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Generic Name: telithromycin

Brand Name: Ketek oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Closed up my throat, I could not breath, which necessitated an ambulance trip to the Emergency Rom.

I was given this back in 2004 for a sinus infection and got the visual side effects from it. Scary, since I was adelivery driver at the time.

Caused FULL LIVER FAILURE! BEWARE!!! This medication was prescribed for a severe sinus infection in 2004. I had a shot of it and then filled a once a day prescription of which I took one of. By the next day I was having double vision the speach problems. I was told it was an allergic reaction and was given benydryl and stopped taking the medication. Within three days of the first shot I was in the hospital with full liver failure and toxic ammonia poisoning to my brain. I lost three days in which I don't remember anything and woke up in ICU with an outlook that was truly frightening. My family had already been told that I had tried to commit suicide and would not make it. They assumed that I had overdosed on tylenol (although I had none in my system) because they had no other way to make sense of what was happening to me. The medication had only been on the market a few weeks when I was prescribed it so the doctors had not even heard of it at the hospital. It was a nightmare. Luckily I survived but I have heard about many that did not or had permanent damage from this medication. This is definately one to stay away from!!

This medicine was prescribed for my son to treat throat infection, he has Mysthenia Gravis. He had very severe reaction after taking this grug, he had not been told by his doctor because the literature had not stated the interference. Stay away from this if you are taking Mestinon, Tensilon or have MG.

Severe reaction, moments after taking became very read, heart palpatations, increased temp to 100 degrees. I was very thankful I was given as a sample and still in doctors office while I reacted, because I needs a shot of benadryl and something elese in counter act the reaction.

Very briefly, it almost killed me. Auditory hallucinations, shaking, red spots covering legs. I developed something called (not sure if I'm getting this correctly) Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Truly it was the most frightening experience of my life.

i was prescribed this medicine for acute sinus infections but i am so scared to take this drug since it has so many side effects,,anyone know anything about this drug

Used this when i had Pnenmonia, it was the only med. working.

caused death of my father

My doctor prescribed this drug for a severe sinus infection and sore throat that nothing else would get rid of.