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Generic Name: scopolamine base

Brand Name: Transderm-Scop transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am so vulnerable to sea sickness that I literally turn green (always thought that was just an expression). I have tried both the shelf-brand motion sickness medication and the over-the-counter ones, with little to no help in eliminating my sea sickness. I was through with trying, but one of my wife's uncles begged me to come fishing with him. He suggested the Transderm-scop patch. I reluctantly agreed to give it one last shot. It worked!! I didn't feel sick AT ALL! I have brought multiple other friends out now, and we've all used the patch with stellar results. (And no side-effects, fortunately.) I LOVE this product!

Works wonderful but I got the huge dilated pupil.

The withdrawal effects do not out weigh the benefits of taking this drug. Two days after removing the patch, I experienced nausea and disorientation. My pupils also became enlarged.

Put the patch on the night before travel as recommended by my doctor. Got out of bed the next morning and fell over. This drug caused me to have extreme vertigo where I could barely stand. Had a dry mouth and a blocked throat feeling and slight nausea. Took off the patch immediately and had a headache a little later on in the day. Still recovering from the above symptoms 16 hours later. Will not be taking this again.

I used this patch for 6 days while overseas. It was very helpful while it was on but after removing I experienced vertigo, blurred vision and loss of appetite. It has been 5 days since removing and I am still dizzy and not myself. Not sure if I will use this again. The after effects may not be worth it.

Doctor gave for vomiting and secretion reduction. That was early this morning. Took it off myself around 4pm. It's 4:30pm and some of the side effects are wearing off. Eye pain, hard to see. Felt dry. Mouth felt dry. Restlessness. Almost everything on the side effects page. I won't use it again.

The scopolamine patch really helped me with nausea but make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction! I got itchy spots behind my ears then after itching them it must have gotten into my eye and my eye couldn’t dilate for 2 days. I spent 7 hours in the ER before realizing the cause.

I suffer from extreme motion sickness. Patches are a godsend, especially for diving and boating. Doesn't help for amusement park rides, but oh well!

This is the only thing that has helped me with motion sickness for cruises. A little bit itchy after I removed the patch. Blurred vision for a day after wearing it almost 4 days.

Bonus, it stopped my hot flashes for a week after wearing it 36 hours because of a long car ride. Worked great. I've used it on a cruise, was great. Didn't work on snorkeling trip.

My husband was kept on this drug for two years and suffered horrible nausea, balance, vertigo, double vision, confusion, paranoia after 6 weeks and pregressivly got worse and worse. Withdrawal lasted 7-10 of insanity and horrible paranoia, confusion, rage nausea. He has been off for 4 months and is still having cyclical symptoms every 21 days. I have started a Facebook page to bring awareness. Please help me spread the word!!

Took this med to counteract nausea from Meniere's disease. Experienced full-blown psychosis including aural hallucinations, inability to sleep, visually seeing lights moving when turning my head, bizzare bx.with no memory of events,& many more...until I was arrested for 1st time in my life for terroristic threatening of a family member. Since then, have been excluded from family & friends. It took about 6 months after stopping use of transderm scop for symptoms to stop. I would caution anyone against taking this medicine.

Mental health issues; terribly sore more and excessively dry mouth

I was very wary about using this after reading the difficulties others had. I was only going on a one-day catamaran tour an couldn't afford days of side effects. I decided to use it and couldn't be more satisfied. I felt only the first twinges of motion sickness an thoroughly enjoyed the trip. I waited until just before bed to take the patch off in a attempt to avoid a rebound effect others had. I didn't have any of the side effects (dry mouth, etc) and I plan to use this again. Very, very happy with this drug.

I have dry mouth, dizziness, but I don't get motion sickness

After wearing for 7 days for a cruise To prevent sea sickness ( I had worn previously 5 years ago with no problem) i have experienced crushing migraines which I have never had before. Doctors performed a CT of my head and spinal tap because the pain was so severe. I thought I was dying. I've been in pain and missed work for 5 days so far and have to believe it is withdrawal from scopolamine. Nothing has shown up medically to prove this sudden onset of ??? What the doctors are calling migraines because they don't know what else to label it. The ER physician told me he didn't know and shrugged his shoulders meanwhile it took 3 doses of dilaudid to relieve my headache ( & I never take anything more than ibuprofen for any pain ever). I can't imagine living forever with this kink of pain and just want it to end. I have never been this sick in my life. Now all I can do is lay down & take narcotics. I feel so debilitated and helpless. I will never take this again and would advise everyone to never think any drug is harmless & safe.

Although I did take the patch off one day early and replace it with a new patch, I did not expect such negative side effects. I was traveling to Europe for the first time with my fiance, and I started to feel ill on the second day of our trip. The first day was just flu like symptoms: aching, feverish and tired, but they soon progressed. By the third day, my pupils were dilated and my vision blurred, I was severely nauseous, my mouth was extremely dry, my memory was affected and it was hard for me to form complete sentences. I felt as if I was drugged and not myself at all! I would NOT advise taking this drug, and if you do, PLEASE try it out before hand if you are vacationing. The symptoms lasted for around four days, and I was not able to enjoy my vacation during that time. If you can, just take Dramamine!

blurry vision, sore throat, and affects when stopping using outweigh benefits

At first it worked great but after a while started causing an itchy rash at the sight of the patch. Will not be able to use it again.

Wore it for 48 hours after surgery. I did not get nauseated but I did have a headache that lasted for duration of wearing the patch. Also, I was shaky and had blurred vision with dilated pupils that continued even after patch removal.