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Generic Name: pneumococcal 23-val ps vaccine

Brand Name: Pneumovax-23 injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I got my first shot about 6 years ago…. I had the second one last Wednesday.. after getting a good Dr. health review…after 5 hours I felt nausea dizzy and my arms swell up all the way down passed my elve… it was very painful could not sleep all night next day .. I went to the urgent care because it was painful ,swollen half way to my wrist could not move my arm because of the pain …. I was scared for my health…I cried so much ! I wish I was told that I would have this reaction… I would have not got this shot ever! Still swollen and painful 4 days later.

I'm more of a witness for 2 neighbors who each got there vaccine & both had COPD. Both got seriously sick with pneumonia. Not saying right after shot, just in general. My mother who was given vaccine got pneumonia so bad I worried she wouldn't pull through. The neighbor also said he got hit pretty hard with pneumonia so I question that they both got sick...shouldn't it be more protective?

I received this shot in October of 2021. It was my first time getting the pneumonia vaccine. I experience asthma and I had the COVID virus in 2020. My advice, DO NOT get this shot! I was informed that the area would be sore and I would feel exhausted for a few days. Problem? I started having shooting and stabbing pains. The intensity of the pain increased during the night so that I could not sleep. By day 7, I struggled to lift my arm to do my hair, floss, bathe, open the freezer, put on my bra, and get dressed. The pain kept getting worse and I eventually thought that I was having a heart attack. The sharpness eventually radiated beyond just up and down my arm and to my ring finger. It started going towards my heart, up the left side and rear of my neck, and to my right jaw. Sometimes, I feel a tingling sensation in my tongue. The shooting pain is so intermittent and bad that I was literally hollering and slumping over in pain while in the ER. The pain strikes without warning. I still have moments where I get dizzy and nauseous. My range of motion is severely limited. My arm is swollen. There's a lump at the injection site. I'm constantly in pain, and my blood pressure stays high because of the pain. Four months have now passed and I'm still struggling. 99% of the time, I don't wear a bra anymore. I have been reduced to washing my hair no more than twice a month. When I can do my hair, I have to bend over to help my arm reach it or lean against the wall to hold my arm up. Pressure on the arm hurts too, so I rarely do my hair. Putting on a shirt or jacket is tormenting. They've run tests, exams, and x-rays on everything EXCEPT my shoulder and the injection site. My left lymph node is also now swollen. The injection was done on the upper part of my arm and I seriously believe there is nerve damage. This pain is heading towards driving me into delirium and deep depression. The doctor's office that administered the shot ordered a NECK x-ray as if my previous neck issues miraculously started this problem with my once healthy arm. When I asked if I could have had an allergic reaction to the shot, I was told that is was "just the basic pneumonia shot and maybe you moved when the needle went in." REALLY? After all of the shots I've had, NOW I would move?! I didn't move! When I turn my head to the left, I can't even get my chin to line up with my shoulder. My ability to turn left stops right above my breast. I rarely drive, so that's not a danger to myself and others in that way. I can turn my chin to my right shoulder, so it hasn't impacted all of that ability. Sadly, I can't even give a proper HUG and it hurts to BE hugged! I've been referred to physical therapy, but I don't think that's going to work. I am so sorry that I got this shot. It has changed my life for the worst. I've used heat, ice, pain rubs, tried stretching, massaging, resting as much as possible, prescription narcotics, using my right arm to aid the left... As I type this now, my arm and shoulder are throbbing and I'm lightheaded. My blood pressure is 143/104 and the Norco isn't helping relieve the pain. I hate drugs, so I hope that my new doctor will actually examine the arm and shoulder itself to see what we can do. This shot has created a lot more health issues than I would wish on my most evil enemy. I'm almost at the point of seeking legal counsel. This experience has shifted my entire outlook on getting vaccines. Again, my advice is DO NOT get this shot. Maybe there is another one, that is older and less harmful, but don't do this 23. If you do, and you end up experiencing any of my symptoms, you can't say that you weren't warned. Sorry that I didn't know about this page to have shared this information sooner...

