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Generic Name: sumatriptan

Brand Name: Imitrex nasal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started having migraines as a child during times of great stress but doctors didnâ??t believe kids got migraines. The dr treated the nausea but I was still unable to function normally. They eventually went away. They returned when I was a very young woman with a family. I pretty much just suffered through them because I really didnâ??t know any better to seek help. They went away for a few years and then they came back with a vengeance where I would have no warning and suddenly fell to the floor. There have been two times Iâ??ve ended up in the hospital on morphine dripâ??s because they were so severe which really didnâ??t help at all. My doctor finally concluded that all these episodes of severe migraines was most likely due to stress which I believe. Finally when Imitrex came out my doctor had me try the nasal spray which worked beautifully and I continue to use it on occasion when I get a migraine and it still works. The only downside which isnâ??t that bad is the taste it leaves in the back of my throat which lingers for a while maybe several hours. If anyone knows a way to remedy that I would certainly appreciate hearing your ideas.

The tablet form of this drug gave me terrible side effects: dizziness and lightheadedness, confusion. My doc switched me to the nasal route. It's very effective, with minimal side effects. It's not fast-acting; it takes half an hour to really kick in. My gripe is the cost! The deductible on my prescription plan is so high, I use Good RX coupons and just pay myself. But a six pack of one shot inhalers is $106, and I'm going through 3-4 a week. It's killing me! Can't afford to keep it up.

I started using nasal Imitrex because my nausea made pills hard to keep down. I would recommend trying to understand your warning signs (different for everyone). I take the nasal spray paired with Phenergan (an anti-nausea) as soon as I start having symptoms. To avoid the nasty taste I would advise eating some saltines or drinking some sweet fruit juice if possible.

Always used the pill form of imitrix but with vomiting (from headache) sometimes I’d have to take another dose to be sure I absorbed enough to kill my headache. Last year I started on the nasal imitrix which is awesome (except for the bitter taste in the throat) my husband noted I have a terrible chemical /rubbing alcohol-like odor on my breath after using the nasal Spray. I’ve used it at work a few times, now I’m wondering how many coworkers are perplexed or suspicious of my breath ?? anyone else have terrible chemical breath after using this?

I am a 49 yr old male that has suffered with cluster headaches since I was 16. Back then there was very little treatment for cluster headaches. Since my headaches only lasted 45min to 1 hour, pills took to long to work. The 20mg spray has been god sent. It works about 99% of the time. I could not live without them. The taste is bad, but who cares. The big down side is that they are VERY expensive and my insurance only allows me to get 6 per month which is incredibly frustrating so i have to stock up in my off periods.

I have had migraines that happen to start around the time I started having irritable bowel syndrome and GERD for 30 yrs. ago. Lately, migraines only at pms time at age 54, but last longer. Needed to protect my GI track from irritation and was hard pressed to ever find relief. Progesterone pills have kept the room from spinning, that had caused vomiting, for a few yrs., but still got migraines. Imitrex nasal is great for no GI irritation and starts working within 1/2 hrs. Migraines usually were lasting at least 1 1/2 days, so find I have to take a second 20 mg dose, last time it was 19 hrs. after the first. During the 1 1/2 days while I would have have a migraine, I now have a regular headache. My migraines start at one side of the nasal area near the nose and wrap around to the back of the neck;They also simutaniously hurt the eye area. Keeping the sinusitus, that can more easily turn into stronger migraines, down with 500 mg. (3,000 gdu effective strength) bromelain 3X/day. Helps with back/neck pain too.

Beware using this drug. They don't tell you how it can cause lethal heart problems, even in those who have had no history. I will go to my grave knowing this drug killed my wife. 39 years old and gone.

I had Migraines for years. I started with Imitrex Injections and eventually changed to nasal spray. There is no bad taste once you learn how to use it correctly. Don't place it far into your nose and inhale gently 2 or 3 times and don't tip head back. I love that I can take it in the middle of church and not even be noticed. No water needed and I don't have to leave. Headaches are gone in 15 to 30 min. Love it!

I have had migraines for as long as I can remember. This year, I finally went to a doctor because I was tired of my migraines controlling my life. She first gave me the sumatriptan pills (10 mg at first, then 20 mg), but it didn't stop the vomiting. Therefore, I couldn't keep the medicine down long enough for it to start working. So, she prescribed me the nasal spray. When I took the first dose, I was a little worried that I wouldn't take it correctly. The directions made it seem so complicated. I also didn't realize how AWFUL it would taste, so I thought I had taken too many deep breaths or something after inhaling it. It took about 2 hours before my headache was completely gone. The migraine was pretty intense, but I didn't vomit at all, which surprised me. So I think the nasal spray does work. Sure, it's not as easy as the pill, but if it stops the vomiting and completely gets rid of my migraine, I'm happy.

It took 1 time for me, and it was the worst, i almost ended up in the emergency room , i had a reaction, and my migraine didnt go away.I was numbed all over, couldnt breath my throat was sore and tightness, and the next day a was in pain all over. It was very scary, i would never use this again, i guess everyone has a different reaction to it..

I have suffered from migraines for 15 years. I started useing the spray after the tablets made my stomach upset. Although it did work, I found the spray difficult to use correctly and it left a nasty taste in my mouth. I prefer the shot.

The Imitrex nasal spray first of all left a nasty taste in my mouth for about a half hour. My migraine was never relieved by the medication. Then to put the cherry on top of it all, it left me with an itch rash all over my face for 2 days! It was not fun or pretty.

I have suffered from cluster headaches for about twenty years, 30-45 minutes of intense pain waking me up from my sleep, imitrex nasal, and now oxygen, has given me the best results, headaches gone in 5-10 min.

I have tried everything and this 20mg spray is the only drug that is not a barbiturate (and therefore causes echo migraines)that works 95% of the time. I will tell you that the taste from the medicine down your throat is awful, but as everyone else said, totally worth it. As an fyi, I have the best luck with it if I take it immediately in the first signs of a migraines. Otherwise, it doesn't always work for me.

I suffer from cluster headaches, Imitrex gave me relief within 20 minutes after use. I use the nasal type and it does leave a bad taste in your throat, but it's far better the suffering the pain of these cluster headaches so I guess I can live with that!

The Imitrex Nasal Spray never worked that well for me. I had much better results with either the tablet form or the injection. The spray always left a very bad taste in the mouth.

ive NEVER had any medication work for me; not for ANY ailment!!! but this WORKED almost instantly for my cluster-type headache. i could not believe it. it tastes HORRIBLE down the back of your throat, but totally worth it. im in awe. i thought id have to deal with paralyzing facial pain shooting through my vision and across my face forever with no relief. but... this works. i highgly reccomend it.

OK...so I just recently found out that if I take my Imitrex nasal spray, along with 2 Aleve that the results are amazing! I used to have migraines that lasted 8-10 hours, and now they are gone within about an hour!