and on this drug, I just about wear him out. 3-4 times a week which is 3-4 times better than before! I also have lost a lot of appetite since going on Wellbutrin XL, created some unexpected weight loss. I can see where this works for weight loss or quitting bad habits. I don't crave anything now... except sex, lol. It doesn't do much for anxiety, but works well for the depressive component. For anxiety, the best for me was Pristiq, but that was a libido-killer. No anti-depression drug is perfect for everyone. This worked the best for me, though."

"I was given Wellbutrin XL in addition to Zoloft to help treat depression and help with ADHD. It took me a good 4 weeks of regular use to make a decision if I was happy with it or not. I almost quit a week in, 2 weeks, 3 weeks in because I was feeling numb. I had to make myself laugh. I was boring to be around. But then literally one morning about a month into it, I noticed immediately. I was motivated, hopeful, focused, could think clearly. I could hear myself thinking. And actively planning and executing. I thought maybe for a few days I was just having good days but it's been like this ever since. Sure, I still have low days or not so great weeks but that's being human and I can get through it. Overall, I'm so glad I stick with it. Please note that I did not have suicidal thoughts or was in a deep low spot. I was just, numb. So don't think I dealt with suicidal thoughts and pushed through it. Please talk to your Dr if you feel lower after beginning the med."

"This medication has changed my life. I have been on Wellbutrin XL 150mg for 3 months. From being completely reserved and unable to motivate myself to socially interact, I am now willing and able to easily socialize. I have lost close to 10 kg in this time as well. I also had debilitating anxiety and paranoia which are just no longer featuring in my daily life. I am able to exercise and work out with excitement and enjoyment again and find it hard to imagine how bad my coping skills were before this med. It also increased my mental alertness and ultimately my confidence. No side effects, doesn't even feel like you are taking medication."

"Update: checking in on week 5 at 300mg of generic XL made by Par Pharmaceuticals. I can't say enough positive things about this medicine. I have had practically no bad side effects except a slightly more noticeable 'ringing' in my ears. It is not bothersome and I only notice it in complete silence. On the plus side, it is virtually a new outlook on life, absence of any sad or hopeless feelings, reduced anxiety, tons of all-day energy, focus, and enthusiasm, increased libido, desired weight loss, and a shift in personality. I feel like I did when I was younger and full of hope, plans, and happy to greet the day. My jobs are more fulfilling, relationships improved, confidence restored. People notice! I had no idea I was that depressed. Amazing!"

"Day 1 of taking Wellbutrin XL, I was the most positive I've been in a long time. I had a very vivid, colorful dream that first night, the first time I've ever dreamt in color (that I can remember). The dreams subsided after day one, but the medication continued to make me feel better. I'm about 2 months in, and it's been absolutely amazing in treating my depression. My motivation has drastically skyrocketed, and I feel more positive and optimistic about life."

"I was under severe anxiety and depression from intolerable conditions at a hostile job for years until I was so sick. Their antics pushed me to go. I then went into a deep depression, sleeping a lot, having a lack of energy, feeling like nothing was ever going to be right again. I withdrew myself from family, friends, and activities. I finally decided to go on Wellbutrin XL after talking it over with my psych because I have multiple health problems and couldn't take other kinds of antidepressants. It saved my life. No weight gain. I'm focused, alert, not depressed, happy, and have a job again. I am visiting family and friends too. Not sleeping a lot anymore. Try it."

"I started taking this when I felt like I was at the end of my rope and was frantic to find something to help me feel better. I had previously tried Cipralex and Effexor. I started at 150 mg XL and moved to 300 after 2 weeks. I noticed a marked improvement in my mood and energy within the first couple of days! I did errands that I hadn't done in months, cooked, and wasn't sleeping all day! The drastic change in energy subsided, but still I feel like it helps me wake up in the morning. It slightly elevated my anxiety at first, but that subsided as well. This medication worked really well for me."

"This medicine has worked wonders for me. I started for 2 months on 150mg and then transitioned into 300mg. At first, I had anxiety a little but it went away. I am much happier, energized, I enjoy life more, and I finally started to love myself. This medicine has given me my confidence back, and I started to dress better, put makeup on in the morning, and care about myself. I don't know how long I will be on it, but it really gave me a huge boost to start living again and be around family and friends. I also lost 20 pounds so far. I am on a diet, and it's very easy to follow. I think this medicine is helping since I have no cravings at all."

"This medication has worked miracles for me. It has very few side effects and WORKS. One of the best things about it is no weight gain - it can actually cause you to lose weight! If you've got depression, I would definitely recommend Wellbutrin XL."

"I have anxiety and depression. I tried SSRIs, and they just masked the depression and caused sexual side effects. Wellbutrin XL helped me feel much better, and I didn't have negative sexual side effects. Best sex I've ever had on Wellbutrin XL. Now with the future I think about, feel optimistic about, and am planning for it. I don't have anxiety like I had. I am more philosophical, 'Tomorrow will be a better day.' I'm motivated to accomplish things. I wish I had found this med years ago."

"After being on several medications and therapy for over a year and experiencing numerous suicidal thoughts, I had given up on life. I read reviews on here of people saying: 'Be patient and your life will change.' My life never changed and I was stuck in the same lifeless routine every day. I now take 187.5mg of Effexor XR with 150 Wellbutrin XL, and trust me, it took months for things to improve, but everything changed. Suddenly, life didn’t seem so awful. I began making goals for myself, and I wanted to get up and be active instead of sleeping my depression away. I do get slightly depressed here and there, but nothing so bad that I would want to end my life. Please don’t give up hope... reach out to someone you love and trust, they will help you get through this difficult time. And be patient even if it takes two years. It took me almost two years of suffering to get to where I am now. There is light at the end of the tunnel :) feel free to ask any questions you might have."

"I relied on these reviews when I first started meds, so wanted to share my experience. I have been on Wellbutrin XL 300mg for about 2.5 years with extremely positive results. This is the first antidepressant I have ever taken, and I have been much better on it. No more falling through emotional thin ice 20+ times a day, no more crying, and hardly any negative thinking. Started on 150XL for about 1.5-2 months then up to 300XL. Experienced almost no side effects -- only a few occasional strange headaches in the beginning. Only side effect is constipation, which can mostly be mitigated with fiber and good eating. Exercise is still a must for me to feel okay. Before, post-gym I would go from -6 to 1 or 2. Now with Meds I go from 3/4 to a 9/10."

"26-year-old male. Been on it for 31 days. 1st week 150mg XL: high-speed energy. Mild insomnia (up till 3 am most nights). Waking early and generally good mood. 2nd week 300mg XL. Very high constant anxiety. Emotional swings. Broke down in tears one day. 3rd week: Things were smoothing out. Still slightly anxious. Less emotional. 4th week: Feeling completely normal, almost like I'm not on any medication. More level-headed and better mood with fewer swings. Anxiety disappearing and confidence growing. No side effects. This is in combination with seeking help from a counselor, and confiding with a close friend of mine about how depressed I have been over the years. I am happy I took it. It has got me back on my feet and allowed me to seek help."

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Wellbutrin, Zyban, Aplenzin, Forfivo XL, ... +3 more

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  • Bupropion Hydrobromide (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Wellbutrin, Zyban, Aplenzin, Forfivo XL

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  • Wellbutrin SR

Related treatment guides

  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Depression