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Generic Name: teriparatide

Brand Name: Forteo subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It’s 710/22 and I’m 2 years and 2 months on Forteo. Due to staffing issues my DECA scan has not been scheduled and my endocrinologist appointment canceled. I’ve been reflecting on my physical and mental health while on Forteo and have reached a point that I’m exhausted from the nausea, aching body and not having energy. Recently I’ve had a severe GERD episode and feeling even worse. Idk if it is tied to the Forteo. So I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just not worth feeling this way. I’ve never had a broken or fractured anything and eat calcium rich foods. Crossing my fingers that in time I will feel like myself again.

I completed 2 years of Forteo injections April-end 2022. However, I had a lot of side effects and ended up injecting only twice a week (Thursday and Sunday) because that's all I could tolerate. In 2021 I had a 9% increase in bone density. My endocrinologist has me continuing beyond the 2 years because I only inject twice a week and she's pleased with the bone density increase. My body didn't react well to Fosamax so I couldn't stay on that. I have Leiden Factor 5 which can create blood clots do there are other drugs I can't take. IDK yet how long I will continue to stay on Forteo. I have an upcoming appointment with endocrinologist and will have a Dexa scan before then. My recent fasting lab results were great. I recently tried injecting Forteo more frequently and had a horrible reaction...severe body aches, headache, nausea. Thought my body might have been able to tolerate more after 2 years. The twice a week Forteo injection still makes be slight nauseated at times and slightly achy. I've put on weight, but have notice an enlargement and thickness to my belly area which is uncomfortable and feels strange. I'll share this with my doctor at my next visit.

This is an update from my 7/27/20 posted on my progress with Forteo. I could not tolerate the side effects so began injecting twice a week (Thursdays mornings & Sundays at 6 pm). I've been using the whole cartridge despite the 28 day expiration. I went to my endocrinologist in May after a dexa scan and labs. She said my bone density increased 9%, so that's good news. I also am very conscientious to make sure I get calcium and D3 in meals, plus I take 1,000 IU of D3. I walk 4-5 miles about 4 times a week and do stretching, etc. I've never had a fracture and am healthy in every other way. Forteo still makes me achey but not as bad as when I injected more frequently; and my body feels thick. I'm going to stay on it for another year injecting twice a week. Not sure what happens after the second year if up. Note: Occasionally I have a glass of wine, but I noticed that it makes my body ache relentlessly for a couple days. Forteo has a warning about caffiene and alcohol but doesn't explain it. Hope this helps.

I have not had any side effects. The needle injections are very tolerable. After 1 year, I had a noteworthy improvement in my bone density test results. My 2nd year test will be in May. I hope to see the same improvement. I fell once a few months ago and did not break any bones. This medication can build bone strength. Other medications, like Boniva, are intended to “maintain” strength. If you are at risk, you need a bone building medication like Forteo.

I took this for 18 months and stopped.I had gained but got tired of injection daily. Took Evista for couple years and lost all I gained. Now back on to finished out the last 6 months allowable. I'm having problems with memory. Seems to have started when I began Forteo???

I hate injections but Forteo with nano needles is barely a pinprick. Only takes 5 minutes a day and no side effects except small temporary welt at the site, like an insect bite but no pain or itch. Much less onerous than fosamax if you ask me. Has to be refrigerated so puts a damper on travel but otherwise no big deal. After 2 years, no big change in my spine but femoral neck BMD increased by 0.042 g/cm2 and Z-score went from -1.9 to -1.6. Total hip Z-score went from -2.2 to -1.7, still terrible of course but way better than it was. It's important to get weight-bearing exercise while taking it, I walked 2 miles every day. I know people complain about the high cost of this drug, I believe it even won some kind of "award" for being overpriced relative to its benefit. I paid about $4,000 a year and for me it was well worth it. Fortunately I have a good Part D plan which paid the rest, at least $30,000 I think. But now seems a generic version is approved so hopefully more people will be able to afford and take advantage of this drug.

You can just roll over on your bed and have a fracture, my rheumatologist warned, after viewing my bone density result. That was after injection prolio regimen. Within two minutes, My Injection forteo was started, on 4/5/19. I religiously took the daily injection till June 15, 2020. I went in again for a follow up after I had another bone density exam. "your bone density has not changed much", he said. That is the day I made up my mind that the torture isn't worth it for me, to continue forteo. so I am done.

I last posted 7/8/20-began forteo injection every other day. With each injection symptoms of hurting all over and nausea increased. Messaged my dr 7/26/20 that I will try injecting every third day to try reap whatever benefit for my bones. I'm very healthy and active, but the side effects are knocking me down and it takes longer to recover on off day. Wish I didn't have side effects. Will provide future updates in hope of helping others.

I beginning my 4th month on Forteo for osteoporosis. No fractures or broken bones. Walk 4 miles several times a week, not overweight or any other health issues. By the 3rd month, occasional nausea, fatigue became constant. Messaged my doctor and will now inject every other day to see if I can tolerate better. Non-fasting lab showed elevated glucose of 145 which I've never had before. Hope every other day is better.

I have been on Forteo for one year. My L spine was -3.7 year ago this year itâ??s -3.1. My femur went from -1.5 to -2.4.

