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Generic Name: Zyvox (linezolid)

Zyvox Reviews

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I had a MRSA staph infection when I was 14. I had almost died from the infection and, due to my heart problems, it made things even more complicated with treatment. I was in the hospital and had to get surgery on my right hand to remove the mass of it. I was released days later after Zyvox started to kill off the rest of it. I took the medicine for 2 weeks, and a charity started by the Zyvox company covered most of the expenses."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I contracted MRSA in my right foot second toe. My doctor gave me Zyvox because I had MRSA before, and it was very hard to heal. It worked very well in clearing it up. It was the worst 2 weeks of my life. I had nausea, diarrhea, weakness. I felt horrible. I suppose it was better than losing my toe. It worked for me. I would use it again if the need arose. I am just glad my insurance paid for it, or I couldn't have used it."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I was diagnosed with MRSA in the hospital. The infectious disease doctor said I was lucky that it responded to Zyvox. It's a much better and easier alternative to IVs for a month. The medicine did make me feel nauseous. It was, however, very effective."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I acquired a Staph infection after rotator cuff surgery. It was as painful, if not more painful, as shingles. Have been taking Zyvox for 14 days, with 3 to go. It has worked to heal the sores. The problem is the constant stomach upset and nausea. It is a very unpleasant feeling, somewhat like seasickness."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I am starting on my second week of a 28-day regimen of Zyvox. I have had a staph infection for over a year that will go away after being lanced and then come right back in a different place. So far, the infection is gone, and I am praying that it doesn't come back. There has been some nausea, stomach aches, and being more tired than normal. Would take that any day over the pain of a severe staph infection."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I had MRSA inf. last 8 yrs, all around the body. One heals and other one starts, went to my heart twice too. Now this many years of this, I end up to get Sepsis, I have no words to tell, how bad I feel...too bad, I guess. God Bless You All, who went true this bad infection."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I got a MRSA staph infection from a cut on my knee. As the infection spread all across the knee, I was admitted into the hospital. I went through surgery where they flushed the joint with antibiotics, but it didn't help the infection, so they prescribed 2 weeks of oral Zyvox, and the infection seems to have gone away. We just can't seem to keep the swelling down."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I am a CF patient that has MRSA in my lungs. Any time I have a flareup, I'm always given oral Zyvox and it knocks the infection out quickly and keeps it away for months! Great drug, minimal side effects, very rare for resistance to develop, etc. Only downside is the price, but luckily my insurance covers it with just a 1 dollar or so copay."

For Pneumonia "In February 2008, I fell ill to influenza A and ended up with double pneumonia. After a 7-day hospital stay in the ICU, I begged to go home, and the doctor prescribed Zyvox. This antibiotic did its job and cleared up my pneumonia and also a MRSA sinus infection that I had tried dozens of other antibiotics for with no results. There weren't many annoying side effects, which was a welcome relief. I did have some dizziness, but nothing severe, also, a little nausea from time to time."

For Skin and Structure Infection "After having arthroscopic knee surgery, I developed a persistent skin infection (cellulitis) at the surgery site. I spent a month on different antibiotics that didn't clear the infection (cephalexin, clindamycin, and ciprofloxacin) and was finally admitted to the hospital for another surgery and treatment with IV antibiotics (vancomycin, Zosyn). Zyvox has the same coverage as vancomycin but can be taken orally, which allowed me to leave the hospital after a week. I'm about finished with a 15-day course of Zyvox and the infection seems cleared. I haven't experienced many side effects - I've had a headache and felt a little tired and dizzy, but that's it."

For Bacterial Infection "I was prescribed this generic for a raging infection contracted when I had a small surgical procedure done on my finger. Within 24 hours of the procedure, my finger was inflamed and throbbing. Keeflex was first prescribed and another 24 hours later was determined it had not touched the infection. So, I was given Zyvox. It totally eradicated the germ I had contracted. I did have some bothersome side effects, mostly with my stomach just not feeling right. Later in the second week, my tongue turned brown, but no other problems. I was very tired most of the time, and could not decide if it was the med or the infection."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I have had 5 major abdominal sugeries in the last 3 years. I developed MRSA after the last one in May. I have gone through a 3 week treatment and now have tested positive again for MRSA. I still have 2 open wounds that won't heal from the last surgery. I hope this round with the medication will take care of the MRSA."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I use Zyvox to control MRSA infections in my lungs. Works fairly well on other bacteria too, gives good coverage. The Liquid tastes like mediciney cream cicle. Goes down easier with apple juice for children."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "Within 12 hours this potent drug is a beast, it gets in theRE and knocks the hell out of MRSA. Rationing of these MRSA staph infection drugs is unacceptable when you've been verified by lab. The stuff coming out of my nose looked like movie alien. It was wicked to get my first dose of ZYVOX. I was relieved I got it. I got it after CAT scans, 3 more hours ER, I was quarantined at ER. Well that's my nightmare of MRSA. Just demand ZYVOX your only downside is diarrhea so get some Pepto and immodium. It is a small price to get rid of MRSA. It's amazing my nasal passages are open I can breathe. "

