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Generic Name: Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide-nasal)

Rhinocort Aqua Reviews

For Allergic Rhinitis "I was addicted to nose spray, its actually more common then you think. After using normal nose spray for so long it made my membranes in my nose swell every time I didn't use it. The doctor gave me this to use and I could breathe again without the use of nose spray!"

For Allergic Rhinitis "I wake up with a swollen face - like I've gone 5 rounds with the champ. Pain and fatigue kicked in and my depression flared up. I think I will stop using this product. Doctor wasn't clear with what this product contains nor was he interested in my other health concerns."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Bad allergies to pet dogs. Rhinocort allows me to live with them without constant sneezing and a runny stuffy nose. Been on this medicine for 6-8 years."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Well this is where I'm at with this medicine. Yes, it did help me breathe again awesome, now bad news is I lost my sense of smell. I'm off the medicines now and hoping that my sense will return."

More about Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide nasal)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Reviews (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: nasal steroids
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Rhinocort Aqua drug information
  • Rhinocort Aqua (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Rhinocort Allergy

Professional resources

  • Rhinocort Aqua prescribing information
  • Budesonide (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis