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Generic Name: WP Thyroid (thyroid-desiccated)

WP Thyroid Reviews

For Underactive Thyroid "I lost over 60 lbs when WP Thyroid was working before the remanufactured product. My thyroid was like it used to be before my thyroid problems started. But then the labs lied. And changed the formula. And it is garbage. Don’t use WP Thyroid. It’s like my thyroid is worse now. I had to triple the dose and it still isn’t enough. Throw away your new WP. I would like to take legal action against the manufacturer. We have been lied to and now we have physical harm on top of it."

For Underactive Thyroid "This worked absolutely AMAZING until the supposed “shortage.” I was losing weight, my mood was good, skin clearing up, great energy levels, and then out of nowhere, the drug is gone. I called RLC Labs (when they were still responding to patients) and was assured they were on backorder and were working hard to fill the orders. When it started coming back on the market, I was thrilled, but after the first dose, I knew something was seriously wrong. This drug is a reformulation, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The best way to describe it is that I felt like I was being poisoned (not surprising given that the FDA took over RLC Labs and the manufacturing is occurring in China). It’s a real shame when money and profits come before patient care and people's lives. I will never use a product from RLC Labs again, and they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves (probably why you can’t speak with a representative when you try to call and question the company regarding the product.)"

For Underactive Thyroid "I was taking the old batch of WP Thyroid, and it worked beautifully for years! Switched to the new batch, you know how they have since started reproducing it. Now, I'm having severe side effects from the new WP Thyroid: severe joint pain, stiffness, fogginess, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, and night sweating. I tried contacting RLC and no response. I think they are not responding because they know there is a problem. There is definitely a change in the new formulation... and terrible side effects. BEWARE!!"

For Hashimoto's disease "The WP Thyroid tablets that are now available after the shortage are absolutely the worst, it is NOT the same as before. My body felt dangerously poisoned. I will never use anything ever again from RLC Labs, as I feel they’re lying regarding what happened with WP Thyroid and what was really going on during the shortage."

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on the original WP Thyroid in 2014 and loved it! It was a life changer for me with energy, etc. I started on the “new” WP, and it landed me in the hospital. I’m STILL dealing with the effects. I had edema from head to toe and put on 12 pounds in one week. My gut microbiome was totally wiped out, and I literally stopped digesting food properly. That, along with severe bloating/fluid retention, made me look 9 months pregnant. I’m very healthy and normally thin. This drug has some really dangerous new components. Don’t use!!"

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on WP Thyroid last year (2018, from 2016 for about a year and a half) and had the best results ever. Then WP Thyroid was gone, and I went on to NP, which was horrible. Weight gain, mood swings, brain fog, swelling. So, the MD put me on Armour. Not bad; things improved and I leveled out, but the swelling remains (I've had it my entire life in my right lower leg only, and I mean only the WP relieved me of it! It was literally a godsend!). So, when I saw that WP was back in production, I hounded my doc to order it. I've been on it for 5 days, and it stinks. Foot swelling returned with a vengeance, irritability, constipation, headaches! I called the MD after reading reviews on here (which only confirmed what I knew) and said, put me back on the Armour. It seems the formula most definitely has changed for the worse! I was surprised my insurance covered it (it didn't last time!), now I'm imagining why... Don't waste your time with this garbage. It is terrible, in my case!"

For Hashimoto's disease "WP Thyroid worked so well for me before the shortage, I was feeling good and losing weight. I was so excited when it started coming back, over a year later! What a disappointment. It has changed, and do not let anyone tell you any different. After a week of taking it, I was so sick I literally could not get out of bed. Test results proved it did not work the same. NO thanks, WP Thyroid, what a disappointment you turned out to be, and it costs more too! Shameful."

For Hashimoto's disease "This has saved my life. I was on Levothyroxine for 8 years, and it didn't help my fatigue, pain, insomnia, or weight. I've been on WP Thyroid for 5 months and have lost 36 pounds and am no longer at risk for diabetes, and feel like a new person. I still struggle with depression and anxiety, but I feel this medication is amazing."

For Hashimoto's disease "Yes since the recall there has been nothing but terrible results from wp thyroid and nature thyroid as well. Before you could lose weight , feel great, take on the day. Now just the opposite they definitely have made changes to it and don't want tell us. But hopefully someone in the government will expose their lies. Cause it worse than ever."

