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Generic Name: propafenone

Brand Name: Rythmol oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I take Rythmol as a follow up to a VATS Maze procedure to treat AFib. It seems to work fine with no side effects under normal day to day activities UNTIL I go to the gym. I fatigue very quickly. Rythmol seems to effect negatively both speed

I was told I should not drink ensure while taking this drug does anyone know why

I've been taking this medicine for over 20 years. My heart would go into arrhythmia and beat so fast the blood would not get to my brain and almost passed out on one occasion.

After ablation 20 years ago, still needed some help, so started Rythmol at 225 twice a day. No afib in 20 years. Have noticed no side effects. However, have developed some heart disease and my doctor insisted on getting off this drug. Have halved dosage for a week and now every other day for a week. I noticed after first week of halving, I am starting to get some PVCs and some heart racing at night. I am hoping this will not lead to my old AF problems. My doctor wanted me off since Rythmol may lead to ventricular fibrillation for people with heart disease. He feels won't have it again since it has been twenty years since last attack. Hope he is right.

I have paroxysmal AF. I Usually need 3-4 doses to convert to a regular rhythm. No side effects. Only on aspirin otherwise.

Very symptomatic PAF, bradycardia, sick sinus since 2005. Dual chamber pace maker 2006. Bisoprolol 5-10 mg daily. PAF 12 hours once a month until 2013. Then 2-3 times a week lasting again 12h resolving spontaneously. No cardioversions. Dronedarone did not control af. Now propafenone for 14 months 150mg three times daily. First week was difficult with af coming and going but after that with this dosing no PAF. I think the first week was a dose finding week. After good 4 months I tried to take away the midday pill resulting in the only 12 hour af I have had. Sometimes when feeling a bit tachycardic I take 1,25mg bisoprolol. Pace maker control in december. Interesting to know if it's register confirms my excellent experience. About side effects: upper gastric pain if not taken with food. Maybe some dizziness, but I had it also earlier due to bradycardia. This autumn I have had some blurred vision and wondering if it can be due to propafenone. Interested to know if someone else has had any visual disturbances and what happened then? Would like to continue this medication.

Horrible reaction. Felt like a zombie, and as one writer said, it made my AFib much more frequently, heart pounding half the time now eventhough I am off it. It is a dangerous and horrible medicine , deadly I would say, the fact you have to be in the hospital to start it should be warning enough for anyone.

atrial fib

I took several meds only to have bad side effects. I was not a candidate for ablation. I have been on Rythmol for a little over 2 months and it is working great for me. I have had psvt for about 3 years more when I would get really stressed. This has relaxed me and my heart and have only had small flutters occasionaly. More energy the longer I take it.

Dizziness, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, loose stool, sooooo tired, dark urine, stopped it a week after I started it !! Never felt so awful in my life. There are other things out there better than this!

only been on this for two weeks,but it is working good.my heart was beating 115-120 per minute,tried doubling metoprolol but felt like a zombie,in and out but so far so good.

After being put on Rythmol,cardizem,and Eliquis for symtoms of moderate to severe dizziness,angina,high blood pressure and history of blood clots my dizziness has not only persisted but gotten worse. Palpitations however, have decreased. Curious to know anyone else having problems with the dizzies?

I have had many years of in and out of Atrial Fibrillation and many cardio conversion and two ablation. My medicine was changed 3 months ago and have not had any spells even in anxiety situations. I have been on Flecainide for several years but now on Rythmol. Also I was taken of the Beta Blockers and put on Verapamil. This combination has worked well with me. I do have side effects from the Rythmol like blurred vision, water retention, muscle pain and constipation. I guess I have to accept the side effects to have relief from Atrial Fibrillation.

Having A-Fib for 14 years and trying all sorts of other remedies and drugs, Rythmol was the only one that corrected my ongoing A-Fib issue. However, you must stay on a steady, timed course with this drug....but like everything else this drug may or may not work for your condition...to each his own

It brings the arrythmia down to a liveable level.

I had an A-fib incident a year ago (this was my 4th incident in the past 8 years) and had to be electro converted to get back to normal rhythm. My Cardiologist put me on 225mg rythmol twice a day along with 400 mg of magnesium. After a year on rythmol I have had no recurrence and feel great. I did find that if I took the med at least an hour before I went to bed I had less of a slight pounding heart rate for a few minutes. When I take the morning dose there were no issues at all. This seemed to be compounded if I had had any caffeine after 6:00 PM when I was going to bed at 10:30 PM. So I have now stopped all caffeine after 6:00 PM and in the last 6 months have had no heart pounding. So far I had no other issues with this med.

Seemed to worsen my husband's A-fib