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Generic Name: Rosuvastatin Calcium

Brand Name: Crestor

Crestor Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed creator which I took a dose of 20 mg of at night for cholesterol level of only 160 !!!after one week started to feel terrible muscle pain in the back and abdomen and felt so weak totally unable to function..after reading about the side effects and a petition to the FDA To withdraw that medication i decided to stop the medication after two weeks of taking it, the muscle pain came off gradually but i ended up with vertigo too...why do doctors resort to prescribing statins before trying all other natural and safe alternatives!!!!

I began on Crestor at 10mg, my only medication. A few weeks later, began Zyrtec for seasonal allergy. Within days, bad headaches no amount of Tylenol I dared take could control. So stopped both for a couple months; then resumed Crestor alone at 5 mg. Blood tests at 6 months were excellent; total cholesterol dropped from low 300s to very low 200s, maybe even 195, can't find the results at this moment. Improvement on HDL and LDL. So everything seemed great at 6, 7 months. Then I started developing little issues that seemed odd. MD wanted me to increase dosage slightly, go to 10mg twice a week, 5mg the other days. Then I started developing little odd issues. Some lengthy periods of diarrhea -- a week, once, whereas it was never more than a day previously unless I had a serious illness (which I rarely get). A trace of headache some nights. Noticed I was weaker; could barely get a 16-lb bag of charcoal out the door, unusual. Bad pain in my lower back and some in one shoulder. My light sleeping turned into serious insomnia, waking at 1 or 2 a.m. and being wide awake for hours. And I had become more anxious, until I was anxious all the time, like "free-floating anxiety." So I am stopping the dosage increase and I am reducing it instead to see if there is improvement. Splitting the 5mgs in two so I will be taking 2.5 mg and only every other day. A minimal kind of maintenance dose while I hope for improvement in the physical and mental areas. Every one of my issues could have some other explanation, but taken together, they seem too much to be coincidental. I suspect bad side effects from the Crestor.

I’ve been taking Crestor for about 3 weeks, with my last dose being last night at bedtime. My arthritis pain is worse, I feel lightheaded and dizzy. I’ve been having more nausea every day and indigestion. My brain is foggy and I have a bad headache. I have worse joint pain than usual, but I have fibromyalgia, which causes constant pain,but this is different! My HDL cholesterol was 211, and after feeling this way, and reading many of the reviews,I’ve decided to stop taking the medicine and see if I improve. I see my doctor tomorrow and I will tell him that I’m not taking it, and I’ll lower my cholesterol with diet and exercise. I won’t take statins anymore, because I feel really bad right now and I know that I’m not getting sick.Read these reviews, talk to your doctor, and look up the side effects of this Crestor, is my suggestion. Also,write down all of side effects that you feel.

My doctor started me on Crestor due to my cholesterol levels. Three months in and I developed bells palsy! After researching, I discovered that many statin drugs are linked to causing bells palsy. For me, the benefits didn't outweigh the risks

I am a 51 yr old female...who was prescribed Crestor to lower my cholesterol. I suffer from a lot of joint, spinal and connective tissue issues, along with migraines. This drug is the DEVIL...this should be pulled from ever being handed out to anyone. I was on it a month...and that is all it took for me to have all kinds of serious side effects, that to this day...I am still getting. I now, suffer from panic attacks...on it...I had severe muscle and joint pain...which I already have, but this made it a 1000 times worse! As soon as I started on this, I noticed the increase of headaches...depending on what I would do throughout the day, they would kick into a migraine...even my emergency migraine medication would not work for them. I felt like I was going to vomit, every day...and I could not sleep on this. I regularly get 5 hours of sleep a night, which I am okay with, I can function on that...but on Crestor...maybe a hour...if that. I took myself off of this toxic crap...and then the panic attacks and severe stomach pain started. I have noticed the stomach pain ceasing, but these panic attacks are in full swing. They come out of the blue and my first one warranted a trip to the emergency room, by ambulance, because my blood pressure sky rocketed to 210/119, I thought for sure I was having a heart attack. So, now...with all the other Rx's I regularly take for my other issues, I have been prescribed 2 different anxiety meds, prozac and hydroxyzine...and was told to take both of them together. So, now, I don't feel like I am safe with driving my car. I will NEVER again take a statin. And to think I TRUSTED my doctor, who already knows I suffer on a daily basis...and then act like she doesn't know what is going on. I am really hoping these panic attacks end...they are ruining my life. Make sure you ASK your Dr for ALL the side effects BEFORE agreeing to take this.

As many others have stated, after taking this I have noticed joint pain in my right hand and then more recently in my hips and now seems my ankles. I have informed my doctor and he told me to take them at night instead of during the day. Not sure why that will change my pain, but I am working with him to figure this out. My History (If you care): I am a super fit and mostly healthy person. I work out constantly, eat right, etc, etc. Within a few weeks of taking these I felt the pain in my knuckles, then it progressed to my whole hand, within another week, my hip started aching as well as my lower back. I really started to feel like an old man and act like one within weeks of taking this pill. I told the doctor that I will no longer take these pills if they are going to do this to me. They have almost completely shut down my daily routines of being active. My Dr said my alternative was that I would die, but I say, what good is life if at 50, I have to quit all the activities that make me fit and happy, just so my numbers meet your current standards? He told me that will all of the exercise that I do, that it will be nearly impossible to regulate my pills along with BP meds. This seems very conflicting to me, so if I sit on the couch and do nothing, he can regulate my everything with meds, but if I exercise daily and eat right, not possible. I laughed when he told me this. It would appear that the current medical field has no idea how to deal with people who try to stay fit and have issues that may require these pills. Just like with anything in life, there are always edge cases, it would seem that the Pharma and medical industries do not test edge cases or care. They do know about the side affects, they just state that they only happen in less than 1%, which I find hard to believe. So now I am being asked stupid questions like do I drink city water, and do I eat foods at restaurants. If this pill is so picky that I can't drink city water or go out to eat once a week anymore...then I give up...