Glad to know I'm not alone. I received the shot because of an autoimmune disorder and asthma. I'm 36 years old and pregnant so my doc recommended it after one of my pregnancy appointments. The shot itself didn't hurt and they said I would have mild soreness. They should definitely update what they're telling patients!! My arm hurts so bad and I'm a little over 2 days post shot. Can't sleep due to the excruciating pain, can't lay on it, day 2 I had fever, chills, fatigue, arm is hot and severe headaches. And I can only take tylenol since I'm preggo. Smh this will be a one time only thing. Waaaaay worse than covid and flu shots. I've never had an experience like this before. I've been massaging it and it seems the swelling is spreading throughout my arm. Hopefully that helps move it along and get rid of this pain!

I am a 66 year old male. I usually tolerate vaccinations well with the exception of the 2 shot shingles vaccine. I had Pneumovax 23 at about 2:30 pm, At 4:30 pm I got on my bike trainer and did a very vigorous one hour workout. After the workout I took a shower and noticed a little dizziness. I came downstairs with the intention of having dinner and the dizziness got quite bad. I had to lay down. I then got nauseous and vomited twice. Stayed on the couch without moving for 4 hours. Finally the nausea and dizziness subsided. No fever or arm soreness but wow, that laid me out for the evening. The next morning I felt fine. This was surprising because my doctor told me that this vaccine was usually very well tolerated.

Recieved my recommended pneumonia vaccines, but the second one gave me side effects I've never experienced before. Swelling wrapped around my arm with itching that drove me crazy, had to take an antihistamine.then the swelling migrated to my elbow.Did ice and Tylenol for 3 days. Still waiting for swelling to go down.This is worse than Covid shot!

This vaccine should Come with a severe health warning! Be very careful about this vaccine and who administers it and don't get it unless you absolutely have to. My 80 year old mum went into get vaccinated yesterday. She didn't want it but was talked into by the GP. A few hours afterwards, her arm was limp and she developed a temperature. She had extreme fatigue. But that's nothing compared with the agonising pain , shes literally been crying with pain, unable to move her arm, unable to get any sleep. She's given birth to 6 children at home and she says it's worse than childbirth pains. The only thing that's given her slight relief is codeine but then the pain comes back as it wears iff and I'm afraid she'll get addicted to pain killers. I've Been reading about side effects in message boards since last night, and if we had known the excruciating pain it can cause, we would never have let her get the injection. It's just not worth it. She's Also on antibiotics for IBS and she has sciatica pain and arthritis in her knees and now she has this to deal with too. She had no pain in her arm before. From what others have said, the frozen shoulder pain can last for up to 2 years!! How the hell is this vaccine not being investigated and put on hold given the atrocious side effects? I read that in America thousands of people are taking class action to seek compensation from the drug companies for the debilitating pain and distress caused by this vaccine. Is there anything similar in the UK? They need to answer for this medical neglect.

Terrible side effects, fever for 7 days, fluid collection in deltoid muscle

I received my first Pneumovax 23 shot in October 2020. I had no problem at all with that shot. Not even a small amount of pain. On October 8, 2021 I received my 2nd dose of this vaccine and am having problems with it. Within four hours I had pain in the general area of the shot. Eight hours in my arm was swollen, warm from my shoulder to my elbow and I had a low grade fever. 24 hours after the shot my fever was gone however my arm was still swollen, warm and now somewhat reddish. It is now October 10, 2021 and my arm is still swollen, warm and somewhat reddish. The pain now seems to have migrated to the back of my arm however it only hurts when I press gently in that area. It appears that the swelling is from a build up of fluids in my arm due to the shot if that makes any sense.