For Skin and Structure Infection "Currently diagnosed with Systemic Lupus due to a recurring skin staph infection. Infectious Disease Dr. was concerned I.V. port might also get infected so she prescribed a 14 day Zyvox regimen. This is day 7 on it to treat a case of cellulitis on lower left leg. It is very slowly getting better. I suppose this is probably due to my Lupus. I don't really have any stomach issues, have a yeast infection and trouble sleeping at night. The infected areas skin has turned dark and appears to be shriveling up and is very tight. It seems like it has affected my calf, ankle & foot muscles as they are now really stiff making it difficult to walk without assistance. The medicine is incredibly expensive as well. "

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I have osteomyelitis of temporal bone. In the hospital for 1 wk, sent home on IV Vancomycin & Cephrine. After 4 wks back to Hospital for chills & fever. In for a wk, low blood & increased iron...all due to IV. Sent home on Zyvox & Levaquin for 30 days, hoping infection has cleared (will find out after finish meds). Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, cannot eat as nothing taste right, GERD, pressure in the sterum area, extremely tired, short of breath, yeast infection, insomnia, muscle & joint aches, emotional and today red spots on skin. Needless to say I feel horrible! Hopefully this will all be over soon but don't feel I will ever be the same. If this works then it's an amazing, wonderful drug. However, it's very expensive. Thank goodness for patient assistance!"

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "I got a breast infection that was found to be mrsa. I was admitted for IV antibiotics. I was exclusively nursing a 6 week old. I continued to nurse my newborn with the infection and on the medication. My baby or I had no side effects. (no yeast, digestive issues) It cleared up my infection fast. I got 3 days of IV and 7 more days of oral medication."

For Skin and Structure Infection "I have been on IV Zyvox for almost 2 weeks now. I have a bone infection. I have been on SEVERAL IV antibiotics and this is the last one we are trying. I am experiencing side effects (nausea, vomiting, very loose stools several times a day, stomach pain, headache) but am trying to push through the pain as I am scheduled to come off the Zyvox on Dec. 7th."

For Skin and Structure Infection "I have been on zyvox for 6 weeks now and have 6 more to go. My experience with this medication Is not a pleasant one. I am on 2 anti-nausa pills plus the scalopine patch to be able to eat and not throw up. I am also taking a pill for loose stools so I stay hydrated. Spending a day in the emergency room getting fluids is not a good way to spend your husbands day off. My legs and feet swell to double their size and are very painful. I have no option but to be on zyvox since I failed vancadymicin. My doctor keeps on eye on me but the brown tongue and funky taste is disgusting. I pray none of these side effects are permanent."

For Bacterial Infection "Have had both the IV and oral versions of this antibiotic. At the hospital, I had two different antibiotics before Zyvox and both worked much better from a subjective point of view. My Cellulitis was quickly healing with the previous antibiotics. When I was switched to Zyvox, the healing seemed much slower on the IV and the oral. I have no idea what to eat and am fearful of an adverse reaction. I was blown off by the hospital doctor when I mentioned I thought it was not working as well. Why would anyone use this drug?"

For Skin and Structure Infection "2005 had severe MRSA infection ,after two weeks in hospital the only way I could leave was with zyvox tablets and not i.v , the company paid for 10 day supply ,20 pills , cleared infection no problem ,one thing as a side affect ,I haven't had cold ,flu ,sniffles ,nothing ,17 years now."

For Skin and Structure Infection "I had the MRSA virus i my thigh and it was the size of an enlarged grapefruit and nothing was working. My doctors gave me 4 doses of IV Zyvox and I was discharged in under a week."

For Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection "Had an infection that would not clear...nosocomal..after surgery. Was the only med that got RID of it completely. No further problems OR recurrences! I had no side effects."

For Skin and Structure Infection "7 day treatment worked well on an infection that lasted over 5 months"

For Skin and Structure Infection "My father is taking this medicine for Cellulitis. Just started it today. Don't know yet how well it will work as he is a Diabetic. But it is expensive. "

More about Zyvox (linezolid)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: oxazolidinone antibiotics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Zyvox drug information
  • Zyvox (Linezolid Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Zyvox (Linezolid Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Zyvox (Linezolid Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Zyvox prescribing information
  • Zyvox Injection (FDA)
  • Linezolid (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection
  • Skin and Structure Infection
  • Bacteremia
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Nosocomial Pneumonia
  • Pneumonia