For Underactive Thyroid "After 3 years on Synthroid (mostly bedridden), then 2 years on combination Thyroxine/Cytomel, which got me up out of bed and moving around. Then, finally, 2 months ago, after 5 years of suffering, I was switched to WP Thyroid (desiccated dried thyroid), and I have my life, my energy, my libido, my brain back, and any number of aches and pains throughout my body are gone. Why wasn't I offered this on day one?"

For Underactive Thyroid "I've been hypothyroid for 20 yrs. I can't tell you this when the thyroid medicine is bad or not the same. I had horrible reactions to Synthroid, Armor NT and NOW WP. I choose WP 6 years ago, and man do I feel like a rockstar! Weight loss was easy, mood, fatigue, skin, hair loss all gone! Yes I'm agreement with everyone here, since recall not only WP-NT as well, weight gain thyroid numbers T3-4 FT3 LOW RT3 high, now my iron is off the charts and I don't use Iron, since the shortage and here and there getting some last year, I'm mess. WHEN I SPOKE TO MY pharmacist when it AKA ran out he said they are making the dugs in China, really? What pig glandular are they getting??? I swear my iron is elevated from these meds. I never had this issue. I'll be back to report my experience with the GMO free-grass fed cows bovine from New Zealand. Well its my turn BYE BYE thyroid meds. And a HUGE thx u to you all and Thx you Drugs.com"

For Underactive Thyroid "Transitioning from Synthroid. Been on WP THYROID for 50 days with minimal side effects till last 10 days. Now experiencing alarming thinning of hair, 80% of eyelashes and hair on arms are gone. Can’t connect with RLC LABS to ask questions."

For Underactive Thyroid "WP thyroid last year. Did ok. Just refilled and what happened? I take it now and within an hour I crash! Like taking a sleeping pill instead of NDT. So unhappy. Stopped for several days. Started again today. Forgot about the symptoms then got slammed again, wondered, "Why am I so tired!!??" Looked at the clock and realized I had restarted WP an hour before. Shame on RLC! The ratio of T3 to T4 was changed!"

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on WP before RLC went through their new lab. Started back on WP since reopening lab and wow, this medication does not do a darn thing for me. Nada....all my symptoms have blown up. This is pathetic of this company. Why would they allow this to happen? What a disaster for sure. Going to try something, I'll be damned if RLC receives another dime from me."

For Underactive Thyroid ". Tried compounded synthethetic T4 and T3.(the synthetic drug minus all additives, dyes etc.-prepared by a compounding pharmacy and the pure drug is put into a clear capsule) Then tried Armour--much better Lastly tried WP Thyroid. This is a fantastic thing.."

For Hashimoto's disease "I am amazed by the resemblances between my own experiences and those that I read here. After many years of struggling to find the right doses of T3/t4, my doctor recommended WP thyroid. I lost 30 lbs without any effort on my part…I felt wonderful, like I had my old self back again. Then, August 2018, my doctor ran out of WP and suggested I take NatureThyroid, made by the same company. After 10 days on it, I found myself out of breath all the time, and if I exerted any kind of effort, I had to stop to catch my breath. It got so bad, I could barely climb the stairs to our bedroom. I started having tightening in my chest, and I felt like my lungs were glued together … I couldn’t get any air! A GP said I was having bronchial spasms, and put me on prednisone, and antibiotics, and puffers! I felt like I was dying! I got worse and still couldn’t breathe! After 3 months I stopped taking WP and had instant relief! A day without breathing issues! This is Indeed poison!"

For Hashimoto's disease "Worked before! New version sucks."

For Underactive Thyroid "Was on Levothyroxine for two years with a litany of ailments and conditions. Went on WP Thyroid and got rid of most of the unwanted conditions associated with hypothyroidism."

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "The old WP worked great. Since it’s return after being unavilable it has been junk. Like a sugar pill. Going back to Synthyroid. Don’t waste your time or money on WP."

For Underactive Thyroid "After over 30 years on various thyroid drugs including synthroid, cytomel, levothyroxine, armour, this is the first one that truly made me feel great! Clear thoughts, more agile, etc."

For Underactive Thyroid "Really works well. Armour gave me a rash, made me wheezy, etc. WP Thyroid really has been a terrific product for me."

For Underactive Thyroid "Best results with a thyroid medication."

"Best results I have ever had with a thyroid medication."

More about WP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated)

  • Check interactions
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  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • WP Thyroid drug information

Other brands

Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, Nature-Throid, Westhroid

Professional resources

  • Thyroid monograph
  • Thyroid Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Armour Thyroid, Niva Thyroid, APur Thyroid

Related treatment guides

  • Underactive Thyroid
  • TSH Suppression
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Hashimoto's disease