Holy Hell, Why aren't they screening patients for a history of pre-existing shoulder conditions before administering this vaccine? I am a 65 yr. old retired nurse and caregiver to my 90 yr. old mom. I decided to get the flu and pneumonia vaccine while I was on a rare trip to town for a dentist appointment. I was told I might have some soreness, fair enough. A few hours later as I carried grocery bags I noticed my arms were a bit sore at the injection sites. No biggie. Around 6 pm I ate dinner in the living room, chatted w/ my husband and started to get up to tend to dishes. As I moved my right arm, my entire arm began burning inside and suddenly ached from the shoulder down to the fingers. The discomfort quickly escalated when I moved the arm and then I began sweating profusely. I took a shower but the pain of moving my arm to undress/dress was excruciating. As I walked out of the bathroom I started to feel lightheaded and saw dark spots. I quickly laid down on the bed and called out to my husband. I continued to perspire profusely and asked him to bring a fan. By the time he set it up I was having chills. Meanwhile, the burning pain was building. I asked him to get me some Acetominophen, but it did nothing to ease my pain. I was humbled by the severity of the pain and can only compare it similar to childbirth, except labor pains come in waves and this pain was unrelenting. Fortunately, I had an old Rx of Vicodin I'd never used that was prescribed for a past dental procedure. Without that medication, I would have ended up going to the hospital for pain relief. It took the pain down a notch and made me drowsy, but I had to remain completely still in one position all night to avoid eliciting the pain. My husband brought me another Vicodin during the night and by morning the pain had settled down - as long as I didn't move. That was two days ago. I still cannot move my arm away from my side or the pain returns. My elbow is basically splinted against my waist to avoid moving my shoulder. I can use my hand but I can't move my arm or the excruciating pain returns. So, I have one short arm with a working hand. If I try to reach with my arm or rotate the arm, raise the shoulder or hold anything heavy, that triggers the return of pain and a spasm. This is all too familiar. Years ago, I was diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder. I sought opinions from two Drs. and was told the condition is due to a nerve impingement and that my symptoms of shoulder/arm pain and spasms would finally go away after two years. They were right but for two years I couldn't extend my arm, dressing triggered pain and spasms and it was a long haul. The day after my pneumovax shot I began searching reported side effects. I found this website and was gobsmacked at how many other patients report similar experiences. Like others have mentioned, I too was seated when I received my vaccine. Perhaps the vaccine was administered too high in my deltoid, IDK, because I couldn't watch. With all these first hand reports of shoulder pain, it is clear there is a strong correlation between the vaccine and exacerbation/elicitation of existing structural weaknesses in the shoulder (whether or not the pt. has been diagnosed). If the vaccine has triggered the return of my Frozen Shoulder, I only have two more years to go.....not easy when I'm the sole caregiver for my mom. Do your research before getting this vaccine. At least I didn't develop Guillian Barre or die, but this vaccine should be further investigated by the FDA. I rated the medication very poor due my experience, but time will tell if it is effective against pneumonia. My daughter asked me what was in the vaccine. I told her, the son of Satan.

Dr recommend the Prenumovax 23 after having received the 13, he said to wait 45 days after receiving covid 19 vaccine, which I did, two days later my arm is all red and very painful at the injection site the muscle all around my arm is red and very sore, it feels like the muscle or tendons have been torn. I have been taking Advil, Tylenol, etc. to releave the pain. Never again.

I am a believer in vaccines but this one ppv23 knocked me for a loop. My doctor recommended it during a routine visit and by late afternoon my arm began to hurt and it turned out to be some of the worst pain I have experienced for many years. The pain was so intense that I was unable to sleep the first two nights, I felt sick and had chills and fever and then the pain moved down my arm and into my wrist and hand. My hand swelled up and was extremely painful and hot for the next 10 days and it's only now getting to the point where I can use it again. Each day I thought it would get better but it is still painful. I would not recommend this shot.