In the 9 months i have been on 40mg since having minor stroke...i now have been hospitalized 6 times because of this medicine...Severe dizziness...heart palpitations...blood pressure over 190..ankle pain...headaches...flu like symptoms...Stopped taking...everything almost went away...ALL doctors thought i was nuts...DO NOT EVER TAKE...

I tried 2 different (statin) medications with bad reactions before trying Crestor. I take a very low dose but it has reduced my cholesterol. My cholesterol is now in the normal range with no side effects. I have been taking it for approximately 10 years. I guess each of us has to find the medication that works for our own bodies.

I had no idea. Have taken crestor for 7 weeks, 5 mg. Asian 60 yr old male. Slim. Quads weak, fasiculation in my right. Mid back pain. Sugars up with no prior history. Have quit on my own for about 9 days now. Still early to tell but fasiculations stopped as has my back pain. Had I known, jeez. Fingers crossed my BS and legs are reversible? Having a CK done this coming week.

I was just prescribed this medication yesterday due to finding out I have FH. I am not able to bring my cholesterol down on my own with diet and exercise. I have to take the medication in order to bring down my LDL. I am very nervous on taking this medication due to all the negative side effects that I have seen. Has anyone had and good experiences with this medication? I know that it is based on the fact that everyone is different and their body's react different.

I developed severe restless leg syndrome that felt almost like withdrawals from opiates.once I realized it was Crestor they slowly went away although from time to time I still get a mild case.

Feel like have the flu all the time. The drug works but its side effects are not worth it.

Cannot walk service pains in my legs arm swelling weight gain I was takin this medacation an I couldn’t even walk it was so bad my Burt would burn if I walked my legs I can’t even describe the brutal pain I was in from my arms to my feet unbarable I an stoppin this medacation. Today never again I rather be in no pain an walk my life for the past few years have been hell in my bed becoyse if the pain no mire thus medacation us bad very bad

After two weeks taking 10 mg a day I experienced low back muscle spasms. I did not connect the drug to the back problem as I have had back issues before, but this was more intense. Several trips to the chiropractor, Physical Therapist I was still in constant pain taking pain meds day and night. Finally after 6 weeks I stopped crestor and had some relief. Six weeks after stopping I am just now needing less pain medication and muscle relaxers. I continue to have crepitus in my back and need to foam roll and crack it several times a day. I have no doubt I developed some level of rhabdomyolysis even tho my doctor said less muscle side effects with crestor compared to other statins. My advice: stay away from this horrible medication.

I took it for 5 yrs and stopped when i finally became too weak to stand in the shower or lift my arms above my head to wash my hair. After the slightest exertion i would gasp like a dying fish out of water to breath for up to 45 minutes. THIS DRUG ALMOST KILLED ME. 3 yrs later I am slowly still recovering taking 400 mgs Co W 10, I am 63 now

I took this 5mg med for four months before having negative side effects. The first week I had a dull headache in the back of my head but that went away. The dr gave this to me along with a CoQ10 med. It worked very well and my cholesterol became normal in one month. I had to stop using it not because of joint pain or muscle pain but because it caused extreme constipation and overgrowth of Candida yeast in my system. It caused intestinal problems. Had to treat a fungal infection for three months before it cleared up. I know this is a rare side effect but this is what happens to me whenever they give me statins over the past 12 years but haven't had it this bad. I just can not tolerate statins intestinally but can not find much info about this so its not very believable to drs that the statins are causing it. But I feel fine until I try them again.

My doctor prescribed Crestor two weeks ago, as other statins had failed to achieve the results she wanted, and I have survived two heart attacks. Within two days, I started to have crushing chest pain, anxiety, sweating and shortness of breath - panic attacks. I didn't put two and two together so I stayed on it. I then realized that as soon as I was in direct sunlight (I live in Spain) it triggered a panic attack; my husband literally had to drag me into a shop in an outdoor mall because the instant I was in the sun I had complete seizures in my chest cavity, sweating, couldn't breathe - it was terrifying. We finally googled photosensitivity and Crestor and the pieces fell into place. I have now been off of the drug for 8 days, was on it for only 14. I can now go in the sun without having a muscular attack, but I am still having the odd panic attack. I am hoping the longer it is out of my system the less and less this will be. I ended up in the hospital while on the Crestor for a suspected heart attack, but the enzymes were normal - and nobody clued in, as they did have my full meds list. I spoke to my GP the following week, and she was adamant that I go back on the Crestor. I steadfastly refused and am going to find myself another doctor. I am concerned that there is permanent damage and am so so hopeful that there is not, but these attacks still happen 8 days off of it. Please beware of this drug, I think it's the probably one of the worst things I've ever taken, and obviously they're covering up the side effects. Would love to speak to others who have had the same experience.

Women note : Iâ??m posting a warning that Crestor gave me serious vulvar irritation diagnosed by a skin specialist after weeks of suffering. Healthmagic is carrying erroneous replies about this potential if rare side effect. No info on crestor carried a warning about this at the time. Reducing the dose did not help either.

After taking crestor for 8 months my numbers r good..but I have become more nervouse..nausus..upset stomach..and some muscle pain..

Gradually experienced joint and muscle paint. Could not stand the join pain and saw my doctor who recommended I stop taking Crestor to see if pain stops. After 2 days of not taking this statin I pleased to say its 80% improved. This statin may work for some but not for me.