I started using Forteo in July of 2018 after experiencing a painful fracture at T12. Like my mother and grandmother before me, I suffer from severe osteoporosis. the T12 fracture was my first fracture. After seeing how debilitating the disease was to my family I jumped to action. Forteo is very easy to use. Quick, painless injection every morning. I have had some side effects...I found I did the best by ignoring them and eventually they went away. My doctor recommended liquid vitamin D at a high dose and a high calcium diet which I have been faithfully following. The pain I had in my lower back for years before starting Forteo has left me and the area of the fracture at T12 is significantly improved. I feel stronger and better than I have in years. My doctor plans to switch me to another drug (IV) to maintain the bone I have built when I finish Forteo in just 4 months. Do the best for yourself - try this drug. Don't be discouraged by negative reviews. We are all different! And don't start focusing on side effects from the get go. Know that they will pass.

Very dangerous medicine, Should not be prescribed, i took it for a month and regret it, i have been suffering from debilitating bone pan, muscle weakness, unstable on my feet, difficulty walking and falling. I was perfectly normal before forteo. Doctors are not aware of these life changing side effects and prescribe it for the kick backs they get from pharmaceutical companies, This medicine is not fully tested and should not be in the market. I am now seeing an orthopedist for severe pain in the knees, thighs, shins, ankles and feet. I have also lost an inch in height. All in 6 months! I hope i regain my strength in my legs and am able to walk normally again. I donâ??t know if this will happen. I feel the damage is permanent and is getting worse each day. I rue the day my doctor at Shands prescribed this for me. Please stay away from this drug.

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 56 after a routine DEXA scan. Total surprise, although I had a complete hysterectomy at age 50, and some history of osteoporosis in my family. My endocrinology N.P. put me on Forteo, a self injection a day for 2 years, as a first treatment b/c of my relatively young age, b/c I have some digestive issues, and also to try building bone first before trying to hold onto bone as Fosamax and its peers do. I gave myself the final injection last night. A bone scan last week revealed 5% improvement in my hip, which wasn't my main problem area, and a 30% improvement in my spine! I have been in a weight training program 2x a week along with a lot of walking for 2 years. The injections were simple and practically painless. I had occasional mild bruising or redness that went away quickly. Occasional mild pain in my legs may have been from the drug but who knows. There is a risk of increased calcium i the blood, but I did not experience this. I thought carefully about the statistics of risk for this drug; women who take it have a .01% change of developing a rare bone cancer. One in ten thousand. But, women of the same age who never took the drug have the exact same level of risk. Meanwhile, the risk of death within a year or two of a hip fracture is 20% for women over the age of 50. Statistically speaking, my choice to try Forteo was a no-brainer. I was able to use the Eli Lily coupon of $4 a month b/c I'm not on a government medical plan. I meet soon with my N.P. to discuss the next step in my care.

My spine was so damaged that three vertebrae broke - the second three weeks after the first, and the third 4 weeks after the third. No falls, no bumps - the first broke while coughing. I took Forteo for 18 months, every single day I took calcium supplements, and some foods with calcium. I had no side effects. My bone scan after 18 months showed a NORMAL spine. I am thrilled with this medicine; i myst wish it were not so expensive.

Injection easy but stomach cramps within 20 minutes afterwards

In May, I sneezed and fell to the floor. Felt like I'd been shot in the back. Turns out, it was a compression fracture of T-11, T-12. My BMI showed a -4.3. Five months and 3 or 4 more fractures later, I received Forteo. I had been in debilitating acute pain for 5 months. Within 3 weeks, I could feel Forteo helping me heal. I had a minor side effect of sore throat for 4 months. I am at seventh month of Forteo and notice my knees ache and are weak. Other minor bone pain, but my back is no doubt better. I am hoping to be able to continue Forteo for the whole 24 months. My worry is over what comes next. Wish I could stay on it. Best healing thoughts for all of you suffering from severe osteoporosis.

This medicine has not worked for me at all! 3 months after taking the shots I lost a front tooth from this medicine! I did not realize that is one of the side effects! RUN!

I have been using Forteo for about 4 months now. I am now unable to walk without help due to my legs and feet in so much pain. I can't put any weight on them or they begin to shake. The pain is unbearable. I also have more breathing problems and a bad cough. I will not go back to using this medication ever again. I've been in so much pain, I do not wish this pain on anyone or anything. I would love to know if there is anyone that has had these same reactions and how long do they last. I've already been down for over a month with no answers.

Have had so many fractures in the past several yrs and no other osteoporosis medication helped or caused bad side effects. Forteo has given me the worst side effects but I broke my back after a small fall and my endocrinologist suggested one last drug try of Fortro. After 2 weeks 80% of my very thick hair fell out. Recurring severe pain level of 8 to 9 started at 3 weeks. On third vial now. Have to nap each day. Joint Pain horrid. Am afraid to stop taking it. I am having a pain pump implanted in a month due to other back pain that is not surgically fixable. I am praying it will help with the forteo pain.

I just finished 2 years of Forteo 5/2018. As of now 9/2018 I was hospitalized with diverticulitis complicated by an abscess in my colon due to diverticulitis. I didn't know diverticulitis was a possible side effect of Forteo until recently. Diverticulitis is very painful and now will define the rest of my life in terms of diet to avoid flare ups. Wondering if anyone else developed diverticulitis after being on Forteo.