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Generic Name: ticlopidine

Brand Name: Ticlid oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

burning sensation in hands, joints ache,feet burn and tingle, back hurts,liver enzymes are elevated, tired no energy,cant hear, and have big mood swings since starting tixlis

Had A Stent placement in March 09, I had a severe reaction to Plavix 4 weeks after placement, didn't see it coming, it all happened within 7 hours after going to bed. Unbelievable.....now 6 weeks later I am experiencing dizzyness when lying down and when getting up....and have also had some severe sinus issues , I'm not quite sure if this might be the cause.

I have had non-stop diahrea(up to 9 times daily) since taking Ticlid. I was initially on Plavix but allergic to it. Switched to Ticlid and 3-4 wks later the diahrea began and continues.

the intended use is adiquate. Question efects of tooth extraction

No problems, except for bruising,until now. I have developed a rash on my chest, and wonder if this could be from the Ticlid

Started taking in Jan 08 after caritoid stenosis, continued using, started getting violent pounding in head, palpitatations in head, neck, chest .arms and legs. Tongue very sore, corners of mouth bleeding. In 8 weeks I had a chronic sinus infection (3 courses of antibiotics did;nt do anything, Then upper respitory infection, then chest infection, then bacterial infection of ulcers that came out of nowhere, then a yeast infection. Blood pressure went up to 179/87 constantly. Blood pressure medicine given. By this time I felt so ill went to ER. Given more antibiotics, nystatin suspension> The nausea,lightheadiness, terrible weakness, lots of bruising on arms and legs (dont know how I got the bruises -had'nt banged into anything. Weakness, my blood pressure changed -it dropped drastically to 79/50 and stayed around that figure for about 3 weeks. I just felt so ill nobody seemed to be able to help-all the medications just made things worse. I decided to go to a cardioligist because the pounding and palpitations were getting out of hand, I felt like I was going to explode. I told him all that had happened in the previous 3 monthes, and a huge list of all the medications I had been prescribed. He was horrified. He said he knew exactly what it was and asked me why I was taking Ticlopidine. I said the doctor started prescibing it the day after surgery and I had been taking it since Jan. He said he only gives this particular drug to his patients for a short time when they are still in hospital and careful monitering of the blood is required. I told him I was prescribed it, had had refills of the drug, nobody had mentioned blood work at all over the past few monthes to check . He told me the drug can inhibit and stop the white cells from reproducing and now have a condition like Leukemia.He told me to stop taking the drug. I am on the mend, feel much better, my symptoms are going. If I had not gone to a cardioligist I hate to thing of what the eventual outcome would of been

I bruise very easily and am living with constant itching and rashes. I can't take plavix