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Generic Name: tazarotene

Brand Name: Tazorac topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have suffered from acne my entire life and I’m now in my 40s. I started this about 7 years ago after trying everything else. Originally it was really effective. Unfortunately, it’s no longer working as well and I have a permanent pink hue that makes it appear that I have a sunburn all the time. I’m afraid to quit completely because my acne was really bad before and I only occasionally get the cysts that I did before I used it and it does have anti-aging benefits that make me look younger than my age.

It gets worse before it gets better. I’ve been using Tazorac for about five years now. When I first started, I had acne and blackheads really bad on my face. My dermatologist warned me that it’s going to bring all those impurities to the surface, so it’s gonna look worse, first but if I stick it through it’ll start to work. For about three weeks my acne was worse and I was so embarrassed. However, I stuck through it and it start clearing up after that and I haven’t had any issues since. I do get a bump here and there, mostly when it’s my monthly or I eat badly. However as soon as I use my cream, it’s gone within a couple of days. My back is a different story. While it clears up most bumps on my back, there have been some that it wasn’t able to tackle and they became scars. As far as acne scars it really hasn’t helped much. I can tell a slight difference but I also haven’t used it consistently on my back like I do my face. Also please only use it on effected areas. If you have nice skin in other areas, do not use it or it will not be nice anymore.

I followed the instructions to the letter. The side effects on my face...redness, itching, burning, inflammation, bumps.....were so severe after only one use, that that I had to see a doctor. I won't ever be trying this again.

I am now 1 year on this cream tazorac im no longer continuing i never had acne in my life so i dont know why my dermo told me its acne scaring i never had acne but i used the cream anyway if it works for acne i have no proof but scars didnt do anything but waste my money

Ive been using tazorac cream 0.05 n every nite 7 days a week for 10 months for acne scars now n i see no improvement n this is a 600 cream im done

It really works well for the acne but also tends to dry out my face and makes it a little more sensitive to everything. I strongly advise using at night before bed.

I am a 55 year old women who has suffered with acne, my skin and pigmentation issues have cleared. I thought there would be no hope. It works amazing.

Before this I had a good amount of acne, it was red and noticeable. Then I visited my derm and he prescribed this to me along with aczone and doxycycline. It worked wonders. My face was flawless after 3 months, however along the way I was peeling, red, itchy all the side effects possible. But I pushed through and after 3 months I was 100% clear. USE MOUISTERIZER!! it'll help with the side effects. Finally, one day I stopped using this medicine without progressively stopping and after about 5 months I broke out again so I started back on this and it kinda worked but not 100% like 70%! Try it!

So I have comedonal acne (i think thats how you spell it) and its basically just a bunch of little bumps all over my face. It's super annoying. I started with the cream, then .5, now I'm on .1. At first nothing happened then I started breaking out like crazy on one section of my face. This lasted for a couple weeks! I was depressed and upset that it wasn't working, but now its actually beginning to heal and the comedones aren't even really visible anymore. Gets worse before it gets better but hang in there! It could have the same affect as acutane

I have been struggling with acne since my teens. My acne cleared up for a few years but I started breaking out badly around my jawline. I tried everything to help clear up my skin and nothing worked. I finally went to see a dermatologist 4 days ago and she gave a sample of Tazorac and ACzone. I have been using both, ACzone in the morning and Tazorac at night and my skin has cleared up so much in just four days!. I had old acne marks and they completely dissapeared. Some of the cystic acne I had is almost gone too. I use Cetaphil to wash my face, that works really well too ans CeraVE to moisturize. All together, it's making miracles for my skin. This product is amazing!!!!

I am using this medication for adult acne and hormonal acne. I have been using it for just at 3 months and there isn't much improvement at all. I am calling my dermatologist to request a change. It wasn't worth the money. should have insisted on Retin-A. Worked much better when I used it years ago. Trusted the new derm with something new. calling today to request the Retin-A.

