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Generic Name: epoetin alfa

Brand Name: Procrit injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Received weekly, two injections in June, two more in July -- two too many? My next blood test revealed my hemoglobin up to 16. (You are not supposed to get these shots if it is 10 or over.) Now I have a condition called Polycythemia -- too many red blood cells, opposite of Anemia. It is now more than two years later. My count was slowly going back down, it got to 13 then started going back up again. I am consulting with a Hemotologist today. I had no noticeable side effects from the injections. I paid for more than I used and they were expensive. My local pharmacy seemed uninformed about the drug and I felt under informed so I switched to Walmart. Not cheaper but better instructions for a scared patient.

Was given this after my last chemo treatment - at the same time I was given Neupogen and felt like someone had driven a spike into my hip, where a small 'hotspot' had shown up. NEVER AGAIN! I severely doubt they should both be given together and, knowing that my chemo doc already screwed up, I don't have much confidence. (Stopped treatment for 6 weeks! No real reason, just 'counts are down', then did next to nothing to bring up the white cell count, which was the problem. Now cancer has a foothold again. Nice.) Not a bit happy about how the Procrit literally dropped me to my knees for almost an entire week and will not allow the doctor to use it on me again.

My mother, 84, gets shots 1x per week. It has helped some, but she experiences itching all over her body and scalp. Not sure if this is from the Procrit.

I was diagnosed with MDS nearly 4 years ago after two bone marrow biopsies. Have been taking Procrit for 1 1/2 years starting at 10,000 units per week but now on 40,000 because as the bone marrow continues to fail, Procrit has to be increased. It keeps my hemoglobin levels between 9-10 so quality of life is good. I have experienced no side effects so am satisfied; just wish dosage amounts would last longer in keeping hemoglobin levels up but have to realize it's not the Procrit that's failing, it's my bone marrow.

On Procrit 4 yrs now at level 60,000 to help boost up red blood cells due to having AML Leukemia 6 yrs ago and to get rid of excess iron overload / hemochromatosis diagnosed last year. Phlebotomies of 500 ml performed when hemoglobin is over 10.8 to 11.8. Fluids given after blood removal. Also helps with kidney disease. No side effects felt. In fact I feel better once shot is given. Fatigue and weakness goes away within 2/3 days. Plus I breath better.

My father was 59 years old and was being treated for lung cancer with both chemo and radiation. He was doing well with both but was very tired and no energy. He had three procrit injections and died from a pulmunary embolism. They never told us that cancer patients tend to clot and not bleed or that procrit could cause a bloodclot

I have anemia - cause unknown. Didn't notice the positive effect of Procit until I stopped after 5 weeks. Now I don't know whether to continue or not. Hemoglobin up 1/2 to 1 point,barely 10 instead of 14.

After the first 3 mo. of injections there was improvement in my hemotocrit count. I was able to skip injections for 2 months, began getting injections again 2 mo. ago. Doesn't seem to be working. Extremely tired and Frequent Severe Headaches. What will happen if I quit getting injections? Can anyone answer that question?

My hand swole up after blood test, dark splotches all over my body. I wonder if my Doctor will take me off this drug I've only been taking it two weeks. I'm 83.

Just started procrit, 20 unit injection.

Treating anemia associated with MDS. Began during chemo, and have continued for one year. Procrit & Aranesp (after chemo) restored life-saving levels of Hemoglobin & RBC. Provided more energy & comfortable breathing. Initial side effects (confusion, memory issues) have subsided. Researched any alternatives but these two treatments seem to be the only options to boost blood levels and minimize transfusions....please post if you've discovered other proven treatments...

Took 13 years ago during chemo for breast cancer, was in the clinical trials for it. I was 42 at the time and it did help my chemo go much easier. However, now I have congestive heart failure which is probably a result of either or both the procrit and adriamycin that I took.

Treatment worked well. HGB 11.8 was below 7

Am 85. Have been taking Procrit for 3 months after bone marrow biopsy was negative for ca. Chronic anemia, fatigue. Cause unknown! "Age related." Take 40K mg weekly with low blood test results. Helps. Hemogl remains low (8.2-9.1). Can't get straight answer. Depressing.

My father-inlaw was 78 years of age and was taking procrit for 3 months. he passed away 5/22. the procrit seemed to be working until he recieved blood poisening from blood transfusion, he could never recover from that. sever chills to high fevers loss of appetite sore in his throat nd some confussion.

I take 40,000 units every 3 / 4 weeks for my anemia for the past 3 yrs. The side effect I get is bad headaches which lasts about 2/3 days. The level of my hemoglobin stays between 9.6 to 10. I need to continue taking this medication to help stimulate my red blood cells as my bone marrow does not produce enough oxygen.

Anemia due to MDS which required frequent tranfusions-am having confusion side effects and I worry about getting worse. Sometimes I talk about things that have nothing to do with reality or what's going on around me! If this continues I will have to stop taking Procrit!

Raised Hemo count but has caused confusion and talking about things not making sense. Hope that side effect goes away soon or I will stop taking procrit.

all I can say is satisfied for now