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Generic Name: Xalkori (crizotinib)

Xalkori Reviews

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I was on Xalkori for about 6 months in 2012 before it stopped working, and I had to go on traditional chemotherapy in September of the same year. I had minimal side effects: just a little hair thinning, a little tiredness, but no serious problems. Sometimes a little constipation, which was easily controlled with a little dose of Milk of Magnesia. Prior to going on Xalkori, I had lost 19 pounds and had a lot of complications. While on the medicine, I gained the weight back, got my strength back, was able to eat again, and was in better shape when I had to go on traditional chemotherapy. In my case, a true blessing."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My Father was given 6-8 weeks to live after his routine hip replacement turned into - this man has stage 4 lung cancer....Xalcori was our last hope....as we made his funeral preparations we noticed he seemed to be getting stronger not weaker. He started gaining weight , not losing. My Father is alive because of this drug....I'M TEAM PFIZER!"

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Stage 4 NSCLCI feels awful. I've been on Xaltori for 4 days. Just starting. I felt great day 1 and 2 then day 3 I saw those shiny lights from both sides of eyes. That night very nauseated. This morning I took the nausea melt pill, ondansetron..1/2 hour before the Xaltori. My upper chest feels awful. Almost like there is air trapped in esophagus and I cant keep anything down. Not sure how long this will last. I'm just plain miserable. I do know the medicine is working..thank you Pfizer Corp Any idea how I can make this work with me instead of against?"

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. My doctors all agreed I would need chemotherapy so I did 2 before my oncologist suggested xalkori.. Over all its better. My side effects are mostly diarrhea, itching and nausea. But I am maintaining my weight and feeling more energetic sometimes. Thank you got making it and it is really saving my life"

More about Xalkori (crizotinib)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: multikinase inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Xalkori drug information

Professional resources

  • Xalkori prescribing information
  • Crizotinib (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma - ALK-Positive