I have never written a review in my entire life but I just had to let everybody know how much of a life saver this product has been. I am 32 years old and I never had acne problems until I turned 30. I started getting a lot of pimples around my chin, then I started developing cystic acne. I would squeeze them only to find out that you can't and was scarring my face. After going to two different dermatologists and trying numerous prescribed creams and over the counter products nothing was working. I was so self conscious about my skin that I was wearing more makeup than ever before. For the first time in my life I was using foundation to go to the gym and even the beach. The last thing my dermatologist prescribed was epiduo which at first I thought I was going to run the same luck as with other creams because the first week i got two new big painful pimples but they dried up pretty fast. However, I was left with ugly brownish scarring that was not going away with anything. Then, my dermatologist gave me tazorac. This cream was a miracle! After only three days of using it, my scars started to disappear right before my eyes. My doctor warned me about developing sensitivity to sunlight and some irritation. She recommended to apply very little amount, every other day (only at night) at first and work my way up to a pea size every night, avoid getting too much sun, stay away from tanning beds, use moisturizer and sunblock. So far, my skin is not getting irritated. But honestly, after all I went through I can deal with all of those side effects as long as my skin clears up and I can feel good about my skin again because I was just losing hope before I started using tazorac. I am now using epiduo in the morning and tazorac at night and so far it is working wonderfully. I am looking forward to throwing away my foundation. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I went to the dermatologist today for a mole. After zapping it with nitroglycerin she addressed my skin which apparently is in good condition for my age (68) yes I have some wrinkles but I am living with them. She wants me to use Tazarac every day, it increases cel growth. I'm actually a bit shocked that the cosmetic nature of dermatology has gone to the next level.$$$$ Or should I be grateful for her concern for my aging skin? I went there for a mole came out second guessing my appearance.

Was previously using Aczone and Epiduo regime but then skin started to break out again. My dermatologist switched it up to Aczone and Tazorac and my skin is great! As others have mentioned for the first few weeks/month your skin will be very sensitive and peeling, but I went through the same thing when I started with the Aczone. As far as it being expensive my dermatologist gave me a rebate card for the product and the most i spent was $10. Im very happy with the way my skin looks and feels and will continue to use this as long as it keeps on working!

The bad: Expensive, skin gets worse before it gets better, sensitivity to sunlight, super dry skin The good: Gets rid of acne AND acne scaring!!! After the first month of two my skin transformed and now is as clear as it was when I was a child. The confidence I gained from my skin being near flawless is worth every single bad thing Tazorac has caused me.

I have been using this product for about a week and a half. I have very oily skin and it has dried my face out (which is not a bad thing). It has gotten rid of my preexisting acne and caused some peeling. The peeling goes away if I moisturize regularly. I have had a couple new pimples show up, but, if this works like the reviews say, I am hoping it will go away when my face gets used to the product.

Oh my goodness! I have been using this product along with Aczone for about two weeks now. What a difference! As I entered my late 30's I developed cystic type acne around my mouth and hair line. It was terrible! Painful and irritating. I also had red scars all over from the old acne. No amount of make up seemed to cover it and I hated piling it on. Seemed to just make it worse to pile on makeup! I've always had surface acne that was treated well with ProActiv, but that just was not cutting it with this new type of acne. So, I spoke to my dermatologist and she prescribed this. I have seen a dramatic difference. Not only is my cystic acne drying up and going away, but the red scarring is GONE! I haven't had skin this clear since before I hit puberty. Like I said, I've only been on this about two weeks, so I can't speak to the long term effects. I have noticed a bit of drying, but it is easily combated with a good moisturizer. I use Cere Ve for cleansing and moisturizing. Oh, my doctor also gave me a savings card which helped tremendously with the cost. I think you can get one online if you google it.

Started using this in November 2014, my skin has been 100% clear for a few weeks now. Initially I had horrible breakouts, worse than I've ever had, and my skin was red, dry, and peeling. This lasted probably 1-2 months, and it slowing started clearing up and I was left with mostly scarring. In January is when I really noticed is clearing up and now my skin is breakout and scar free after 4 months of use. My regime is CeraVe moisturizing cleanser in the AM followed by a topical antibiotic and CeraVe moisturizer. In the evening I use the same cleanser followed by the Tazorac cream. I will occasionally use Lush Mask of Magnaminty in the evening instead of the Cerave, which has really helped in keeping my skin clear. I use that about once a week. This product scares a lot of people off with the initial purge, but it is definitely worth it in the end. Just have to stick with it and take it slow so your skin can adjust.

I'be be on this for a while to treat acne and if anything its made either no difference or made it worse. My skin became extremely sensitive to the sunlight even being out less than 30 minutes in the sun causing bad burning for me which I have never had happen before taking. :(