Got the shot, wasn't hurting at all. Because of the pharmacist who knows how to inject. I swore didn't felt a bit of any pain. No arm pain no lumb where I've been injected. The only bad was muscle ache joints was painfull and headaches for the first 5 days. And I'm a smoker. I'm in better health now as before. And I was sick for months every year at the end of March phenomea at the worst. I would recommend this for the world, that's how great and good I feel. I'm 41 never been better.

I am 20 years of age. Female. Generally healthy. Have had allergy shots for years and flu shots for years. Generally no issues besides a sore arm for one day from flu shot. Decided to get it because my doctor recommended it to me since I have a history of asthma. (Even though it rarely bothers me.) the initial shot itself didnâ??t hurt, but a few hours later it felt like someone had punched me in the arm. That night, there was no possible way I could sleep on it. And I hardly slept that night because of the pain. The next day, woke up with a fever. Had to call into work. Felt awful with chills, nausea, stomach cramps. Not to mention I could barely lift my arm! That night I had a 102 fever and was shivering. I woke up in a puddle of sweat. Still had a fever that morning. Also been taking Tylenol. It is day 4 now, I feel slightly better but my arm is still hard to even lift up all the way. Even putting on a shirt is difficult. I hope it will get better in a few days. I personally would only recommend this to anyone who absolutely needs it, because it was not worth it to me. I have never felt this sick in a very long time, I even had Covid Recently. I didnâ??t have a fever then , but this vaccine did!

I am 22 years old an got the vaccine bc of health complications I was having. My doctor told me I would be slightly sore. However, I was in intense pain for 3 days. I couldn't lift my arm or sleep on my left side. I have severe chills and body aches on day 2 as well. I am currently on day 4 of having the vaccine and my arm is still mildly sore with a hard bump at the injection site.

I had this vaccine on Monday Ferb 8. By the next day my arm was pretty sore and by noon that second day I started running a high fever and had chills and bone pain and extreme fatigue. I barely slept that night with chills and what felt like bone pain esp in my thighs. On Weds my fever was mostly gone but now my right shoulder (vaccine sight) is extremely painful. I have been on tylenol and celebrex to try to keep it under control. I would not do this again by choice. I pray me shoulder/arm pain subsides soon.

Severe arm pain, fever and chills. Never experienced anything like this. On day 2 and still painful but improving. Makes me 2nd guess my choice to get it. Thankfully I shouldn't have to get another one ever but I wouldn't get it anyway, never.

My arm has started giving me pain, like muscle soreness, almost cant lift my arm.

Received Thursday. 9am, by 2pm couldn't lift arm without quite a bit of pain. Thursday night barely slept body pain throughout. Sleep 60 min, up 90 min thru entire night. Extreme nausea and fever started by 4am. Fully medicated with both acetaminophen and ibuprofen piggyback I still ran a 102.6 fever majority of Friday. Thought of going to ER, heart palpitations too. Increase in pain in arm. Up and down thru Friday night. Vomiting. Sat only low grade to no fever. Arm is now beyond painful. Even my shirt touching is torture, it is hot, red, swollen. Pain radiating all the way to fingertips. Had to draw a line on arm of redness outer boundary to see if it'd increase in size. Still nauseous almost all day had some dinner and living on freezer pops to keep food down. Headache and migraines for two days now. Took a benedryl before bed in case it's any allergic reaction. Praying since they placed the shot so high it's not into bursa sack. I have rheumatoid arthritis and had shoulder bursitis in past. If they know giving too high is a problem then why on Earth do they? Woke up Sunday morning after another fitful pained night. Fever seems to be gone, stomach feeling a bit better, arm same if not worse. No spread of red swollen area, extreme pain and radiating down into elbow and fingers. The list of side effects is missing a lot of information especially as far as the extreme of all of it and a fever that nearly out me in hospital.

Sore arm, shoulder & back. Upset stomach, malaise & headache. Now on the 4th day after the shot & still having these symptoms.